The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1785: Targeted at 1st level

Jun Chang laughs very professionally. After receiving Chen Jinqiao's money, naturally he will not go to make trouble, it is delicious and delicious to take care of along the way.

The results of it?

The guy ran straight out, yelling loudly for help.

If this is not explained clearly, how else do people think they abuse him?


The steward also ran out of Van Gogh, angrily: "You are dead today!"

On the way, he was like a grandson, and now when he came to his own place, Chakra was released in his body, and finally he could be brazen and arrogant, because he firmly believed that the son asked for help with a transmission stone, and the family must come to help immediately.


Jun often smiles and shakes his head.

The son of the Chen family and the steward were a little anxious.

If you really want to kill people, you can easily kill them at this moment.


Suddenly, a strong breath came from a distance, only to see a few strong men flying with a strong aura, hanging in the blink of an eye over the Vanguard.


Chen Jinqiao saw this and cried, "Save me!"

There are four warriors standing in mid-air, headed by a middle-aged and elderly man wearing gorgeous brocades. His horns are white, but his eyes are sharp like swords.

"Coming so soon?" Jun Chang smiled a little surprised.

From asking for help to now, it will be at most one minute.


Chen Nianjia frowned, Shen said, "What's going on?"

"Second elder!" The steward pointed at Jun Chang and said angrily: "My son and I went to the Holy Medicine Realm to collect medicines, were hijacked by this guy, and also ransomed millions of crosses!"


Jun Chang smiled unpleasantly: "Things can be eaten indiscriminately, but words cannot be spoken indiscriminately."

He never considered himself to be hijacked, not to be blackmailed, because you did it first, but I chose to turn Gangan into a jade if you didn't fight.

"Dare to blackmail my Chen family."

Chen Nianjia's anger appeared on her face, and she said, "The courage is not small."


Jun often laughs too hard to explain.

In fact, no matter how he explained it, it was pale, and the solution to the problem was to refuse to accept it!

The Chen Nianjia and the Chen's several strong men also think so. It is learned that they are being hijacked and blackmailed, and the whole body's breath is becoming more and more intense. Obviously they are ready to start at any time.


The steward said fiercely: "Let's die!"

It is undeniable that the scene of beating Shang Zhonghou in the 100,000 people of the Holy Medicine World is too terrible, but the latter is only one person. Now in his own place, there are many Chen family members and horses, how can he be afraid of him!

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this time, more Chen family members flew in, and the number gradually increased from several hundred to several thousand.

Although the Chen family mainly engaged in business in the crossing of the heavens, anyway, it is a well-known family and must have its own armed forces.

"Brother Chen!"

"what happened?"

The gathering of so many people alarmed many passing powerhouses.

Knowing that Chen Jiayi was hijacked for blackmail, they all came over and looked at Jun Chang with a hostile look.

"This guy is a bit stunned."

"Judging by the strange attire, it must not be me who crossed the heavens."

"The kidnapping of Chen Gongzi dared to come, he was too brave!"

"Don't plan to go out!"

At this time, the united front of the martial arts soldiers across the sky, and treats the alien monarch as an enemy.

The most exciting thing is that many people have heard the news, more and more powerful people are flying from all directions, and they are not here to help the crowd, but to help out!


The dog is speechless.

Well, even if you hijack blackmail, you are just talking to the Chen family. What passers-by are you following?


Li Qingyang said, "It's not good!"

At this moment, there are as many as tens of thousands of warriors gathered over the Vango, and many warriors are rushing to hear the news. If not curbed, I am afraid it will attract less than half of the heavens.

Chen Nian Jiali was in the air. Although she was releasing her momentum, she never did anything, and even a little pride appeared on her face.


did you see that.

This is my network of Chen Jia. Even if you do n’t deliberately summon, there will be many martial artists to help!

"call out!"

"call out!"

More and more warriors flew over, and their strength was not weak. At least they started to find the real world, and there was no shortage of opportunities.

In the first two chapters, Jun Chang laughed very well to explain what a sect is to single out a person, but now it also explains what a sect is to face a plane.


Liu Sinan frowned.

There are too many powerful people to come to aid, especially if there are no less than 20 or 30 opportunities in half a day, this kind of power alone will make it difficult for Wanzong to compete!



At this moment, a torrential weather wave permeated.

Jun Chang laughed and waved in his heart. He hurriedly looked up and saw a white-haired old man standing on a mountain peak in the distance. Although his eyes were cloudy, he seemed to be able to see through his heart.

"Old ancestral Qiling!"

"Why is he here!"

"Oh my god, this is an old strong man, Shenlong never sees the end!"

Crossed the martial arts exclaimed.

"People of the Chen family?" Qiling, the ancestor who stood on the top of the mountain, said, the sound seemed to contain some kind of power, and the space shuddered.

"Muffy ..."

Jun Chang smiled unusually and solemnly and said, "The heavenly realm?"


The system said: "A real world of real value."

"It is indeed a first-class plane!" Jun Chang smiled secretly.

With the exception of Gu Tianxing and the Lord of the Mountains and Seas, this is the first time that he has encountered a real celestial powerhouse. Regardless of his expression or breath, he is by no means comparable!

"The old man traveled all over the world and once met the ancestors of the Chen family. Now that his descendants are in trouble, naturally they will not stand idly by." Qiling ancestors began to understand the situation.


Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "Done!"

If there are only dozens of half-step geniuses and tens of thousands of seeking truth, he is confident that he can fight with them, but it is impossible, and he uses various hole cards.

Nowadays, with the opportunity to participate, the problem can be even greater.

I knew it.

Should not come!

Jun Chang smiled and regretted it regretfully, but unfortunately he didn't regret it. At this moment, even if he wanted to go out, it would be difficult, because all the soldiers who crossed the heavens were surrounded.

"Thank you senior!"

Chen Nianjia arched her hands, her pride was even better.

Even the top powerhouses who have crossed the heavens have come to support themselves, and they definitely have face!


Thank you so much.

Let my Chen family have a long face in front of the martial arts!

The old ancestor of Qiling smiled at Jun Chang and said, "Are you grabbing your hands or are your husband doing it?"


Jun Chang laughed: "This is a misunderstanding!"


Chen Jinqiao growled, "Why didn't I hear you misunderstanding when I saved my money!"

There were families, martial arts soldiers, and top powerhouses, and his gall finally grew, and his anger flickered as if he could burn everything to nothing.


Jun Chang sighed helplessly.

Don't look at his apparent calmness. In fact, he is panic-stricken, and is thinking about whether to use the final killer to bring the battleship and his disciples into the eternal world with a thunderbolt.


Just as Jun Chang laughed and thought, the ancestor of Qiling waved his hand, and the strong heaven and earth attributes condensed the palm print, saying: "My husband must hurry."

Although the palm print was not pressed down, the breath of breath was abnormally terrifying, which not only shocked the powerful men, but also shocked Jun Chang's laugh, and said in his heart, "I'm afraid it's too late!"


"The ancestors of Qiling went out on their own, they must have caught it!"

"Poor guy ~ ~ don't see what this place is, he dared to come in brightly!"



The mammoth palm was pressed down.

However, just as he was about to catch Jun Chang laughing, he suddenly stopped.

The ancestor of Qiling looked up and frowned slightly.

"call out--------"

Just at this moment, two streamers crossed the barriers of space in an absolute and overbearing manner, floating in the sky across the sky.

The ancestors of Qiling dreaded a little, and said, "Gu Tianxing!"

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