Five years.

Five full years.

Van Gogh always walks in the universe.

During this time, Jun Chang laughed through many planes, realized different customs, gained a little sublimation in his mood, and earned a lot of martial arts resources.

Don't ask how to make money, ask to be a grandfather.

of course.

Also sublime with the state of mind.

After all, a businessman must not only be able to talk, but also bargain, otherwise how to make a profit?


Flying from a certain plane, Shangguan Yanyao skillfully formulated the route: "It is expected to reach the heavens in about half a month."


Jun Chang smiled and leaned on the seat, dragging his face with one hand.

For five years, he did not leave traces of his time on his delicate face. Instead, he exuded a stronger sense of superiority, and the savvy and cunning of a businessman. It is a contradictory body that combines majesty and market power.

"call out--------"

Van Gogh cut through the void and flew towards the crossing heaven.

As for Jun Changxiao's previous plane, a group of local warriors with blue and swollen faces lay on the ground and shouted in unison: "Sarco, you bastard, who is not good enough, but a demon!"

Sarko didn't say anything, because the stunned man died long ago.

This was the case. At the beginning of the Vango flying in the universe, it almost collided with other warships. When the other party opened the door, it was a curse, and even picked up a summons to shake people.


Jun often laughs and angers in his heart.

I drive straight.

You ran over from the side.

When i'm blind Can't see the porcelain?


Saco held the summons and pointed at the dog's left nose and said angrily, "Lao Tzu's person will come right away, and leave your life today without giving money!"

"Wait, it's too slow."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "It's better to go to your site."

Sacco was a little dazed, and dared to go for a long time. For the first time, he voluntarily went to his own place.

"it is good!"

"Come on with courage!"

As a result, he brought Jun Changxiao home with a smile, but at first glance, he led a group of ... a group of demons!

The plot behind it was nothing more than a local warrior who took the lead for him, and eventually fell to the ground, not only injured, but also lost the space ring.

It is good not to touch the porcelain with a smile by Jun Chang, even if you want to touch him, I don't know how to write it.


Cross the heavens.

Gu Tianxing stood outside the Xinghai League Hall and said, "There are only three days left on the day of the event. Why haven't the puppy thieves returned?"

Peng Vice League leader whispered: "Will you release your pigeons?"


Gu Tianxing frowned.

"In my opinion," said the elder, "Jun Chang laughed and did not take the holy war of the universe seriously, otherwise five years ago, he would not let so many disciples sign up for the competition."

It ’s been so long, and everyone still ca n’t understand the behavior of a sect who sent dozens of disciples to battle.

"will not."

Gu Tianxing said: "I believe that guy."

Saying this in his mouth, he was thinking, "Shit boy, you must dare to dove me, no matter how far away you are!"

"call out------"

At this moment, the sky was distorted, a magnificent battleship flew over, and then docked slowly on the lawn at the foot of Xinghai League Mountain.


The cabin opened the door, and Jun Chang laughed out of it with a smile, shouting, "Uncle, the younger generation is here!"

Sounds like Hong Zhong, ringing across the heavens.

The geniuses who were heading to Dutian City to participate in the qualifiers stopped and frowned.


Suddenly stronger than ever!

"I had an unpredictable feeling in this qualifier ..." A contestant said solemnly.

"You don't need to worry." The old servant accompanying him laughed: "There are 50 places in this qualifier, and as long as you occupy one seat, you can go to the galaxy to advance."


The young contestant let go and immediately shook his head and laughed at himself: "Maybe during this time the cultivation was too hard, and the qualifiers were too important, and they became miserable."


Xinghai League, the main hall.

Gu Tianxing took a closer look at Jun Chang and found that in the past five years, he seemed to have become more temperamental and slippery.


Jun Chang laughed: "This time when I went abroad, I happened to encounter a world dominated by medicinal materials, and brought back many medicinal materials with different qualities, so please accept it."

A variety of natural treasures and various potted plants appear out of thin air.

Gu Tianxing was very researched in this regard, and immediately became interested, but soon he looked suspiciously: "Will you not steal it?"


Jun Chang smiled silently: "They were all bought with a lot of money, with receipts and invoices."

"My nephew is interested."

Gu Tianxing waved all the herbs away.

At first shouting Jun dog thief puppy thief, but now he changed his mouth to a virtuous nephew, this attitude change is too real.


Gu Tianxing said, "Where is my son?"

"Every day is going through the drill, and you can come back tomorrow." Jun Chang laughed.


Gu Tianxing said, "Where are your disciples?"

"They're going through it."


Gu Tianxing said silently: "The qualifier is imminent and they are not allowed to come back quickly. Have you taken the holy war of the universe seriously?"


Jun Chang laughed, "I'm serious!"


In the past five years, he has always emphasized that the disciples should be diligent in their cultivation, and behaved very seriously, even as a top priority.

No wonder just shouted a moment ago, martial arts athletes participating in the competition will be under great pressure. After all, the elders of Dangerlang became very scary. This must be taken seriously, and there is no hope at all.


Five years passed quickly.

Three days passed naturally faster.

This day.

Elderly world, sunny to cloudy, excellent air.


Jun Changxiao stepped out of the hall, while setting up the cape for the monarch, while arranging the collar, he said loudly: "Gather."


Outside the mountain, Xiao Xinji put down the mountain and quickly returned to Zongmen.

In the morning sun, the exposed muscles look bright and bright.

It can be seen that although the physical body has been tempered for five years, although the realm has not been substantially improved, I am afraid that a lot of points have been added to the defense.

Xiao Yan: "Don't add defense because you're worried?"


It was early in the morning.

One meter of sunlight came through the window.

Su Xiaomo got up and went to the closet to take out the brand-new vanguard school uniform. After spreading it, he looked back at Xia Shuiyun, who was still asleep, and secretly said, "I will come as soon as I go."


Open the door gently ~ ~ Close the door gently.

However, when he stepped out of the small courtyard built five years ago, a lazy voice came from behind: "Wait for me?"

Xia Shuiyun was awake, she leaned in front of the window, and the blue silk like a waterfall scattered randomly, looking very feminine.

"Afraid of delaying your rest."


The door opened, and Xia Shuiyun had put on her school uniform and **** the scattered black hair. She said, "Don't forget, I'm your fiancee and a disciple of Wanzong."


Su Xiaomo was a little silent, stretched out his hand, and smiled, "Go."

Xia Shuiyun gave him a white look, but still reached out, then left the family that had been established for five years, and formally returned to Wanzong.

Life winner.

Su Xiaomo.

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