The Pleiades galaxy race is about to start, and more and more warriors are pouring into the main city of the Upper Yuan. There are long-established old strong men and young and up-and-coming rising stars.

Xun Jun often laughs at nothing with flowers and roses in the bustling area to experience different customs.

青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others are temporarily staying in the guesthouse. Most of the time is used for rest. After all, the boat and car have arrived, and they must improve their condition to the best before the start of the race.


He Hewu was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, his expression a little tangled.

He wants to be low-key.

However, the suzerain has to make himself high-profile.

If you do n’t recognize Van Cong, He Wudi would never participate in such a large-scale event.

"No more, no more."

I think for a moment, he got up and sat on the bed, rubbing his face with both hands, his expression solemnly said: "The lord is not thin to me, but he can only do his best."

He He Wudi has decided that the race must be seriously invested.

But, still thinking about whether to continue the old way of qualifying.


"Three years ago, I stumbled all the way to the promotion, but instead became the focus of the game. This time the race must be controlled."

When participating in the qualifiers, He Wudi has been deliberately suppressing cultivation, and each time he wins is very difficult and lucky, which has aroused the curiosity of the audience.

Acting did not say.

Even Gu Tianxing didn't see it.

But He Wudi's original intention was to regard himself as the most common being in all sentient beings, but it turned out to be contrary to his wishes, because his performance was too lucky and he repeatedly won. As a result, the audience became the focus.

in contrast.

Although Ye Yexing was shocked every time Ma Yu resolved his opponent, everyone looked boring after watching three or five games.

I am used to eating mountain and sea food.

Occasionally pickled pickles and radishes are actually pretty good.

He Hewu was aware of this, so he decided not to perform too mediocre after the start of the race, and he won't be paid attention to by using his strength to defeat the opponent.

Uh ...

Within the city.

Xun Jun often laughed and ate a piece of stinky tofu with local characteristics, and felt that his soul was almost going to heaven.

Yanhua rose away from him and squeezed her nose gently.

"It's delicious."

Xun Jun often brought a copy with a smile and said, "You come to taste."

Flower Rose took a few steps back in a hurry, apparently very resistant to this stinky food.

"You don't eat me."

Xi Jun often laughed and ate another copy, and secretly said in his heart: "If you let yourself choose, you would rather eat stinky tofu every day, and never eat the dark food made by that woman!"

The two continued to walk on the bustling streets, because one was handsome and the other beautiful, and naturally became the focus of passers-by.


Suddenly, a cold drink came from the street: "You don't have eyes?"

Because her voice was too loud, she immediately caught the attention of passers-by and turned around to look at it.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Look at the lively past."

Flower rose is a little stunned, because the husband actively took his own hand and walked to the passerby area.

"You hit me."

"Fart, Lao Tzu came out of the shop, and it was you who ran head on!"

Xi Jun often laughed and squeezed in from the crowd with a flower rose, and then she saw a burly middle-aged man and a cowardly-looking man standing outside a certain shop.

"What do you want?" The Pengfa man said lightly.

"Lost money."

The middle-aged man always put on a fierce look, and at first glance it was the kind of grumpy brother.

"How many?"

"One thousand spirit stones."


The puppet man waved and threw a fist-sized spirit stone and said, "No need to find it."

Seeing this, people from Kushiro shook their heads and said, "This kid is too irritating."

In fact, many eyewitnesses saw that the middle-aged person ran into it head-on, and even had a deliberate intention. As a result, the victim took the initiative to lose money.


Holding a yuan stone that is more precious than a thousand spirit stones, the expression on the face of the middle-aged man is a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.


The middle-aged man yelled, "I said a thousand yuan stones!"


Xun Jun often laughed silently.

货 This article was clearly talking about a thousand spirit stones, and suddenly changed to Yuanshi, extortion and extortion.

As a companion, the dog remains very scornful.

Wu Pengfa stopped and said, "You are a little greedy."

"Less nonsense." The middle-aged man walked over and said, "Since you've lost money, lose money quickly ..."


Suddenly, his body suddenly stunned, his head tilted forward, and his anger was quickly replaced by the dullness.

The puppet man did not know when to stand in front of the middle-aged person, his right hand had penetrated his chest, then leaned against the other person's ear, and whispered, "Go to **** for money."


I drew my **** hand, and turned away, regardless of the dead body.

He just smiled at him and said, "Your movement is quite fast."


The walking dog shrugged.

The position where he and Hua Rose stand is just behind the middle-aged person, and the enchantment body is formed immediately when the opponent releases, avoiding being splashed with blood.

"If you are a contestant, I would really like to fight with you." When the Pengfa man spoke, people had gone far.

Xun Jun often smiles and frowns.

From admitting to losing money to decisive killing, this guy is a bit unusual.

"Fu Jun."

Yanhua Rose said with a dignified gaze: "This man's intention to kill was just terrible."


Killing intent can only be cultivated in endless killings, which shows that Pengfa men should have experienced many battles of life and death.

"This guy is dangerous."

Xun Jun often laughed and saw the granddaughter of Guixu Sword Saint, and also met the disciple of Dao Yuanzong.



At this moment, several streamers flew from a distance, and UU read the book www. stopped the Pengfa man.

The old man, headed by 喝, yelled, "There is a clear stipulation in the city that fighting is prohibited. You not only violate the rules, but also hurt your life. It is unforgivable!"

"It really shocked the Law Enforcement Hall."

"It's all killed, they must be out."

"There is a good show!"

The passerby whispered.

The puffing man showed something without panic.

That is a face token, with a complex pattern engraved on it, like a ghost dance.

When a few law enforcement court strongmen saw this, their eyes flickered with fear, and the head of the team hurried away and ordered: "Hurry up and clean up the corpses!"


His servants began to get busy.

The puffing man walked straight, and the martial artists on the road avoided each other, like a group of birds that startled their bows.

"Identity is not simple." Jun Chang smiled.

The strong man in the Law Enforcement Hall came fiercely, and as a result, he was discouraged at the sight of the token. This person is not only very dangerous, but I am afraid there is a strong backstage.


Regarding Tianxing: "I did not expect that the righteous son of the Demon Emperor also participated in this cosmic jihad."

"Heaven Emperor Yoshiko?"

Xi Jun often smiled with a serious expression on his face.

Regarding Gu Tianxing, he said: "It is rumored that there are eighty-one righteous sons under the Emperor's knees, and each of them is the most extraordinary genius in the world."


Xi Jun often laughed and said silently: "Is this guy sick? What are you doing with so many sons?"

"I feel ..."

System growled: "What you should care about most is when Uncle Gu came!"

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