The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1804: Iron Bone Li Shangtian (aka; The Disgrace of Eternal Sect ...

There are many top talents in the galaxy race.

However, from the perspective of Jun Changxiao, the most threatening to the disciples is the fierce Pengfa man.

The reason is simple.

This is a wolf that survived the cruel environment.

In particular, I will not forget that the killing and brutality in my eyes were revealed when I hit the porcelain man with a punch yesterday.


Ling Li stepped onto the platform.

At this moment, no matter from what angle you look at it, it feels very ordinary, the more so, the more you make Jun Chang laugh and worry.


Gu Tianxing solemnly said, "Be prepared mentally."

Although Li Shangtian dropped Chu Elegy in the qualifiers, he proved himself very well, but this time his opponent was the righteous son of the Emperor of the Demon, and he couldn't be bullish.

Unless ... the opponents encountered are disciples such as Li Qingyang or Ye Xingchen.


He Wudi frowned.

Li Shangtian also seemed to realize that his opponent was a bit strong, but his original nervousness calmed down.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "You can't surrender but fight."


Li Shangtian wanted to cry a little.

Before he started, the suzerain had no hope for himself!

Jun Chang smiles not because he doesn't hope, but because he doesn't want his disciples to be hurt, because this fierce is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Who knows if it will suddenly become brutal.

Just one game.

There are other disciples who lost.

There is no need to go to a wolf.


Li Shangtian doesn't think so.

Since I fought on behalf of Wan Guzong, I will lose even if I lose.


does not exist!


Li Shangtian stood upright, gasping up the mountain and channeling: "Li Shangtian, disciple of all ancients, please enlighten me!"

"This guy really plans to fight hard?"

Jun Changxiao originally wanted to continue to discourage him, but felt the tendency of the iron bones, and immediately dispelled his thoughts.

This is a disciple's decision. How can he interfere?


Su Xiaomo cheered Li Shangtian in his heart: "You must be OK!"

Ling Li didn't speak from beginning to end, without any emotion in his eyes, standing like a stake.

"Battle, start!"

"call out"

The referee's shout just sounded, and Li suddenly appeared in front of Li Shangtian. His right hand gathered powerful energy to penetrate the void and blasted past. This fast speed surprised Gu Tianxing.

"not good!"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.


Suddenly, the blasting sound sounded in the bucket, causing a wave of gas.

"Huh! Huh!"

Ripples visible to the naked eye, rippling layer by layer.


"So much movement?"

The audience was dumbfounded.

He Wudi's performance just now is very fierce, but compared with the fierce shot, there is still a big gap.

It can also be seen from this that he must win the game.


On the platform, air waves were gradually dispersed by the wind.

Li Shangtian was standing on the edge, covering his chest with one hand, a pained expression appeared on his face.

"Don't fall?"

Ling Li was a little surprised.

Li Shangtian rubbed his chest, took a few steps forward, and said, "I'm not that weak."

"is it?"

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

At that moment, he seemed to see this guy slowly taking off his sheepskin and intending to turn into a cruel wolf.

"call out!"

Suddenly, sharply disappeared.

When Jun often smiled and followed, the other party appeared in front of Li Shangtian again, and banged his waist with an elbow.

Fast, ruthless, accurate!


Li Shangtian couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed at all, and was hit again.

"call out!"

Ling Li suddenly face again.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, dense fingerprints erupted on the beating platform. Because Li Shangtian was in an unbalanced state and could not be avoided in time, he could only be beaten and retreated.


Su Xiaomo clenched her fists.

"..." Ye Xingchen sat down, her hands together, and her eyes gradually gathered her anger.

He could see that Li Li was deliberately chasing Li Shangtian, and the attack angles he chose were relatively outside. He did not intend to blast it out of the bucket, but intended to play cats and mice.



After a crazy attack, Li Shangtian exploded dozens of steps, waited for the difficulty to stabilize his body, couldn't hold back the restless blood, and suddenly ‘wow’ sprayed out.


Gu Tianxing said, "Let him abstain."

It is obvious who is strong and who is weak, the other party seems to be playing on purpose, and the wise choice is to step down.

"Heaven has his choice." Jun Chang smiled earnestly.

Why didn't he want Li Shangtian to abstain, but in such a big stadium, with so many people watching, wouldn't that guy easily lose his word.

"strong enough."

Li Shangtian grinned as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Attentive viewers found that although this guy was chased after in the beginning, his knees never bent.

"You can admit defeat and jump off the fighting platform." Li Li said.

The words are plain and unremarkable, and there is no emotional rendering, which gives people a very arrogant feeling.

The anger in Ye Xingchen's eyes rose again.


Don't meet me!

If the fierce hit is someone, no matter how arrogant, Ye Xingchen will not care, but it is the same door that has been beaten, which makes him unbearable.

"I just lose, I don't admit it."

Li Shangtian took a deep breath, depressed the pain from his body, and raised his head again.

that moment.

The momentum of Iron Bone Infects all audiences.


Sharply: "Fulfill you."

"Yi" rushed to the past again, showing a punch that was completely invisible to the naked eye.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Because Li Shangtian was unable to capture the opponent's action, he was smashed throughout the fight, from left to right for a while, and from up to down for a while.

This is the worst time that a disciple of Wan Guzong participated in the competition.


People such as Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo could only stand on the stage to witness the same door being abused and helpless. They could only clenched their fists. They could only be incompetent and angry.



Ye Xingchen breathed quickly.

At this moment, he was still sitting on the ground, still clasped with his fingers, but the anger in his eyes was very strong, and the flames almost ignited his hair.


Li Shangtian was severely hit again, backing sideways and wolverine, until he was in a difficult position on the edge, and then blew a lot of blood.

The meridians are seriously damaged, and people are at the end of the crossbow.


"Too tenacious!"

The audience cast their admiration.

After being abused for so long, I can still stand and it is worthy of everyone's respect.

"Zong ... Zongzhu ..." Li Shangtian slowly raised his head, and the whole face couldn't bear to look straight, he said, "I'm sorry ... I can't take it anymore ..."


The body stood upright.

The referee hurriedly came and, after a brief observation, said: "Ten, Nine, Eight ..."


Each countdown hurts on Li Shangtian's heart like a sharp blade. He wants to stand up, but the injury does not allow it. Only looking up to the sky, tears can't stop flowing.


Li Shangtian.

The shame of eternity!


The referee finished the countdown, UU reading then announced: "The winner, sharp!"

"Oh shit!"

Ye Xingchen stood up.

If the anger value is displayed on the top of the brain, it must be full, and it will even blow up!

"Brother Ye."

When Ye Xingchen was going to rush to the ring in desperation, he put a hand on his shoulder, and then saw He Wuji in front of him, looking coldly: "He, leave it to me."


Jun Chang laughed: "Invincible is serious."

If it weren't for Gu Tianxing, if there weren't so many people, he would probably stand up, then step on one of the feet with a foot, and growled wildly: "Invincible, give this little wolf cub to Lao Tzu to death!"

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