The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1821: Lose is equal to losing 1 cut

Jun Changxiao led the crowd to return to the Heaven Realm and waited for the finals of the universe jihad several years later.

The news that Van Gogh's disciples Hao occupied 20 places also swept the major galaxies like strong winds and became the focus of world discussion.

In previous competitions, it is common to join hands with other players, but it is unprecedented for so many people to enter the finals together!

"This sect needs attention!"

"Do not take it lightly!"

"If you encounter the finals, be sure to take it seriously!"

The forces of the various departments have successively obtained the race situation of the Cangyun Department, and immediately became highly vigilant to Van Gogh.

Not only are there too many advancing disciples, the bigger reason is that the Emperor Demon Emperor also participated in the Cangyun Department of the main game, was repeatedly defeated by that disciple, and his luck may not even reach the finals.

It is normal to win or lose.

But it was not normal to lose Emperor Yoshiko.

According to the information obtained by everyone, more than eighty sons of the Devil Emperor were all assigned to the various departments to participate in the battle, and without exception all won the championship, only to play the fierce collapse of the Cangyun Department.

Being able to stand out from the main race of the galaxy, no one thinks that it is by luck, and stepping on the foot of the devil Emperor Yoshiko, it is enough to show that the eternal disciples have strength!

This sect is very dangerous.

Must be taken seriously and must go all out.

In the past, Jun Changxiao laughed and ridiculed him at taking any disciples to participate in any competition. Now it is good, and it has become the most feared existence before the finals.

of course.

The warriors of various departments also determined that the days of Van Goghong will not be better in the future. After all, there are so many Yoshikos in the Devil Emperor. This is going to participate in the finals.



In the grand hall, Ling Li directly hit the wall and lay down like mud.

"You, with your face back?" Leng Sen's voice sounded.

"Right ... Right ..." Ling Li raised his head hard and pale to the extreme: "Please ... give me another chance ..."

"If you can live out of Moyuan Valley, you will be given another chance for your father." A cold voice came.

Hearing the three words "Moyuan Valley", Ling Li's eyes flashed with a startle of panic, but he quickly resolutely said, "Thank you ... Thank you Father ..."

"Go on."

Rugged hard to get up and walked out of the hall.

"Isn't this the righteous son most valued by the father-in-law? How could it be so embarrassing?" A young man leaning in front of the pillar sneered just after he stepped out.


Stiff and silent, he staggered forward.

Now he has long lost the arrogance in the race.

To be exact, after being torn by Lu Qianqin twice, He Wudi was punched in a punch, completely destroying his dignity, like a sick wolf licking a wound under the sunset.

"I said it long ago."

Another young man came and sneered and said: "This guy is difficult to become a big weapon, but his father trusts him most."

"Facts have proved that any of us can choose one stronger than him." Martial Artist sitting on the fence.

Undoubtedly, they are both Emperor Demon Emperor Yizi, who appeared outside the hall, apparently came to deliberately read Ling Li jokes.

no way.

All survived from the harsh environment.

Why should you be treated differently and why can't you get fatherly love.

Faced with the cynicism and sarcasm of the righteous brothers, Ling Li didn't speak, dragging his ruined body and gradually disappearing into view.

He is the righteous son most valued by the Emperor of Heavenly Demon. He used to have infinite scenery, and after the failure, everything has completely disappeared.


Bamboo yard.

A delicate woman is finishing medicine.


At this time, the door was pushed sharply, and he could no longer stand on the ground.

After being abused twice by Lu Qianqin and slammed by his righteous father, his injuries were very serious. It was not easy to walk from the outer courtyard to the inner courtyard.


The Qingxiu woman put down the basket and walked in a panic: "What's wrong with you!"

"No ... nothing ..."

Ling Li's mouth squeezed out a smile, and then fainted.


"No one is allowed to grab my food!"

In a humid and dark environment, a child was holding a wooden stick to protect a few pieces of moldy food behind him, and his eyes contained a killing intention.

Outside the cave, there were more than a dozen children who were equally shabby and covered in dirt.


One person shouted.

Everyone rushed past regardless of body.

These children, who had a happy childhood, had to fight for survival at the moment.



After half an hour, the child with the wooden stick came out.

Although he had bruises all over his body, his hands held the food in his arms.

"Not bad."

At this time, a large black figure appeared in front of him, gratifying: "You are qualified to be my righteous son."


"Take him to heal."

"Yes, master."

A girl about 13 or 14 picked up the child and was taken to the Zhulin small hospital for treatment.

"My name is Mu Jin, what about you?"

"Oh, yes, the master hasn't named you yet."


During the period of healing, the child remained silent, even if Mu Jin repeatedly took the initiative to chat with him.

"Congratulations, the righteous father has given his name."

"From today, your name is Ling Li, it's very powerful."


Ling Li still did not speak. After leaving the injury, he left the Zhulin small courtyard and began to undergo the strictest martial arts practice. Later, he was injured again and again, and was sent over and over again.

"How did you suffer again?"

"Yeah, the injury was more serious this time and it will take a few months to recuperate."

"Hey, the injury is not good, how can you get out of bed!"

Past memories kept shaking in front of the eyes until a tingling sensation came from the body, so that Li Li returned to reality and looked at the woman who was bandaging her wounds.

"I listen to others."

Mu Jin applied softly to him, and said softly: "You didn't win the championship when you went to the Cangyun series."


Said sharply.

"Lose this time and win back next time." Mu Jin smiled and comforted: "You don't need to care so much."

"In the eyes of a righteous father, I can only win but not lose." Ling Li said: "In those people's eyes, I lose is a shame."

"Who makes you the most important son of your master, they all look forward to your trouble."

After applying the medicine, Mu Jin smiled while tidying up the medical tools: "Your body is heroic, you can recover after a period of cultivation."

"how long?"

"Half a month."

"It's too late to go to Demon Valley."

Suddenly, the hand playing with the medicine bottle solidified, and Mu Jin looked up at him and said in shock, "Are you going to Moyuan Valley?"


Nodded sharply.

"Are you crazy!" Mu Jin scolded.

"This is the order of the righteous father."

Ling Li said: "I failed to win the championship, only to survive in Moyuan Valley can get a chance of redemption."


Mu Jin stood up and said, "I'm going to beg the master!"

Ling Li took her hand and said, "You don't understand the temper of your righteous father?"


Mu Jin stood on the spot, tears like rain: "You will die if you go in."

When she heard her cry, her sharp heart hurt.

"Trust me."

"It will definitely come back alive."


That night ~ ~ Ling Li left the bamboo courtyard quietly.

After receiving simple treatment, his injuries improved, and he had to go to Moyuan Valley as soon as possible to get his forgiveness as soon as possible.

Mu Jin didn't stop, because she was not in the bamboo courtyard, but knelt outside the master's study, begging not to let Ling Li go to Moyuan Valley.


"You are passionate about Ling Li."

"Master I ..."

"If he can come back from Moyuan Valley alive, the emperor will personally hold a wedding for the two of you."

Mu Jin stunned.

However, he hurriedly said: "I am not extravagant to be able to marry Ling Li. I only hope that the master can take back his life. Don't let him go to Moyuan Valley, even ... use my life in exchange for a chance of redemption.

"Are you willing to die for him?"


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