The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 191: Tricky Fire Dragon Beast!

Earlier in the other Hulukou, when encountering the more difficult Jun Chang laugh, he would think about it and even make a retreat.

The Beast Dragon is related to the completion of the epic mission, it must be solved!

Judging from the hot waves, the fierce beast with high grade five has extraordinary strength, but he can't take his disciples in carelessly.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Is that guy big?"

"Head, at least four feet tall for an adult fire dragon beast." Li Qingyang said.

Pluto ’s meteor continent is about three meters in length and twelve meters in length. You can imagine from the height that the fire dragon beast must be as high as four floors!

越大 The bigger your body, the stronger your strength!

"A bit tricky." Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

System said: "According to the strength of Wupin Wuzong, the fire dragon beast has a minimum strength of 500,000 kilograms to start."

Save half a million pounds and start!

Xi Jun often laughed and jerked violently.

System said: "This is a preliminary estimate, not counting the blessing of the fire attribute, so the host takes the disciples to hunt and kill, and the probability of mass destruction is as high as 99%."

"There is still a 1% win rate." Jun Chang muttered with a smile.

System: "..."

Didn't the host hear me? What does this sentence mean?

Xi Jun often laughed, and of course he could hear. He rubbed his temples, and his brain went crazy, thinking about how to destroy the fire dragon beast.

"Zhou Hong, are you sure to kill?"

"I'm not sure." Zhou Hong straightly said.

If it is the second and third grade of high school, he has confidence, but the high five grade of fire dragon beast can really only escape.

面前 In front of absolute power, there is a big gap in strength and can only be abused.

Zhou Hongdao said, "Head, you can give me some time to learn the word sword skill, maybe you can kill it."

"how long?"

"It takes at least a month."


The head of Xun Jun can't wait to pull his mouth.

What kind of martial art contribution does he meow, and he won't be finished if he gives Ling Jianshen the trick early!

"It seems ..."

Xun Jun often laughed and secretly said, "I can only use the blue dragon and the moon knife."

Systems said: "From the back of Hao Qimen, the host repaired without substantial improvement. Even if the force-increasing charm forcibly drives Qinglong Yueyue Knife, it may not be able to close the enemy.


Xun Jun often laughed: "Then use the hard knife!"

This is the last hole card.

Moreover, two printed symbols have been saved.

完成 In order to complete the epic task, don't let the realm continue to get stuck, and use it all without distressing!

The system agreed: "Yes."


Lu Lu said: "Give me a day to practice, maybe I can seal the fire dragon beast with Nine Ice Seals."

Xi Jun often laughed and widened his eyes.

If you practice in one day, you can use the martial arts skills to seal the fifteenth beast of high grade?

This is ... just kidding?

Judging from Lu Ye's expression, Jun Chang laughed that she was not joking, she said very seriously!


Zhou Zhou said: "If the fire dragon beast is still, the disciples will be hit hard."

Ye Xing, who was always silent, said, "The fire dragon beast is a fiery beast of the fire system. If it is sealed with ice, the physical strength of physical properties will decrease, which is the best time to kill."

After all, Emperor Wu Wu is the Emperor Wu, and the martial arts knowledge thief is rich.

Xun Jun often smiled and said secretly: "There are still two days before the end of the training, you can try it, and finally you can't use the hard knife again."

The seal of opening seal is very precious.

"it is good!"

Xun Jun often laughed and decided: "At this time tomorrow, go in and kill that fire dragon beast!"

The distant repairers widened their eyes.

Ironbone faction is really awesome, dare to provoke fierce monsters with high fire attributes!

"Brother, let's withdraw."

"If the Iron Skeletons can't figure out the Fire Dragon Beast, and lead it out, we will definitely die!"

"Once this powerful fire-based beast is angry, it will burn half of Death Valley and play like it!"

A lot of San Xiu beat back.

What's more, picking up leaks in the past few days is almost the same, there is no need to follow the Iron Skeleton to continue adventure!

"Go, let's withdraw!"

A leader of a casual repair team, arching hands: "Jun is in charge, I will leave first, and I hope your school can successfully destroy the fire dragon beast!"

Although there is a meaning of blessing, but in my heart, to deal with this kind of fire is a high-grade fierce beast, at least six grade Wuzong can do.

"Jun, we leave first!"

After a while, more than 30 casual practitioners left.

I watched more than a dozen people who didn't leave, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Why don't you go?"

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face said earnestly: "If it wasn't for the head of the monarch, it would be difficult for Sun to enter the depths of this death valley, so he is willing to stay and help."


The martial artist next to him said: "I'll wait to stay and help Jun take charge!"

Some of them are really grateful that Jun often laughs, and others want to bet big. If you kill the dragon dragon beast, you will definitely get a lot of benefits!

"No need to."

Xi Jun often laughed: "You can watch the battle."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

Is this Iron-Bone School boss looking down on himself? Do you think it will hinder you?



Xi Jun often laughed and worried, if they were to steal their heads, how could they complete their epic missions!

Don't say.

This kind of thing is not impossible.

If the Fire Dragon Beast has only the last point left and is touched by an outsider, it is definitely not considered hunting by himself and his disciples!

最好 The best way to prevent this from happening is to let them watch the game from afar!

"You all."

Xun Jun often smiles and points to the tunnel entrance at the back ~ ~: "Please go and watch the war there. If you enter without permission, don't blame this seat for turning ruthless."

It ’s unreasonable to help him with good intentions and turn over my face!

Tempered to walk away, the other martial arts also retreated.

Since this time, only the Iron Skeletons remain in this gourd mouth, and the disciples sit back and relax, striving for the best adjustment of the state.

Lu Lu was sitting alone in a clean area, entering a deep understanding, and the whole body was gradually shrouded in cold.

Ye Xingchen wondered: "This woman has an ice constitution?"

Obliterate special attributes can practice special attributes.

For example, Jun often laughs.

Annihilation of the fire system, with exquisite fire, can be regarded as martial arts of the fire department.

But compared with the fire department martial arts who have the fire department constitution, that is professional players and amateur players.

Night Ye Xingchen secretly said: "The martial arts skills given by the head yesterday should not be low. If she learns tomorrow and achieves the Frozen Fire Dragon Beast, her physique will be extraordinary."

I no longer think about it, and continue to enlighten Tai Xuanzhen.

Tomorrow is a tough battle. He must not stand idly by, so he must prepare carefully.

青 Li Qingyang and others also know that facing the fire dragon beast tomorrow will be the biggest test of this experience, and the state must be adjusted to the best!

Xiao Xiao has not cultivated and is responsible for vigilance.

Xun Jun often laughed because she was stuck in the realm, and practice was meaningless. She leaned not far from Lu Yan, and opened the mall while protecting her law.

早 Anyway, it ’s better to refresh sooner or later.

If you find out items that can help kill the dragon dragon beast, it is best!

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