The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1997: Sacrifice for justice!

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"call out!"

"call out!"

A certain calm galaxy suddenly burst out with gloomy demonic energy similar to tentacles. They passed through the void, merged into the major planes, and then plunged into the depths of the earth.

Looking along the other side of the devilish energy, I saw fiercely sitting in the universe with a smile slowly rising from the corner of his mouth.

In the past three months, he has ingested countless desolate planes, gained weak abilities from them, and finally accumulated to a very objective level.

In the process of devouring, he had a new understanding of the Dafa of Swallowing Heaven and Transforming Demon, so that he didn't need the deity to go, and he could devour it remotely by relying on the released demon energy.

What is even more terrifying is that it can differentiate into multiple strands!

This comprehension was just as powerful as a tiger, so after a short period of thought, he decided to give up devouring the ruined plane and instead set his sights on the resource-rich plane!


"You will be resurrected soon!"

Unlike the Heavenly Devil Emperor, in order to achieve hegemony, and in pursuit of immortality, he has only one wish in his heart, even though he inherits his mantle, and that is to resurrect the dead Mu Jin.

For the beloved, choose to destroy the world.

The dumb lover.

But from another perspective, he is a total lunatic.

I suggest that readers stay absolutely awake and don't do stupid things that destroy the universe for love.


At this moment, the fierce hands spread out, the demonic energy that diffused out quickly withdrew, and those controlled planes quickly withered.

An endless stream of energy quickly poured into his body, and his strength quickly improved.

In fact, after ingesting the ruined plane, his strength has been restored to the state where the Heavenly Demon Emperor was not injured. Now that he has absorbed the majestic and vigorous planes one after another, it is really stronger.

Everyone is mocking Jun Changxiao for being forced.

just now.

Aggressiveness is the trick.

The speed at which this fusion plane improves strength, even if Jun Chang laughed at it, he would be willing to bow down.

Not addictive!

Continue to ingest more planes!

Li Li left the Tailing system which had been completely ingested and continued to fly to other galaxies.

If no one stops, if there is no accident, he will definitely turn all the major planes of the upper universe into his own food, until he has peeped into the mystery of immortality.



In another galaxy, the tentacles of devilish energy are divided into countless numbers, continue to blend into your face, and then easily absorb the source, all internal resources, including all creatures.

Several times down.

The fierce strength has been greatly improved.

The most intuitive feeling is that the devilish energy is getting more and more gloomy and richer!

At this moment, the fierceness has surpassed the Heavenly Demon Emperor at its peak, and has not even reached the upper limit, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as there is sufficient food, his strength will never end!

"The current me."

He clenched his fist tightly, his eyes were cold and stern: "You should be able to fight Jun Changxiao, right?"


But because he was too cautious, he never dared to do it.

"No way."

He shook his head sharply and said: "You have to continue to devour the plane until you have invincible strength, and it will not be too late to destroy the Eternal Sect!"

He killed the eternal sect not only because of the enmity between each other, but also to solve the biggest obstacle to devouring the upper universe.

"call out!"

Vigorous went to two galaxies one after another, ingested hundreds of planes, and comprehended the Heaven-Swallowing Transformation Demon Dafa to a new level, swallowing became a breeze, and it became easy to stay home.

"So blatantly taking it, Jun Changxiao should already know, will he be looking for me?"

"in case……"

"I'm going to the Eternal Realm now, did he surprise him?"

At this point, a grim smile appeared at the corner of his sharp mouth, and the devilish energy that filled his body became extremely terrifying.


The galaxy where the eternal world is located.

If you look down from the perspective of God, you will find that this area has thousands of planes.

In Jun Changxiao's conception, the central area is the Eternal Realm, which exists like a holy land of martial arts, surrounded by various planes, and then arranges the teleportation array to achieve full penetration.

to be honest.

It's like a country.

The eternal world is the capital, and the scattered planes are the provincial capitals.

Jun Changxiao still has the idea of ​​breaking through the upper and lower space barriers, and summarizing the mortal Continent, thereby acting as a county and city, allowing more creatures to receive higher martial arts education.

He even decided to follow the example of Qin Shihuang, unified writing, unified weights and measures, unified planning of a new martial arts system, and classification of treasures and resources.

have to say.

This is a huge project, and if it is completed, it is the real domain.

Jun Changxiao will also be regarded as the domain master, as the pioneer of the new era, and thus his name will last forever.

of course.

At present, it is still far away.

Especially when it just took shape, it ushered in a fatal blow, because...



On this day, the majestic devilish energy diffused from all around, the momentum was like a dark cloud passing by, and the major planes suddenly fell into endless darkness.

"what happened?"

Panic appeared in everyone's eyes.

When the darkness came, it was accompanied by a strong breath of death.

"not good!"

In the Eternal Age Sect, the old man Tai Xuan stood in front of the starry sky light curtain, looking at the area covered by a large expanse of magic energy, and said in surprise: "Hurry up and start the protective circle!"


In an instant, the super-large defense barrier was quickly established.

However, the Eternal Realm was protected, but the planes that had just moved over did not. They were like crumbling boats, shivering in the face of the stormy waves that turned into devilish energy.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "Go out and have a look!"


Jian Guixu hurriedly stopped: "This devilish energy is very terrifying, maybe the Heaven Devil Emperor is here!"


Gu Zhaoxi suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​going out.

If it is the underlings of the Heavenly Devil Emperor, he still has the confidence to fight.


Jian Guixu said: "Notify the Sovereign Lord!"

"No way."

The old man Taixuan shook his head and said: "The devilish energy from the outside contains a certain kind of obstructive power, and it is impossible to send the news!"


Jian Guixu said with a helpless look: "Leave it to fate."

In fact, he didn't tell everyone that the devilish energy emerging from the outside world is more terrifying than the one released by the Heavenly Demon Emperor, which means that the opponent's strength has been unprecedentedly improved!

"call out-----"

Suddenly, a stream of light flew out of the sky full of devilish energy, and it was seen that fierceness hung in the sky like a demon king high above.


He was a little surprised: "Why does this galaxy have so many planes?"

"Is it specially prepared for me?"

"Jin Jie!"

The cold laughter resounded throughout the universe and spread to the ears of everyone, making them even more frightened.

Warriors often have a hunch after encountering danger, but today it is very strong, and there is even no room for maneuver.

The hunch is very accurate.

Rong Li did not inherit the shortcomings of the villain's "talking a lot" and chose to do it directly!

"Devil gas turns a thousand!"



A wave of demon energy emerged from the body and flew in all directions, quickly penetrating the space barriers of each face, sinking deep underground and holding the source.


Pull your fingers apart sharply.


In an instant, the plane locked by the devil qi quickly withered, and then disappeared into the universe out of thin air.

So far, the plane Jun Changxiao worked hard to plan and spent manpower and material resources to migrate has completely become the food in his mouth.

This is a sumptuous meal. After being thoroughly absorbed and refined, the strength has improved significantly.


He looked up and laughed sharply.

He finally found the feeling of invincibility!

In the Eternal Age Sect, Jian Guixu and the others caught the disappearance of all planes with their naked eyes or mind, and their faces were all shocked and shocked.

This... is too scary!

"Don't worry!"

At this moment, he turned sharply, looked at the lonely world of the ages, his eyes hot and said: "It's your turn."

Although there were a lot of planes swallowed just now, it was only an appetizer after all. The super huge plane in front of me was the staple food. If it could be absorbed, it would be absolutely wonderful.


Strictly spread his arms, and the monstrous demon energy gushed out.

How big the Eternal Realm is, the degree of devilishness is diffused, and in the end it is like a black cloth to wrap it around.

To deal with this kind of super giant world, it must not be absorbed by a plug-in method, and a professional attitude with no dead ends must be used to break through!



The horror devilish energy gradually adhered to the guard world formation.

Because the power is too terrifying, it can be clearly seen from the inside that the enchantment is materialized and then gradually distorted.

Eternal world.

At stake!

"You guys!"

Jian Guixu resolutely said: "Please be prepared for the worst!"


No one in the Eternal Sect was scared, and their eyes all looked like death.


Hua Rose opened the door and walked out, lost in her eyes.


She is not afraid.

It's just a pity that he couldn't make up the wedding with his husband, couldn't put on the phoenix crown in front of him, and couldn't let him see the most beautiful self.

The tragic BGM resounded in the Eternal Sect, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing.


The camera turns to Jun Changxiao.

At this moment, he was desperately flying towards the eternal realm, and the omen in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if he was about to lose the most important thing at any time.


Jun Chang laughed as if bumping his head into a certain space.

"Where is this?"

Just when he was stunned, the environment became unusually clear, and then a personal shadow gathered.

There is Lu Qianqian!

Li Qingyang!

There are also Xiao Xinji and Su Xiaomo, as well as senior officials such as Gu Zhaoxi and Liu Sinan!

"Why are you here?"

Jun Changxiao wanted to get closer, and found that the disciples seemed to be true and illusion, they should not be the deity, so he frowned and said, "Illusion?"

"The upper universe will never escape the catastrophe, and your suzerain will definitely fall in this catastrophe. Should you choose to sacrifice one's life for righteousness, or choose to take care of yourself?" a heavy voice came.

Jun Changxiao immediately judged that the person speaking was the Seven Profound Sages!


The so-called sacrifice of righteousness and self-care, isn't it a multiple-choice question that I did in the abyss of despair?

They also met?

Or does it mean that what you see now is what happened in the abyss of despair at that time, from the perspective of the senior leaders and the disciples?

Guess right.

This is the scene where Li Qingyang and others enter the independent space.

At that time, there was no explanation for the first time. It was to deliberately leave a foreshadowing. Today, the answer can finally be revealed.

"If I sacrifice myself for righteousness, what benefits can I bring to the Sect Master?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Supreme Profound Sage said: "Save the upper universe and gain immeasurable merits, thereby entering the land of eternal life."

"How about being alone?"

"You can survive the destruction of the upper universe."


"Make a choice."

"If I was the one I used to be, I would definitely choose to be alone, because the dead daoist is not the poor, but now..." Ye Xingchen raised his head and said, "I choose to sacrifice myself for righteousness!"

"call out!"

After the conversation, it was sent out.

At the same time, the word ‘one’ appeared above the illusion.

"I choose to sacrifice myself for justice!" At this time, Li Qingyang, who was standing in another area, also made a choice, and then the same was transmitted, and the number became two.

It is not difficult to see that this should be similar to counting cards.

"Sacrifice yourself!"

"Sacrifice yourself!"

Xiao Xinji, Su Xiaomo and others made choices one after another, and they all chose the same, so the above numbers are always changing.

"you guys……"

Jun Chang smiled standing on the spot, watching the high-level and disciple's choice without hesitation, suddenly felt a little overwhelmed and wanted to cry on the spot, because when everyone made the choice, the number of sacrifices for the suffix reached 150,000!

No one from the eternal sect chooses to be alone!

"It's hard to imagine." Supreme Profound Sage exclaimed: "So many people will make the same choice."

"The soul that is favored by Eternal Life Avenue really has a unique personality charm."

"Eternal Life Avenue?"

Jun Chang was shocked with a smile.

At this moment, a figure suddenly condensed in front of him, similar in form to the Seven Profound Saints seen by the previous light curtain, but the appearance has changed.

"you are?"

"Seven Profound Saints."


"As you saw earlier, my appearance is similar to yours, because what you are doing now is actually continuing what I have not completed, so you are me, and I am you." Seven Profound Sages said: "If Zhang San is the one who saves the world, then he will naturally appear on the light curtain."


Jun Chang smiles and feels cool.

Always thought that he was the Seven Profound Sages.

Now it seems that if the system is right, this guy is the face of all beings!

"Sovereign Lord."

Seven Profound Saints said: "Your disciple has made a choice, so please go and save the upper universe now."

"What to save?" Jun Chang smiled bitterly.

The Seven Profound Saint Venerable's body gradually faded, saying: "You will immediately gain the absolute power to save the upper universe."


Just after he disappeared, Jun Changxiao appeared from the illusion, a stream of light flew through the void, and then quickly merged into his body.


Screaming in pain, heart-piercing.



The camera turned to a sharp perspective again, and under the squeeze of the billowing magic energy, the eternal world that gathered many top planes was completely shattered until it turned into nothingness.

that moment.

The Iron Bone Mountain and the Eternal Sect in the world were completely shattered, and countless creatures were wiped out.

This is the real extinction sect, extinction world!

Jun Changxiao has lost the heaviest time since he crossed the journey, and the hard-earned home is gone!


After absorbing the energy of the eternal realm, Li Li was quite surprised: "Where is the eternal sect person?"

In the process of devouring Iron Bone Mountain, he found that the entire sect was empty, and no one was seen.

Could it be.

Premonition that it is dangerous to slip away in advance?


Shaking his head sharply, he said, "How can you escape my palm?"

As soon as the voice fell, his brows suddenly frowned, then he turned quickly, and his palms could not help but pat out.


The explosion sounded abruptly, and the galaxy suddenly shattered.


He staggered and retreated, until he stabilized his body, his eyes gradually appeared incredible!

He had just swallowed so many planes, especially the Eternal Realm, his strength was so powerful that he was invincible, and he was blasted so far by the sudden power!

"Destroy my sect, destroy my people!"

At this time the area where the arrogance and madness broke out, Jun Changxiao walked out with red eyes and said: "Unforgivable!"


He is not alone!

The upper echelons and disciples who disappeared in the eternal sect stood behind the lord like a soul, forming an aura that could shock the entire upper universe!

When the Eternal Realm was about to be devoured, Gu Zhaoxi, Li Qingyang and others used the sacrifice technique taught to them by the Seven Profound Sages, and finally turned into a channel of energy to penetrate the void and merge into the coming main body.

At this moment, Jun Changxiao has 150,000 disciples blessed!

This is what the Seven Profound Sages said, the absolute power to save the upper universe!


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