When the deputy chief said that you were looking for death, dozens of Heiyingtang disciples immediately surrounded him.

Most of their strength is at the level of martial arts. Look at Li Qingyang and others who are only seventeen or eighteen years old, with contempt on their faces.

A group of children whose hair is not fully grown can be killed at will.

青 Li Qingyang and others put the barbecue on the ground, chewed the meat in the mouth and swallowed, and then shook his head and shoulders.

After experiencing Death Valley, they are not afraid of fighting.

not to mention.

虽然 Although the number of disciples in the Black Eagle Hall is more than sixty, from the perspective of breath, the average repair is not two or three grades, which is not as powerful as the Chiyan wolf pack.

The deputy chief of the Tong said lightly: "Jun is in charge, this should be the only twenty disciples remaining in your school?"


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "What do you mean?"

Leng Sen, the deputy chief of the Fang Church, said with a smile: "I mean, go to Death Valley to die a lot of disciples, and the rest will die, and your iron skeleton will be destroyed."

Xi Jun often laughed and understood.

He must think that he took a lot of disciples to experience Death Valley, and the remaining disciples were survivors.

I'm pretty good.

I think so.

The deputy chief Wu was in a hurry to catch up with the robbery at that time, but only asked the martial arts level, and did not carefully ask the number of people entering Death Valley.

八 An eight-class sect entered the valley of death, and had to bring at least a hundred disciples to fight against the beast with their lives.

I'm like him.

This exercise brought more than sixty martial arts disciples. I already thought about it on the way, and I was very lucky to be alive!


The Tie Bone faction brought a hundred people, and twenty or thirty were alive, and luck was ok.

The deputy chief of the Black Eagle Hall forcibly replenishes the brain and is stronger than Yedi.

fair enough.

If you know that twenty-five people from Ironbone School are full of people and they are full of people, you will definitely be hit hard.


Xi Jun often smiled and touched his nose, and said, "Listen to what you mean, and want to kill all the disciples in this seat?"

The deputy chief of Tong Fu Church smiled grimly, "If the head of the king cooperates and hands over the things obtained in the valley, they will definitely go home safely."

"Are you threatening this seat?" Jun Chang smiled and sank.

Fu Zhongtang said: "You can think so."

The evil sects have one of the greatest benefits. They will never hide or be hypocritical when they do bad things.

"Hear it."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Heiyingtang is going to kill you."


Wu Su Xiaomo laughed, covering her stomach, and said, "Head, these guys are not as good as the ferocious beasts of Death Valley, what ability is there to kill us."

"Yes, it is."

飞 Li Fei laughed: "Not even a ferocious beast. I take myself seriously."

He was not as good as a ferocious beast. These words were very harsh. The devil's face gradually became gloomy, and his gaze became more intense.

"He Tangzhu."

A black Hawk student, Leng Sen said, "This iron skeleton student is very arrogant, so it's better to just kill it all."

Mr. He Tang said lightly: "Since the head of the Jun toasts and eats no punishment, don't blame the owner."

"Click, click!"

The disciples of Heiyingtang shook their fists and walked with their heads crooked. They even sacrificed the weapons in the space ring.

I may kill a lot of people, and the breath emanating from my whole body is a bit unpleasant.

"Jun heads."

Zhe Hetang squinted his eyes and smiled, "If you give things up at this time, the host can spare you and your disciples a life."

"There is nothing, you have to kill one." Jun Chang laughed.


Zhu Hetang raised his hand and looked coldly: "All kill."

"Bash ————"

The sword light flickered and blood splattered.

He Tangzhu for a moment.

的 The movements I bring are quite fast.

However, when I looked over, I found that one of his disciples' eyes were scattered and his neck was cut by a sharp sword.

I shot Ye Xingchen.

He retracted the sword, blew off the blood dripping from the sword's tip, and said lightly, "Trash."



I saw the same door being killed, and the disciples of Black Eagle Church were furious, and the spirit was about to be poured into the weapon. Regardless of who the target was, they were cut off against the disciples!



青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others pulled out their swords and quickly started to fight and fight back!

Wu Songhui and two other warriors also showed their weapons.

Now they are a short distance away from the disciples' identity, naturally they can't just ignore it!

From the number of people, Black Eagle Hall is absolutely dominant.

However, when the two sides fought against each other, the toughness shown by the iron skeleton disciples shocked them one by one!



The sword light flickered and blood flowers splattered.

Zhu Hetang's eyes widened and his eyes almost popped out.

In just a few breaths, more than sixty of his disciples were killed by more than twenty!

The process is nothing more than a sword, kill, and then a sword, and then kill.

How can an eight-class martial art be so strong!

Dazzled by myself?

He Hetang blinked in haste.

However, in this gap, more than a dozen disciples were killed like grass and mustard.

Disciple Xun was killing wildly in the back. Jun Changxiao always turned his back and didn't look. He knew that there were more than sixty Heiyingtang, which was not enough for Li Qingyang and others to kill.

I really do.

Than Chiyan wolf ...

No, there is more food than Di Yan Wolf!


The main eyes of He Hetang were to be cracked, and the peak martial artist Xiu burst into an instant, condensing the bursting force and screaming at Jun Chang.


拳 This punch hits at least 6.

However, the bursting fist had just come over, but was caught by Jun Chang with a single palm.

Still an understatement to grab!


The main look of Hetang was stunned.

I punched in the palm of this guy without shaking.

Xun Jun often laughed: "Don't worry, watch carefully."

Can't you be in a hurry, if you look further, the dozens of disciples brought will soon be killed!

He Hetang tried to pull his hand, but the guy's five fingers were like pliers, making it difficult for him to break free no matter how he broke out.



Disciples of Heiyingtang are still being slaughtered by the iron skeletons.

Especially the night star, kill one person in ten steps, stay for thousands of miles!

A group of two or three ranks of warriors dared to fight with the team that destroyed the Chiyan wolf group and even the windwolf group, it was really tired and tired.

I'm a pity.

Heiyingtang didn't know the previous tough record of Ironbone.

I waited until they realized that these young boys who were not full of hair were very scary and ran away in fright.

I'm very wise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, Jun Chang laughed and said, "All killed."

This tone is exactly the same as the lord's "kill all" just now.



青 Li Qingyang and others quickly caught up, Han Fengjian and Overlord Qi greeted each other, and more than 20 disciples who fled were wiped out.

So far.

Over 60 disciples of the Black Eagle Hall

Xun Wei left He Tangzhu, who was bound by Jun Chang's laugh, and his eyes were horrified.

I took my disciples to Death Valley for training, and hoped that they would be alive halfway, but as a result, they were all annihilated ...

Until now, He Tangzhu realized that the iron skeleton was not a good stubble and kicked himself on the iron plate!


Xi Jun often smiled and said, "Your men are dead."

The smile seemed harmless to humans and animals, but in the eyes of He Tangzhu, it was extremely gloomy, like a devil smiling at himself.

"Jun ... Jun is in charge ..." He hurriedly said, "I think this is a misunderstanding!"


Xun Jun often smiled and raised the desert eagle, resting his head on his head, and said coldly: "Remember, if you can still be a human in the next life, please brighten your eyes before going out, and stop provoking me."


The mule bullet fired and penetrated the skull.


The deputy chief of the Black Eagle Hall went straight up and down, his eyes gradually fainted.


He kicked the iron plate.

This iron plate is not only hard, but also has a very decisive style of work, which can be compared with the evil faction.

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