The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 207: Martial Arts Experience Tower

The fleshy little guy looks similar to a pig, not necessarily a pig.

But it can never be a tiger!

So when the head summoned it, Li Luo Chou suddenly felt a sense of insult to IQ.

"Brother ... is this little thing a pig?"

"I look quite alike."

"I haven't seen a tiger, but I also know that it should be similar to a cat!"

Discuss the disciples.

Jun Chang, who took the wrong goal kick, laughed and was instantly embarrassed to the extreme.

Don't you just want to pretend, 逼 is so difficult!

"go back!"

Xun Jun often shouted at Boar Page with a smile.


The tai chi pattern of the ball in front of the ball shone, and the fleshy little guy was taken in instantly.

"See clearly!"

Xi Jun often laughed and took out another goalkeeper, saying: "This time is the real purple electric tiger!"


He suddenly waved, and said, "Come out, purple electric baby tiger beast!"

Qi Liluoqiu gave him a white look.

He was extremely excited, because his head summoned a pig, and his interest suddenly diminished.


The goalkeeper shot the light.


The majestic and mighty purple electric tiger cub stands on the stage of Yanwu, yelling upwards, and the purple thunderbolt erupts all over the body, forcing an instant upgrade!

Li Luoqiu and his disciples, who had never taken it seriously, saw the sturdy fierce beast that was nearly a foot tall, his eyes gradually widened, and his mouth gradually opened.

Purple horizontal stripes, large mouth of blood basin, sharp teeth.

This is definitely a tiger beast!

"Oh my God!"

"Really a tiger tiger beast!"

"Really powerful!"

The disciples looked shocked, and the worship in their eyes became stronger!


Xun Jun often walked with a big smile, riding chicly on a purple tiger cub, giving Li Luoqiu a side kill, and laughing: "Is this contract animal good?"

He summoned the little boar to make him very embarrassed. Fortunately, the purple tiger baby tiger saved his face, but this was still a little regretful.

Uh ...

Night is coming.

Xun Jun often laughs to practice for a period of time, then sits in the study and starts to think seriously about the future.

Pretending is nothing more than adding seasoning to the boring life. What he really has to consider is how to make the martial arts stronger.

not to mention.

The distance to go to the Holy Spring Sect challenge is only over nine months.

"Qingyang, can they break through to the martial arts?" Jun Chang murmured with a smile.

他 In his opinion, there are martial arts disciples in Haoqimen, and the Holy Spring Sect must not be less, and the level will not be lower.

"at the moment."

Xun Jun often laughed and murmured: "It is better to let them break through the martial arts and become stronger."


Realm must be improved, and experience is not less!

I always practice in the martial arts, even if there are resources to provide, after all, it is the flowers and plants growing in the greenhouse.

Xun Jun often laughed and had the idea that after coming out of Death Valley, the disciples showed the kind of ruthlessness and decisiveness when they killed the disciples of Black Eagle Hall.


System said: "The martial arts are powerful, resources must not be small, and experience must not be small."

Xi Jun often laughed and murmured: "So how to get more resources and how to get them to experience is the top priority."

In terms of resources, you can rely on medicinal materials cultivated by Wei Lao, because the quality is higher than that on the market.

"The high-quality medicinal materials sent by Aijia will take two months to become mature, and the calculation time should be fast."

As for experience.

Xun Jun often smiled and held her chin and said, "You can let your disciples organize themselves and go to the wild or dangerous places to practice."

System said: "Fighting with the beast can only improve that fierce force, and fight with the warrior, you can improve more comprehensively."

"Make sense."

Xun Jun often smiled and touched his chin, and said, "You can allow them to participate in more competitions and fight with powerful martial arts to improve their actual combat ability."

"No need to bother."

Systems said: "There is a kind of merchandise in the mall called the Martial Arts Experience Tower. The host and the disciples can practice at home without leaving home."

"Martial arts experience tower?"

Xun Jun often smiled and said, "How about brushing?"

System said: "After the martial arts construction reaches level 3, theoretically, it is easier to refresh them than sniper rifles and martial arts."

After hearing this sentence, Jun Chang smiled and rolled his eyes.

刷新 Refreshed dozens of times in the Death Valley, and the martial arts skills of Shenpin Ice have been brushed out, and no martial arts training tower has been seen.

I'm sorry to say that it is easier to use than martial arts!

The system said silently: "All the martial arts skills that are harder to master than the towers have been brushed out. What is unsatisfactory for the host?"


Xun Jun often smiled and said, "What else am I not satisfied with?"


Pull out the data panel and click on the preliminary store.

After the lucky value was raised to 1 point, he had the idea of ​​refreshing again, and this time gave a reason to be just right.


Pull down the mall, new products appear.

Xi Jun often laughed and immediately saw that there was a product called 'Universal Expansion Magazine' in the first row.

Click on the details to introduce that it can be equipped on the firearm to increase the number of bullets, and the price only needs 20 points of contribution.

"This thing is great!"

Xi Jun often bought two with a smile.

Continue to watch the merchandise in the mall and find another book called defensive martial arts.

品质 The quality of this technique is at the first stage of the top grade, and it will be printed with a magic shield to form a shield in front of it. The price is 50 points.

There is no defensive martial arts in the Yimen school, and Jun Chang smiled without hesitation and bought 1,000 copies.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has purchased defensive martial arts from the mall, and it automatically matches the martial arts method."

The current iron-bone sect, the disciplinary methods available for disciples to practice are Yi Jin Jing, I Slash, Burst Fist, Open Mountain Palm, and Enchantment Mask.

Counting the difficult to repair Ling Jian Shen Jue and the fine rain floor ghost ~ ~ mind, body, sword, palm, boxing, spiritual martial arts, defensive martial arts are available.

These are not comparable to the dozens of hundreds of minds at the door, but because they are mostly systematic martial arts, they can be used in a variety of ways!

"One more lucky value, the refreshed product is different."

Xi Jun often grinned and continued to pull down the mall.

I ended up crying.

Because it is refreshed 4 times in succession, it costs 80 points of contribution value, and the useful one is not refreshed.

"This lucky value is worth a fart!" Jun Chang smiled and mad, but he refreshed again.

After the product was refurbished, the first product introduced into the eyes was engraved with a small tower pattern, and the words ‘Menpai Experience Tower’ were written below!

Oh ha ha ha!

Finally brushed it out!

Xi Jun often laughs and opens the details in a hurry, the content is--

Item: Martial arts experience tower.

Introduction: A martial arts training pagoda has nine floors, and each floor has corresponding training characteristics. The higher the martial art construction, the higher the training intensity.

Advantages: Applicable to martial arts members, they can conduct all-round martial arts training.

Disadvantages: Those who enter the training tower will start the training in the form of soul. Although failure will not cause death, but will be weak for a period of time.

Price: 200 points contribution value.

"Ding! The host consumes 200 points of contribution value to obtain a martial arts experience tower × 1 and has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Martial contribution: 303/1000."

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