The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 214: Invited by the owner of Ai to open your eyes

The role of the training tower is a comprehensive training.

The first layer squeezes the body with gravity, so as to achieve extreme hardening.

But if it ’s just physical experience, it ’s not perfect, because muscles and bones also need to be experienced.

The meat is the foundation and the bone is the load-bearing beam.

完美 The perfect combination of the two will make the tall buildings rise flat.


The theme of the second floor of the Lili Tower is mainly bone quenching.

This hardened bone is not squeezed by gravity, but the bones and tendons are hardened with a special flame.

The three Su Xiaomo came to the second floor, and the whole body was suddenly shrouded in strange flames. Hundreds of bones and veins were subjected to crazy tempering.

The flesh was tempered, but was squeezed by gravity.

The pain caused by the burning of bones and veins by strange flames is real pain!

The three Su Xiaomo, who were already in a bad state, were caught off guard by being so trained, and the soul body broke down just after a few minutes of resistance.

惩罚 The punishment brought by the second layer is much higher than the first layer.

Judging by their convulsions, I was afraid that it would be difficult to recover for two days.

Standing in front of the three, Jun Chang smiled and shook his head with a smile: "If the first floor is not fully adapted, you are anxious to go up to the second floor. You are not brave."

完全 This complete adaptation is very particular.

I don't say I want to be as good as flying. At least one hour after resistance, I can't change my face.

For now, no disciple can meet the requirements.

So, going to the second floor is a long way to go.

Uh ...

There are three elder brothers as role models. The disciples of the Iron Bone School honestly temper the flesh on the first floor.

As he gradually adapted to ten times the gravity, he practiced for half an hour and did not feel too painful. He can practice the exercises as usual.

In fact, it ’s already very effective if it is tempered for 1 hour every day. Unless it is extreme, there is no need to die.

青 Li Qingyang realized that he was no longer pursuing the limit.

淬 Temper an hour in it every day, either to practice Yijinjing, or help the head to handle martial affairs.

The same is true of Wu Su Xiaomo and Li Fei.

他们 In their opinion, physical tempering is only part of cultivation, and spiritual cultivation cannot fall.

From the previous high mood to the gradual stabilization, this is a normal development.


Xun Xiao's sin and Ye Xingchen are still going to extremes, and they only give up after three hours of tempering.

The advantage of this is that the physical body can be enhanced with high intensity, but the disadvantage is that it will be weak for a whole day after the training.

Xun Jun often laughs and won't stop the two from short-tempering the flesh. After all, the disciples have the right to choose the path of martial arts they want to follow.

What I can do is to **** him on the road and not be insulted by others.

The Emperor Wu Emperor can't, neither can Emperor Wu Emperor.

Uh ...

During the funeral, Jun Changxiao released the palm of the mountain and the knot seal, and the disciples had more exercises to learn.

Opening the palm of the mountain is a domineering palm. Psionic energy gathers in the palm of the hand, and the force of breaking the mountain is broken.

The Knot Seal is a defensive method, driven by psionic energy, forming a defensive cover in front of it.

The two exercises are not high-level and are relatively simple in cultivation, but in order to reach the extreme, they must be supported by high realms and high understanding.

内 Inside the study.

Xi Jun often laughs and puts out 10 bottles of quality modification solution, saying: "Death Valley and his party, you are doing well. Take this solution."

Zhang Wei and ten other qualified disciples came forward, and one of them took a bottle of qualification transformation fluid.

After taking it, Ling Gen is promoted from top grade to top grade.

Death Valley Experience, Long Ziyang and Li Yuhua also performed well, but because of the late entry, Jun Changxiao chose to give the qualified disciples first.

There are a lot of disciples and limited resources.

Can only be distributed according to the entry.

"What kind of medicinal solution is this? After drinking it, the realm and cultivation will actually improve!"

"It's incredible!"

"Is the medicine given to us by the head is Xianlu Qiongye?"

Twenty disciples were shocked.

After they were promoted to top grade, if Ling Linggen had no accidents, there would be no suspense in becoming an inner disciple in the future.

Uh ...

Xiu Xiu is not very high, relying on the building of the room and the spiritual force to improve, enter the training tower experience.

The disciples' practice is in full swing, and it is clear that the Iron-Bone School is becoming more and more regular and professional.

Disciple Xun's experience was solved, and there was only one problem before Jun Changxiao, and that was martial arts resources.

The martial arts resources include elixir, weapons and spirits.

Alchemy and weapons can be refined by refining the alchemy and foundry pavilions, and the spiritual stone is more difficult.

On the market, one spirit stone is equal to 12,000. The head of Jun can exchange all his net worth, and can only exchange more than 1,000.

I can use it for absorption, but it is definitely not for hundreds of disciples.

"It's still poor."

Xi Jun often laughed and sat in the study, rubbing his temples.

Ignoring this **** system binding, how good it is for me to develop slowly in another world by myself.

Complaining can't solve any problems, so the head of Jun has to find a way to earn martial arts resources.

In fact, there are training towers and perseverance, the disciples will surely be strong and drive the martial arts strong, but he wants to be fast!

The time limit of the main line mission is only 100 years, which can be reached as soon as possible, naturally it cannot be Buddhism!

"You can give Ai family more healing Dan, get more funds in a short time." Jun Chang laughed and murmured.

He doesn't consider giving plastic body more.

This thing is more than healing Dandan, if it is sold in large quantities, it will definitely cause others to look sideways.

He added that elixir sells too much. In the event of encountering an enemy who has been taking it, does it not mean that he has created a powerful opponent for himself.


此时 At this moment, Li Qingyang walked in and said, "Ai Jiazhu seeks advice."

Why are you here again?

Xun Jun often laughed: "Please enter the hall."


Uh ...

When the host of Ai Ai came last time, Jun took the disciples to Death Valley to practice ~ ~ so I will come here again, mainly to confirm whether to go to the auction.

"This one……"

After learning about the intention, Jun's head groaned a little and said, "Ai, owner, there are too many sectarian affairs in this seat, so I won't go to the auction tomorrow."

He's really not interested in this kind of auction.

"Jun heads."

Aijia said: "At this auction, there are many strong and powerful forces from various counties. You can open your eyes when you go."


He paused and said, "The master of the fourth-rate Miaohua Palace is also here."

Xun Jun often smiled and said in amazement: "You have shocked the fourth-rate ancestors at this auction?"

Ai ’s home owner laughed and said, “Jun ’s head, have you heard of the deeds of the Miaohua Palace?”

"I haven't heard of it," Jun Chang laughed.

Ai Family said: "This Miaohua Palace is the same as Jun's head, and he led a ancestral gate at a young age.


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Is the master of Miaohua Palace a woman?"


Ai's family said, "Miaohua Palace has always only accepted female disciples, and it is one of the few female Liuzong gates in the starfall continent."

"How young?" Jun Chang laughed.

Ai's family said: "The master of Miaohua Palace is just 20 years old.


Xun Jun often smiled and said earnestly: "The owner of Ai has been repeatedly invited. If this seat is rejected, it will be a little unfriendly."

He decided to go.

It's not for the sake of seeing the great beauty who is one of them!

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