The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 217: Defend the dignity of men, look at each other!

Sometimes, if you do n’t pretend, others will think you are stupid.

So Jun Chang laughed and pulled out a platinum card and swayed in front of a group of gold slag.

to be frank.

If it wasn't for the fact that these foreign counties were too arrogant, the head of Jun would definitely not want to be so swaggering.


No one is so reluctant to pretend to pretend to be so pretentious.

The forces of Cheongyang-gun are now very comfortable!

They have long been accustomed to these self-conceited foreign county forces.

Xun Jun often laughed and was able to take out a platinum card in the audience and knock it **** their faces, which is undoubtedly very deflated!

Can't stand it.

八 An eight-class sect, with the highest specifications of the auction house card, made the forces of Qingyang County realize that the relationship between the Iron Sect and the Aijia is super iron!

"Oh my God!"

"Jun's head has a platinum card!"

"This is a status symbol that you can't buy without money!"

Looking around at the bustling warrior in Cheongyang-gun, I felt a strong shock and awe in my eyes.

Uh ...

The inside of the auction house is a bit long. There are many famous paintings and antiques hanging on both sides, which are very luxurious at first glance.

Xi Jun often laughed and led Lu Yan along the way, stopping at the main auction venue.

拍卖 In the center of the venue is an auction table with rows of seats around it, which is where the bronze card users are.

Gold card users are on the second floor and have a separate box room.

Platinum card users are on the third floor, which not only has rooms, but also luxurious decoration, which is a symbol of status and honor.

"Jun in charge!"

As soon as Xun Jun smiled and stopped, the Ai family hurriedly greeted him. He apologized, "I have a long way to go, please forgive me."

武 Bronze seats have been followed by martial arts seats, one after another cast a surprised look.

Wu Ai's family has recently launched two elixir medicines, and their status in the hearts of all parties has risen to high levels. I did not expect to be so polite to an eight-level head.

On the second-floor box room, the high-rises of the sixty-seven schools were also smiling at Jun Chang standing at the entrance.

Or think deeply, or disdain, or smile.

"Is he always smiling?"

In the luxurious single room on the third floor, a fragrant woman stood in front of the window, locked on Jun Chang laughed, and murmured softly.

女人 This woman is in her early twenties, her long black hair hangs down her shoulders, her bangs like a waterfall cover the left half of her beautiful face, her skin is white and smooth like pearls.

'S exposed right eye is like a clear stream, and the whole body gathers a noble temperament that is respectable.

Regarding the same-sex gaze, Jun Changxiao is unaware, but the gaze from the opposite **** is captured, so he instinctively raises his head and looks at the other person's eyes.

This woman, um, is beautiful.

He only glanced at him, and then withdrew his gaze, and said with a smile, "The owner of Ai still wants to host the auction, but he comes to meet him in person. I'm really sorry.

"Jun's head is a VIP of my Ai family. Even if he is busy, he has to come out to meet him personally."

Ai's homeowner had a loud voice and obviously intended to speak to the martial arts at the venue.

Since then, the forces on all sides have become even more curious. How can the Iron Bone faction leader make the Ai Family so important?

"Master, please go up to the third floor."

Ai Shangyu made a request and walked towards the ladder with Jun Changxiao.

Go to the third floor?

Is there a platinum card for the head of the Iron Bone Pie?

The faces of all parties changed, and my heart was even more shocked.

"Jun heads."

As he walked upstairs, Ai Shangyu pressed his voice and said, "The one you just saw is the master of Jinghua Palace of Miaohua Palace."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Guessed it."

Although he only glanced at him, he felt a breath of long-standing superiors, so he immediately judged that this must be the master of Miaohua Palace.

You can look at yourself with the Super Invincible Handsome so that you don't change your face.

The word 'strange woman' is enough to deserve it.

The system couldn't help but said, "I've never seen such a brazen man!"

"how about it?"

Ai Shang 睨 laughed: "Is it beautiful?"


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "OK."

Ai Shang drew a corner of his mouth, but looked at Lu Yan who followed him, and said secretly: "This girl is not inferior to the master of Miaohua Palace. It is no wonder that Jun ’s head will evaluate it as ok.

Uh ...

Third floor, elegant room.

Xi Jun often laughed and Lu Yan came in.

There is a lot of space inside and the decoration is extremely luxurious.

连 Even the sofas and chairs are made of high-grade wood and fur.

Two words, luxury!

Xun Jun often laughed, although a little shocked, but always expressionless.

After all, he is the leader of one faction. Even if he enters the inner court of the palace, he cannot show that he has never seen the world.

"Jun heads."

Ai's owner laughed: "Ai will go to welcome guests, so don't bother first. If you have any orders, you can inform outsiders."


Xi Jun often smiled and looked carefully, and then came to the window, but found that the opposite was actually the main room of the main palace of Miaohua Palace.

Ha ha.

This is a good counterpart.

By coincidence, Jingjing Xuan was also standing at the window, his eyes fell on Jun Chang smiling.

The two just looked up and down now, but now they look left and right, but they are also separated by a distance.

I saw so many people at the venue, it was not appropriate to look at a beautiful woman directly, and now that Jun is standing in the room, there is no need to worry.

看 Look at me, I'll look at you, big deal to hurt each other!

女人 This woman has fair skin. Although Liu Hai covers half of her face, she has to say that she is a beautiful woman who has chosen one thousand miles.

Sure enough.

The world is full of spiritual power, which can best breed this natural beauty.

Men and women look at each other, this is really inappropriate.

But the cheeky Jun Chang smiles and never gives up. Look at me, I keep looking at you.

At this time, it is often the girl who loses first. After all, there will be a little bit shy ~ ~ But, the opposite Jing Jingxuan is not ordinary, she is still looking at the head of our monarch, eyes No shaking or dodging.

A woman, so thick-skinned?

How dare to look at me with super invincible handsome?

very good.

Today, I will let you see what is the ultimate radio wave eye.

Xun Jun often turned around with a smile, gave a side kill, and arrogantly pulled the hair, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


For a moment, the current flew away.

However, the master of Miaohua Palace did not react at all, and there was no mood swing in the eyes of looking at Jun Changxiao.

My second Olympic.

My brother is so bad?

掌 The head of Jun, who is extremely confident in his appearance, has failed to shake a beauty when the power is turned on. This is absolutely super hurting self-esteem.

I still don't believe it!

Xun Jun often laughed over his body, with his hands behind his back.

The sword frowns, sometimes melancholy, sometimes thoughtful, and sometimes smiles like a spring breeze.

This kind of necessary technology for the sister-in-law, he even knows, whoever says he is in charge of the king is single by strength, I am anxious with him.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

Because the time is a bit long, Jun's eyes are dry.

I ca n’t lose, she must be shy!

When Jun Chang laughed, he made up his mind to defend the dignity of men.

Lu Lu came and glanced at Jing Jingxuan, saying with pity: "Although the master of Miaohua Palace is capable, it is a pity that he is born with an eye disease."


Xun Jun's head instantly petrified on the spot.

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