The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 226: You kill it!

What is it like to die?

In this respect, Jun Chang laughs and has experience, and Ye Xingchen also has experience.

Only those who have actually experienced death can deeply understand that before death, they loved the world so much.

I'm a pity.

I will eventually lose.

So Jun who came across often laughed and was glad to continue to live.

Even if you have a task that seems impossible, you will be encouraged to face it.

And the twenty hunting team members who rushed forward in one step, standing in place, are experiencing the taste of death.

Because the neck shows small sword marks, although the blood has not leaked out, the mind and soul are slowly separating from the body.

This process seems to be very long, making them extremely reluctant and nostalgic, but it can't be stopped, only to go to the body and death will come.



Twenty disciples of Heiyingtang were paralyzed on the ground.

The sword marks on the neck appeared, and blood began to splatter as the wound changed.

As members of the evil faction, they understand death more than ordinary people, and have even made death awareness a long time ago.

Only when this moment really came to myself, it turned out to be ... very sad!


The deputy group leader swallowed a spit, his eyes startled, his hands trembled involuntarily.

Twenty men were killed by this man who looked down on himself in a few breaths. The strength is really terrible!

Even if you are the owner, you ca n’t do it!

He is not a few breaths, but a breath.

Night Ye Xingchen Sword came out of the sheath, the sword awn flickered, and they were already dead.

Two words-though bow!


The deputy team leader made the most correct choice at the fastest time, using the martial arts method to retreat.

However, as soon as he turned around, his look was dull, and wherever his eyes were, the leader of the group had fought with the unknown group.

I'm not killing!

The members of the hunting group of Jiu Fang were slaughtered by the group of seemingly seventeen or eighteen teenagers!

Especially the team leader, stronger than himself, facing a teenager, he was beaten with no power!


One side of Li Qingyang's body, spiritual power was poured into his arm, and the palm of the mountain was instantly displayed, directly banging on the blade of the team leader.

The sword in the palm of the hand gathered its strength at one point, blasted on the knife, and shook it in half relentlessly.

"噔 噔 噔!"

The leader of the cricket team stepped back a few steps and looked at the severed Sabre, his eyes flashing incredible.

That is a weapon of the highest quality given to him by the church owner, and it was actually cut off with the palm of a young boy. How powerful is this!


At this moment, a subordinate not far behind, was directly penetrated by Long Ziyang with his overlord gun.


He kicked the corpse with a kick and watched the gun stained with blood. He murmured: "It is much cooler to kill than to kill a beast."



At the other end, Su Xiaomo and Li Fei stepped on the ghost, wielding the sword of Han Feng at a rapid speed, and the blood on the stump was splashing.

After the martyrdom school ended, the two had killed the killer with the killer, so in the matter of killing, they can still be calm.

Zhang Wei and others have not experienced it, so under the dual advantages of strength and equipment, killing a member, the blood-stained hands are shaking violently.

Being born is cruel, and I do n’t like being murdered.

So this killing was a spiritual experience for the disciples.

I was the most professional member of Xiyutang on the killing. Various hidden weapons greeted and killed a member of the hunting group without blinking.

The numbers are similar on both sides.

But the Ironbone disciples have been crushed regardless of their strength or equipment, so fighting together is definitely a unilateral slaughter.

Especially when they gradually adapted to killing, their state of mind also began to change, until their hands were not shaking, and their hearts were not nervous. It was even more ruthless to kill them.

I don't kill, people kill me.

So I just have to kill and keep myself alive.

Jun Changxiao had already been trained in Heifeng Mountain as early as killing people, so he didn't make a shot, but stood on the tree watching.

His disciples gradually adapted, letting go of his hand, and he was very pleased.

In the brutal realm that respects martial arts, not to mention addictive killing, at least it must have a consciousness of killing to live better.

"Head! Head!"

在 At this moment, Li Shangtian rushed over holding the poisonous snake and cried, "Quickly rescue the snake brother, quickly rescue the snake brother!"

Seeing that the snake's bumpy face was scarcely scarlet, Jun often laughed and jumped down quickly. He opened his mouth and threw a healer.

The panacea spreads in the body. The viper snake, whose life was dying, suddenly opened his eyes. The first sentence was: "Li Shangtian, go to your uncle, almost killed Laozi!"

"Wake up, wake up!"

Seeing Brother Snake opening his eyes, Li Shangtian was ecstatic, and even raised a feeling of being scolded and very cool.


Xun Jun often smiled and waved, and threw Han Fengjian over and said, "If you don't kill someone, you will be sorry for the poisonous snake, and I ’m sorry for this healing Dan."

上 Li Shangtian catches the cold sword, his expression suddenly stunned.

I thought of Brother Snake for his own hidden weapon, and now he was still in his body. The fashion was the most fashionable.


Li Shangtian pulled out his sword and shouted, "I want to kill!"

He said, step forward.

Xun Jun often laughed and grabbed his back collar, twisted forcibly, and pointed forward: "You're running in the wrong direction."


Li Shangtian bitterly said, "I ... I'm afraid ..."

"Afraid of your uncle!"

The venomous snake lay on the ground, pointing at the people who were killing, and angrily screamed, "Go kill Lao Tzu, you can't kill two, go back and train twice!"

Hearing the words "Double Training", Li Shangtian's eyes flickered coldly, and he rushed forward with his sword "Ahh".

The venomous snake said embarrassingly, "The head of the school, it is my Xiyutang who taught Wufang and cultivated such a timid guy."

Xun Jun often smiled and shook his head: "After all, killing is not a trivial matter, and Li Shangtian is afraid that it is normal."

The poisonous snake was silent.

Wu Yao thought it would be a long time before he could kill him at the age of fourteen.

Qi Li Luoqiu stood on the tree and laughed, "The little guy just saved you just now, and he runs fast."

Xun Jun often laughed: "This is a good seed. If you have the courage to practice it, it may be a tiger for you."

"There are more people killed, and the guts will naturally be practiced." Li Luo Qiutun paused, and said, "Vipers, after returning, double his training."


The poisonous snake answered.

Uh ...

In order not to double, Li Shangtian evilly kills the guts ~ ~ If he knows that he can't escape in the end, he will cry.


Li Shangtian rushed over and circled around an enemy.

I was fighting with members of the hunting group and gave Tian Qi, who killed the space many times, and said, "You kill!"


Feng Han's sword penetrated the man's body.

Wu Qi's blood splashed Tian Qiyi's face, making him almost fainted.

他 My mother-in-law has created so many good opportunities for you, and I chose to kill me from an angle of blood. This is really a pig teammate!


He drew his sword and the body fell to the ground.

I endured the vertigo caused by the circle, Li Shangtian looked at the blood-stained sword, and his stomach suddenly turned over.


I ... I killed!

Huh! call out! call out!

Just then, several hidden weapons flew behind him.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Yang Yuhua stepped forward, blocked it with a strong iron shield, and said, "Brother, I will give you the hidden device!"

I kill again?

上 Li Shangtian held the blood-stained sword, and somehow his hands did not tremble!


He once again boldly killed by shouting.

brush! brush!

The obscurer hit one after another.

上 Li Shangtian relied on ghosts to evade, and finally rushed to the front, Han Fengjian swept hardly!

"Bash ————"

This sword is infused with all the power and directly takes the opponent's head away!

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