The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 228: 1 point pass

The hundred members of the hunting group, including the leader and deputy leader, came down from the mountain gate in less than half an hour.

Alas, that's wrong.

There is also a survivor!

叫 His name is Ergouzi, and he is in pain now.

If you have a mobile phone, you will definitely send a circle of friends online for help, because your body is completely frozen, like a lifelike ice sculpture.

He sealed Lu Yan, and Yang Yuhua carried him.

Now, he was placed beside a stone, surrounded by iron-bone disciples, pointing and discussing.

"Master Sister is so fierce that she has frozen a living person!"

"If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it!"

"Sealed inside, must be cold?"

I'm more than cold!

二 The two dogs wrapped in the ice layer now seem to be falling into the extreme cold hell, and they are suffering from indescribable pain.

If he could choose, he would rather be shot with a headshot and beheaded by a sword than the inhuman torture.

I'm a pity.

I have no choice.

Because, he has to take full responsibility for every word and every word he just said.


Qiu Liluo Qiumei's eyes were full of murderousness, and she said, "This guy is full of **** and obscene words, don't torture him well, the old lady can't take that breath."

I can make the owner Li Tang so irritable, and it can be seen that the two dogs said a lot of uncomfortable things when they came down.

Xun Jun often laughed: "It's over to you."


Qi Li Luoqiu waved his hand, and the bright dagger emerged, then came to the ice sculpture and cut it towards the arm.


Ice cubes dropped with flesh inside!


Twenty-two dogs exposed the outside of their torn arm, before they could splash blood, they were again sealed by the cold air.

Does it hurt?

Super pain!

The painful two dogs escaped from the extreme cold **** all of a sudden, painful heartbreak, painful face ...

Huh, can't change, blocked by ice!

brush! brush! brush!

Li Luoqiu's dagger fluttered, the ice cubes fell off layer by layer.

Lu 芊芊 stood beside him, seemingly not moving, but kept urging the cold, and sealed the exposed skin of that guy with ice.

In front of two women, two dogs is equivalent to being Ling Chi.

"Too cruel!"

The iron-bone disciples who had experienced the killings turned around and saw this scary scene.


Li Luoqiu said: "You also come to cut a piece."

"Ah? Oh ..."

Ling Yuanxue took the dagger, closed her eyes and went to the ice sculpture, then she turned her face and waved it.


The ice layer was wrapped in meat, and it fell down piece by piece.

In the end, the guy named Ergouzi was executed alive.

多 How painful the whole process is, there is no need to describe it in words. In short, as his companion just said, he really died in the hands of women.


I got my wish.

The three peony flowers were late to die, and being a ghost is also sad.

Uh ...

The **** disciples involved in the killings all killed, and some killed more than one.

In the cruel world, going through this kind of thing is undoubtedly the most normal, and it is also a spiritual experience.

上 The biggest change is Li Shangtian.

躺在 He was lying on the grass, always remembering the killing.

Although I still had a little bit of dim sum at first, I gradually realized that it was not a big deal.


上 Li Shangtian secretly said: "It is the day when Li Shangtian ascended!"

Ling Lingyuan Xue also killed.

I was only killed with the help of my brother.

Although still very scared, she also gained a lot of courage, which will definitely help in the future.


Qi Liluo Qiu said: "What next?"

Xi Jun often lay on the stone with a smile, with a dog's tail weeding in the corner of her mouth, and said, "So many disciples have died, but anyone who has a bit of temper will certainly be unable to bear it."

Uh ...

Black Eagle Hall Great Hall.


The tea table was shattered directly by Liehesha, and the whole body was filled with anger and killing.

I just ordered the hunting group action, but at the foot of the mountain, he died at the foot of the mountain. It must be difficult to accept!

It doesn't matter if ordinary disciples die.

The members of the hunting and hunting group are all cultivated by themselves with a lot of resources and energy!

"Church master."

Yang Zhi frowned: "The attack on the group of people down the mountain is bad!"

In a short time, it was possible to destroy all members of the hunting and killing group, and even the leader of the group died in front of the mountain gate. This is by no means ordinary military practice.

"Mr. Yang."

Wu Lihei was angry and said, "Who is it, dare to challenge at the foot of my Black Eagle Hall!"

"Hard to say."

Yang Zhi has been thinking about the identity of the person coming.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I ca n’t think of it.

Wu Zhongtang said, "Some time ago, we robbed Perak Hall's goods. Could it be them?"


Yang Zhi didn't say anything, Lieheisha first denied: "Although Perak Hall is as good as my Black Eagle Hall, it doesn't have this ability yet."

"Don't ..."

The deputy chief of the vice devil looked solemnly: "Did Liuliu faction do it?"

Yang Zhi shook his head and said: "Every action in these years, the target is all eight or nine, and has not provoked Liuliu martial arts."

Wu Lihei said angrily: "No matter who does it, anyone who kills me at Black Eagle Hall must pay a painful price!"

"Mr. Yi."

"Is there any good way to counterattack the fuck!"

Yang Zhi said: "According to what the disciples saw at Shanmen, the number of enemies was at least about 70 or 80."

"The enemy is dark and bright, and there are powerful hidden weapons, and the frontal attack will be very passive."

"It's better to wait for the night to come down quietly from the cliffs behind Houshan, make sure the other party hasn't left, and annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

"Make sense."

Xie Liehesha looked at the deputy chief, and said, "Three sons, take a few helm masters and physically fit disciples at night, go down the back hill, find the attacker, and pass on the signal."


The deputy chief left in a hurry.

Uh ...

下 Under the Black Eagle Mountain.

Xiao Xiao has always carried a 88-type sniper rifle and relied on an eight-fold mirror to pay careful attention to the gate of the Black Eagle Hall.

青 Li Qingyang and others spread out, always pay attention to the surrounding movement.

Xun Jun often sat on the stone with a smile and said, "It's not like the evil style because it hasn't come out for so long."

Liluo Qiu said: "Our gods have killed people in the invisible, and they are not fools ~ ~ definitely dare not come forward."

"Make sense."

Xun Jun often smiled and continued to observe the map, and then pointed at the outlined cliffs, and said, "Do you say that at night, will they come down from here and go around us?"

"No way."

Qi Liluo Qiu said: "The cliffs and mountains are as smooth as a knife, at least a few hundred feet high. If you accidentally fall, even the warrior will be seriously injured."

Xun Jun often shook his head with a smile: "A martial arts headquarters, if there is only one road, it is definitely not normal. This seems to be the most dangerous place, maybe their back road."

Yang Zhi thinks of coming down from the back mountain, he thinks the same way, they really have a sense of understanding!

"You are here to guard."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "I took someone to Houshan to watch."

After the words were over, Xiao Xiaoji and others went around a large circle and came to the back of a cliff about a kilometer high, and the torrents of rapids below, people fell from above, and they had to be washed to the ends of the earth by the water.

Night is coming.


He kept observing Xiao Xinji above and whispered, "Someone has come down."

Xun Jun often leaned in and took the gun. He took an eight-times mirror and looked at it in the vague space. A disciple of Black Eagle Hall gathered on the cliff.


Dozens of people jumped down at the same time.


Looking at the black shadows falling down, Jun Chang smiled and twitched, "Even if it's bungee jumping, I've tied a rope to my leg."

PS, Happy National Day, please recommend, ask for monthly tickets, all kinds of requests!

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