Jun Chang laughed and made his disciples pretend to be the people of Heiyingtang, relying on the night. If he changed for a long time, he would definitely be seen at a glance.

Yang Zhi found out the clue, but just to remind him, Li Luoqiu was shot in the head.

He fell to the ground so that Liehesha and his men stunned.


The pretending disciples hiding on the ground stood up and sacrificed all their weapons.

"The disciples listen."

Xun Jun often laughed coldly and said, "Kill all the evil generations."


The disciples burst out of psionic energy to kill the past.

Although the number is far more than three hundred black eagles in the number of people, but after several killings, they have no fear at all.

"Three sons!"

Wu Liehesha said, "What's going on!"

家伙 This guy hasn't turned the corner yet, and he hasn't realized that he has already done his best to bring his disciples down the mountain.

Li Qingyang, who disguised himself as a deputy, turned around, and the psionic energy poured into Han Fengjian's twinkling light, mapping him out.

Helie Heisha saw this, and looked grimly, "You are not the third son!"

"Three sons?"

"You're talking about him."

青 Li Qingyang kicked the body under his foot.

Tong Lie He Sha saw the third son's face through Jianmang, and his eyes suddenly burst into anger.


At this moment, a voice came from behind.

The sharp sword in the hand of the viper snake directly penetrated the chest of a disciple of a black eagle.

Li Shangtian didn't even take a shot because of his injuries. He must be alive in his heart, so let him vent!

As the first disciple was killed, the fighting between the two factions officially began.

The psionic energy broke out on both sides, and they fought into a ball.

The Black Eagle Hall, with its predominant number of people, is supposed to be able to fight back very well, but when it comes to fighting with the Disciples, it suddenly feels stressful!

Especially a disciple holding a sword, a weapon was cut off by Zhang Wei and others in person, and he was stupid on the spot.



The sword light flickered, and the stubble flew.

In just one round of competition, Heiyingtang died of more than thirty disciples.

The double suppression of equipment and equipment, even if their numbers are dominant, is just a bunch of weeds.

These people died quite plainly.

Next, many of the Black Eagle Church disciples died very grievously, because they were either shot by hidden weapon or attacked.

The members of Xiyuyutang wandered on the battlefield like ghosts.

They have fully developed the skills of the killer, which is really invincible!

Xun Jianguang, Gunmang, and various concealers flickered frequently on the battlefield, and the disciples of Heiyingtang were ruthlessly killed and fell down one after another.

Helie Heisha still stands.

He didn't take any action, because his eyes were always on Li Qingyang, and his killings intensified.

At the doorstep of his own house, the hunting group was killed and the deputy chief was killed. It was really unbearable and unacceptable!


Under the clenching of his fists, a stream of blood-red air flow diffused out, revealing the evil spirit.


The night star came and stood opposite him, proudly saying, "Your opponent is me."

"Brother, I leave it to you."

青 Li Qingyang said: "I'll go and solve other people."

He said, using his body skills to bypass, then rushed into the enemy group, and launched a crazy kill.

Zhou Zhouhong also participated in the war.

家伙 This guy is really fierce, seemingly walking in leisurely court, cutting out dozens of swords in one breath, all the disciples around Heiyingtang, all fell to the ground on the spot, showing a slight sword mark on the neck.

The sword is fast, even Jianguang cannot see it!


Xi Jun often laughed: "I'm afraid he can destroy all the Black Eagle Hall disciples present."

This is the strongest output of my Ironbone faction, just ask you to be afraid?


Heiyingtang disciples are very scared!

They originally wanted to stabilize the situation and organize an effective counterattack. As a result, they saw dozens of people killed by Zhou Hongyi.

When the two armies are at war, morale is most important.

Now, witnessing the massive death of his companions, the disciples of Black Eagle Church were severely hit.

Taking this opportunity, Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others speeded up the harvest, and everything they did was a killing.

The head said just now that all these evil generations must be killed, so what they can do is to let them have no chance to escape!

Black Eagle Hall realized that the opponent was too strong, and hurriedly contracted the defense line and moved closer together.

Boom! boom! boom!

Yang Yuhua held a strong iron shield, like a wild bull rushing in, hitting more than ten enemies in an instant, and tearing the line of defense!

Xun Long Ziyang and others armed with guns, the wind and the clouds reap the disciples of Heiyingtang.

For a while, the stumps, broken arms and blood flew in the air.

Unfortunately it is night.

If you switch to daylight, the mowing picture will be even more shocking!

The disciples at the Black Eagle Hall, seeing them so horrified, were even more horrified in their eyes, like the frightened mouse, all shrinking together.

In this way, it will only surround the Iron Bone faction, and even the chance to run.

I ca n’t sit still, I have to fight back, a helm master yells, "Kill ..."


The brain was pierced by bullets, and his body fell to the ground.

Li Luoqiu, who was standing on the tree, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I'm a hit bird."

Boom! boom!

Yang Yuhua, holding a strong iron shield, was in the form of a knot mask, like a bulldozer. When he passed, he directly knocked all the disciples of Heiyingtang.

Xun Long Ziyang and others followed up all the way, as if the sharp spear kept picking and killing the target.

I just rushed back and forth a few times and killed fifty or sixty people!

I figured it out.

In a short period of time, more than one hundred disciples of Heiyingtang were more than one hundred dead.

The corpses are scattered all over the place like a slaughterhouse!

Xun Jun always laughed from the sidelines and murmured: "In their efficiency, it should be all solved in half an hour."

He said, looking at Liehesha.

Disciple Xuan was wiped out one by one, he still stood still ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the blood red streamer gathered in his fist became more and more intense.

Yan Ye Xingchen raised her eyebrows, disdaining: "Are you performing a stored-force martial art?"

I was seen through?

It doesn't matter, because it's already charged!


Sui Lie He Sha turned suddenly, and furiously fisted the fist that gathered the violent blood red power, angrily shouted, "Today, you all have to die!"


He punched in the void.


The violent wind rose suddenly, and the evil spirit spread.

He only saw a huge blood-red fist appearing out of thin air at the position bombarded by Liehesha, and blasted to the disciples behind him.

He has no time to single out with Ye Xingchen. He must use the bursting evil faction to wipe out all the enemies behind him, thereby reversing the disciples' defeat!


The blood-red fist, which is more than three meters in size, is like a small hill, swept close to the turf, and the powerful force bursts out. When you pass, a groove is formed.

Strong and fast!

I looked back at everyone who was slaughtering the disciples of the Black Eagle Church frantically.


Xiao Xiao had rushed over, and the iron shield stood in front of him.

Look for death!

Wu Liehesha sneered.

This long-awaited blood-blasting fist has a strength of more than 100,000 kilograms, which is enough to be comparable to a martial arts master. How can that guy rely on the shield?


The blood red fist banged directly on the shield.

Wu Liheisha's eyes gradually widened, and his eyes became frightened!

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