The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 234: Little man's counterattack

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [Punishment of Evil and Elimination of Adultery] for 500 points."

"Ding! Martial contribution: 780/1000!"

This is the sound of a system prompt that Jun Chang laughed and set fire to Heiyingtang.

I previously destroyed Heifengzhai and completed a killing for the people. Today, Heiyingtang is completed and a punishment for evil is completed.

It seems to me that the system wants to be a person who works for the sky.

For the skywalk?

I wonder if there is this hidden task.

常 On the way back to Qingyang County, Jun Changxiao always thought about idioms, such as what to guard the rabbits and pull the seedlings to promote it.

I just have too many idioms. The ghost knows which one is the task and how to complete it.


He sighed and secretly said, "No thought at all."

System said: "Hidden tasks are random, the host does not need to remember."


Xun Jun often laughed: "After returning, I can only rely on recruiting disciples to earn contribution value."

I didn't take a break and took my disciples back to Cheongyang-gun overnight.

他们 When they left for two or three hours, the ghost elders chased from thousands of miles away and got everything from Dai Li's memory.

The gangsters were killed and the martial arts were destroyed.

All of this is related to the Ironbone faction, so he went away and secretly vowed to pay back a thousand times.


What the old ghost made him unexpected was that the name of the martial arts, like the ants, that was drawn from his memory, did not die, but he miraculously survived.

When vitality became strong again, Dai Li lying on the ground was dull.

He really doesn't understand, why is he still alive?

Is it because of his misery and unwillingness that he deeply moved God?

Dai Dailu raised his hand gently, and found that the skin had changed from green to normal, and could not help but secretly said, "What was the green streamer just now?"


He jumped up and made sure he was safe. He left the Black Eagle Mountain in a hurry and vowed secretly on the road: "Jun often laughs, and the guy like a ghost, wait for Lao Tzu!"


At this moment, the ghost old and the **** did not know that the ghost appeared in front of him, quite surprised: "Under my dementia, it is still alive, little guy, you are not easy."

Dai Li's expression changed suddenly, and the next second was to escape.

It's a pity, just turned around, the old ghost has already reached out.

没 He didn't buckle his neck this time, but grabbed his head, and said eeriely, "Old man, take a closer look, what secrets are hidden in your body."


魂 Soul demonstration is performed, and it instantly flows into the sea of ​​knowledge.

I experienced Dailu once, and begged to beg for mercy: "Predecessor ... predecessor ... don't kill ..."


The terrible screams rang through the night sky, making them creepy.


He knelt down on both knees, then collapsed to the ground.

It wasn't Dai Dai who fell on the ground, but Ghost Old!

躺在 He was lying on the ground with his eyes open, his body was shrouded in green light, his limbs began to shrink quickly, and only skinny bones remained.

"咻 ————"

The green light flew up and quickly integrated into Dai Lu's body.


Suddenly, a stack of pure psionic energy gathered in his dantian, which not only quickly opened the eleventh and twelve pulses, but also helped him condense the cyclone, breaking through to the seventh-ranked martial artist in one fell swoop!

The whole process takes place in a very short time.

When everything was over, Dai Lu, who was still begging for mercy, saw the old guy die in front of himself like a corpse, scared to the ground and slumped on the spot.

"What ... what happened ..."

I felt that there was a powerful force in the body, and he was stupid than he was on the spot.

Long for a long time, when Dai Li fully adapted, he was able to be sure that he suddenly became stronger, and it was not a little bit weaker!


Suddenly, he found that his hands turned green again, and the area where the palms were pressed, the flowers and plants were quickly withered, as if they had lost their vitality!

At the same time, there is a faint spiritual force in the palm of the hand, which is not much effective, but can be clearly captured.

Dai Li knew instantly that the weak spiritual power came from flowers and plants?

He touched himself, could he absorb the inner spiritual power?

He looked at him beside him, like an old man with a dead body, his eyes gradually changed from stagnation to ecstasy, and finally he couldn't restrain the secret passage: "Can I devour the spiritual power of others?"

确定 In order to confirm his guess, Dai Lu hurriedly stood up and came to a big tree with her single palm on the bark.

Sure enough!

When the green palm touches the tree, the vitality inside is quickly extracted.

The towering tree, which was originally very strong, withered quickly, and the yellowed leaves fell into pieces.

At the same time, the ingested spiritual power was transformed into energy and incorporated into the body of Dalu, allowing his cyclone to rise a little bit out of thin air.

At this time, even a fool can understand what's going on, so in the dark, there was an instant laughter.

Ah ha ha!

Huh ha ha ha ha!

Dai Dai, who thought he was going to die, miraculously ingested the old ghost and gained his energy, breaking through from the tenth section of the Kaimai to the seventh-grade martial artist in one fell swoop!

玄 In terms of fantasy, this is the proper devourer!


The smile stopped.

The green light on the palm of Dai Dailu disappeared, and it was difficult to reappear no matter how excited he was.

"What's up!"

"Does it only appear in crisis?"

Although frustrated, Xiu has made great progress and Dai Li is still hard to hide his excitement.

He shook his fist and said coldly, "Jun often laughs, sooner or later, I will revenge and hate!"

He said, getting up and leaving.

I just started, and the speed turned out to be very fast, almost like a ghost.

From this we can see that Brother Green Jin not only ingested the practice of Gui Lao, but also realized his blood burst step by himself. Although it can not be compared with it, at the level of martial arts, he is already very strong!


Super cool!

At that moment, the wearing law galloping in the mountains and fields had a kind of heaven and earth, the only feeling that I had solemn respect, could not wait to catch up with the iron skeletons, and beat them fiercely.

calm down.

That guy and his disciples are so amazing!

虽然 Although I have gained powerful power ~ ~, but my fists are difficult to defeat, I still return to the Holy Spring Sect first, thoroughly study the green light, and upgrade to a higher level for revenge.

Are two fists difficult to defeat the public?

This buddy, a little overestimated himself.

He also swallowed up the power of others, and his level was elevated.

Even if you step into the martial arts and face an outsider like Long Ziyang, you can still be abused and doubt your life.

Uh ...

Absorb the power of the strong and stride from the tenth section of Kaimai to the seventh-grade martial artist in one fell swoop.

Da Li is definitely open, and it is definitely an inspirational story of the villain's counterattack.

But Gui Gui is very tragedy.

He is the old one in ‘Small, Older’, usually BOSS. As a result, he did n’t see any Iron Man, and was killed by an ant.

He said.

Ye Jun's head really thanked Dai Li.

If it wasn't for his half-heartedness, he killed the old ghost, and faced a ghostly Wu Zong, which would have a headache.

I just did.

Strangled a dangerous person and made an ant.

It's really hard to say if I will bring more trouble in the future.


"Oh ..."

Dai Dailu forgot all the speed, and accidentally hit the boulder.

At present, even if Green Turtle is a devourer, his IQ can't bring any substantial threat to the systemist, the wasteman, and the rebirth.

Therefore, although the little man has counterattacked, but wants to continue to counterattack a few protagonists, it will be a long way to go.

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