The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 243: Jun is responsible for people

A few days later.

Li Qingyang set out first.

His task is to win the championship of Huayang County contest.

Li Qing's positive personality is stable, and people are a bit kind.

Jun Chang laughed and asked him to participate in a race with danger of death. He also wanted to hone it.

After joining the martial arts, Li Qingyang also changed a lot, especially in treating the enemy, and also showed the due decisive effect.

However, it is not enough.

For example, the battle with the leader of the Black Eagle Hall can be killed directly, because the kindness raised in the heart allows the other party to seize the opportunity to escape.

Kindness is virtue.

The Virgin is also a virtue.

Jun Changxiao doesn't want his disciples to be cold-blooded and ruthless, nor do they want them to be kind in treating their enemies.

Because it's not the Virgin Mary, it's the Virgin Mary with a disability.

After Li Qingyang set off.

Five gold medal members followed in the dark, protecting them all the time.

The next day, Xiao Xinji and Su Xiaomo and others were farther away because of the martial arts they participated in, so they set out ahead of time, and members of Xiyutang followed.

Jun Changxiao put his mind on teaching his disciples, and at the same time rewarded the night star with 10 15 times Qiqi Dan and 10 spirit stones.

100 turns into 10, which is a bit digging.

However, 15 times polygas Dan made Ye Xingchen very satisfied.

"Three months of disciple Xiaobi is coming."

Jun Chang laughed and murmured: "If you win the championship, you can add a few spirit stones as a reward."

This decision was passed on, and the disciples immediately became more active!


Li Qingyang and others went to participate in various competitions, and Jun Changxiao repeated it during training, teaching his disciples, and practicing towers.

15 times gas gathering Dan and Lingshi, always available.

A few days later.

Relying on resources and the powerful Yijinjing, Jun headed the realm from Wupin to Liupin Wushu.

For the time being, he is already on par with Li Luoqiu, who has just entered the sixth martial arts division, and has become the strongest in the martial arts.


One punch on the test machine showed a power value of 9W7.

Wu Pin Wu Shi's power value is about 9W, and now breaks through Liu Pin to directly increase 7000, which is 1,000 pounds more than the maximum limit.


Jun Chang smiled and said contentlessly: "When can I reach the level where I can use the Qinglong Moon Moonblade without the power increase sign?"

Systematic Road: "In terms of the increase in power brought by the promotion of the host realm, only breakthroughs to Wu Zong can meet the requirements."

"Not at the martial arts stage?" Jun Chang laughed.

The system said: "The blue dragon moon knife requires a minimum of 150,000 kilograms. The host enters the peak warrior, and the power is about 13W kilograms, which is definitely not possible."

"Only 13W?"

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head.

The system said silently: "The top genius of the starfall continent, the highest power value of the martial arts level is only about 100,000, and the host is 20,000 or 30,000 higher than them. What's not content?"


Jun Chang laughed: "You can count what I like to hear!"



Three days later.

Li Qingyang is back.

Clean up when you leave and clean up when you return.

"Second Brother!"

The disciples gathered around and said, "How is it?"


Li Qingyang laughed: "I won the championship."

"Second Brother is mighty!"

The disciples shouted again.

The pride of being a disciple disciple is strong again!


Li Qingyang walked into the hall, presented 50 spirit stones and a medium-grade weapon, and said, "This is the reward for the championship of Huaying County Contest."


Jun Chang smiled and took away 40 spirit stones, and said, "Is there any difficulty?"

"No difficulty."

Li Qingyang was rather disappointed: "The Huaying County Contest is limited in age. It is not allowed to participate in the competition over the age of 20.

"That's really weak."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Have you killed someone?"

"Regardless of the life and death of the contest, the disciples encountered a lot of evil martial arts soldiers. They shot poisonous and fierce, and finally I was killed." Li Qingyang said.

Jun Chang smiled with satisfaction and said, "Yes, yes."


Li Qingyang said: "The disciples are worried that they will offend several evil factions and come to my iron bones to find trouble."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his nose, and said, "As long as they dare to come, they can't go back."


At this moment, Zhang Wei hurried over from the outside and said, "There is a guy who claims to be a ghost-handed elder, shouting outside!"

Li Qingyang said diligently: "The head of the group, the ghost hand faction is a seventh-class evil faction in Huaying County, and this disciple is among the contestants killed by the disciples."


Jun Chang laughed: "Trouble comes quickly."

Talking, got up and went out.


Outside the school.

Ghost-handed elders stood proudly with their backs, their eyes glinted and gloomy, and at first glance they were typical evil men.

He is angry now.

The disciples who participated in the contest were killed by Li Qingyang, an iron skeleton.

What's even more annoying is that he squatted outside the city where Biwu was located for a long time and didn't wait for that guy.

After killing the evil disciples, Li Qingyang must know that he was in trouble, so he disguised himself when he came out.

Otherwise, it is impossible to return in peace.


The closed red paint door opened.

Jun Chang laughed out of it and laughed, "Hello?"


Ghostly sorrow whispered coldly: "The four elders of Huaying County ghost hand faction, Song Kun."


This name starts with Ai Yan!


Song Ci said indifferently: "It looks like the person you wear looks like a dog. Can it not be the leader of the iron skeleton?"


Jun head laughed and said, "Elder Song, why do you have time to visit my iron bones?"

"Visit a fart!"

Song Zheng Shen chanted, "Call you Li Qingyang, the old man will take his life."

It deserves to be from an evil faction and simply simply.

Jun Chang laughed: "Elder Song is also a high-level martial artist, come to my iron bones to take my disciples' lives, it is a bit wrong.

Song Yan sneered, and said, "Dare to kill my ghost-handed disciples, no matter what their identity, the old man must have his own hands."

"How about this."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat has had tricks with Elder Song."

Just broke through to the sixth-ranked martial artist, itchy hands!


Song Wei smiled strangely: "The king is in charge. The old man only takes his life when he fights with others, and he never said anything."

"okay then."

Jun Chang smiled: "I'm here to let Elder Song take his life."

"It's not bad to kill my disciples and let the head of the team resist." Song Xuan said lightly, "Here, go to your martial arts field?"

"Just here."

Jun Chang laughed: "I am afraid that the blood will stain the slate at that time."

"桀桀 桀 ~ ~ Song Yan smiled strangely:" Jun's head is a man of great care. "


Suddenly, Jun Chang smiled in front of him and stepped on the ghost step, and said eeriely: "Don't misunderstand Elder Song, I am afraid that your blood will stain the slate!"

Song Yan's smile was frozen, and her eyes were horrified.

This guy was so fast that he didn't catch how close he was!


Just at this moment, Jun often laughed and punched.

With the blessing of the bursting fist, the strength carried easily exceeded 100,000 kg!

not good……


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