Raising to 85 points, Jun Chang laughed and gave up to continue to put crystal nuclei, there is no way, only 10 or 20 million left, all invested, I am afraid that can only be raised by one or two points, the rest can only be left to fate Already.

Although there is a possibility of variation even if it is only one percent.

But he still worked hard to increase the mutation rate in order to prove that he did not rely on the protagonist aura, but on real money.

What if it fails?

Eighty-five percent have failed, and that's God's will.

"It only failed 15 times for 100 times, and it failed 1.5 times on average. The idea should not be memorized like this." Jun Chang laughed and comforted himself.

The system said: "If the host spreads over 1.5 times, it will definitely fail completely."


Can't hit me!

Jun Chang laughed and ignored it, quietly waiting for the incubation time to arrive.

Only one day has passed and 14 days remain.

It's a bit long, so I focus on cultivating and managing my disciples.

The next day.

Su Xiaomo returned to Wai County to participate in the martial arts contest. When she left, she was very clean, but when she returned, she was covered with dust.

At first glance, the way was too fast.

The disciples hurriedly gathered around and saw the brother with the championship medal around his neck.

The two brothers went to different counties and won the first place in succession. This definitely greatly encouraged the morale of the Ironbone disciples and filled them with hope for the future!

Su Xiaomo went to meet the head and turned in the championship reward.

He will not keep it private, because without the head training, he will not have the current self, and won't easily win the championship.

of course.

Jun Chang smiled and didn't treat me badly. He gave Su Xiaomo ten spirit stones.

The remaining ones are used up as martial arts test rewards and given to other disciples.

In the next few days, Li Fei and Tian Qi also returned one after another.

The two lived up to the trust of their heads and successfully won various competition championships and obtained considerable martial arts resources.

Although these inner disciples cultivated by Jun Changxiao only have the level of martial arts, their strength has reached the level of martial arts.

Except for high-spec events, participating in those low-level martial arts contests is absolutely invincible, and there is no suspense at all.

"The four of them, Qingyang, brought a total of 100 spirit stones. Although the number is not large, they have at least gained something."

Jun Changxiao is more satisfied with the way for his disciples to participate in various martial arts competitions to earn resources.


There are too few events and the sustainability is poor.


Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "Why hasn't sin come back yet?"

All five insider disciples returned from completing their missions, but Xiao Sin had not yet returned.

Could it be.

The competition is difficult?


At this moment, Li Luoqiu hurriedly entered the hall and said, "Heyang County heard the news that Xiao Gui has won the martial arts champion and returned to the road, blocked by a large number of experts in the mountains. Quick rescue! "

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

No wonder it hasn't returned yet, it turned out to be blocked!

"how many people?"

"There are at least a hundred and many of them, including the Wu Zong strong!"

Jun Chang smiled for a moment and said silently, "Call a team of Xiyutang, and go to Heyang County to save people."


Li Luoqiu hurriedly withdrew, and convened all members of the Xiyutang in the martial arts.

According to Jun Chang smile, other disciples continued to cultivate.

But walking out of the hall, we saw Li Qingyang, Su Xiaomo and others standing in the forefront on the stage of the performance martial arts, with cohesion on their faces.

They have received news that Brother Xiao was blocked in Heyang County.

"You're going too?" Jun Chang laughed.

Li Qingyang said: "My brother is in trouble. I'll wait for rescue!"


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Go!"

Other disciples also wanted to follow to rescue Brother Xiao, but knew that their limited strength was not only useless, but also dragged down the rescue speed, so they could only watch the leader wait for someone to pray for their safe return.


brush! brush! brush!

On the way to Hayang-gun, more than fifty members of the Yuyutang were walking in a gallop.

"Oh shit!"

Li Shangtian followed, angrily: "The courage is not small, dare to bully our disciples!"

After experiencing the Black Eagle Hall incident, the boy's face faded a lot, and the person became a bit mature.

Because it is to rescue, the speed of the big guys has been increased to the extreme.

Jun Chang smiled on the purple tiger cub and walked in front of him. The coldness in his eyes became more intense.

Although he didn't know why there were so many warriors to stop Xiao sin, but since he dared to offend my iron skeleton, he must be punished severely!

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo followed closely, and were also very worried about the younger brother, so the speed was repeatedly increased until it was too fast.

Brother Xiao.

Must support us!

Heyang County is at least a thousand miles away from Qingyang County, and it usually takes at least two or three days to get on the road normally.

However, Jun Changxiao brought his disciples as fast as possible, and at dusk, he had already arrived in Heyang County.

Li Luo Qiuli stood in the mountains and looked around to make sure that the marks left by the members pointed to the Eastern Road: "The head should be in this position."


Jun Chang laughed and led his disciples straight to the east.


A dark place in a valley.

Xiao Xie tore off the cloth strip from his clothes, wrapped it around the sword-marked wrist, then raised the 88-type sniper rifle, his eyes turned cold.

His face was pale, and it appeared that he had not only trauma but also internal injuries.

After participating in the martial arts contest in Heyang County, Xiao Gui had originally wanted to return to the martial arts, but was blocked here by martial arts of various martial arts.


The strike was too heavy and hurt his family.

In fact, during the fight, the disciples of various factions came from the Yaliu school in Jiujun County because of their contempt for Xiao.

The majors in Hayang-gun will not care about this.

As long as the disciples are bullied, the perpetrators must pay the price, and they must be severely punished!


Suddenly, a loud voice came from Tanai: "You are now trapped in Tanai, give up your struggle, show up obediently, and surrender the power of God, you may still be alive."

Xiao Guiji erected an 88-type sniper rifle, approached the octagonal mirror, aimed at the direction of the sound, and found that there were more than a dozen military men of various factions standing there, and pulled the trigger again.

call out----

The bullets shot silently, killing a peak warrior directly, and then carrying a gun to change the position in the fastest time.

"Where is he!"

"Fuck, hurry up!"

"Killed many of us with a hidden weapon, we must unload eight pieces to catch!"

Warriors of all factions rushed forward.

It is a pity that Xiao Xie has rich field combat experience. After shooting and killing a person, he hides again well, so that they can only continue to find and become more vigilant.

The valley is not large, and the area is getting smaller and smaller as everyone shrinks and surrounds.

Xiao Gui, who has killed many people from various factions, knows that he will be found sooner or later, so he will set up the 88-type sniper rifle again.

How much can be killed, it is not a loss to die!


Suddenly, there was a wind breaking behind him, and a powerful force swept through.

"Not good ..." Xiao Guiji's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly retracted his gun to avoid it, but he was still one step behind, and was punched directly on the back by a powerful fist carrying a powerful spirit.


Burst flew out, banging on the stone wall.

The person who attacked from behind was a middle-aged man in white fluttering clothes, with a Wu Zong breath all over his body, and said lightly: "It is very good for a junior to hide for so long.


Xiao Sin tried to stand up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and a blood spurted out.


The middle-aged man wondered: "It is even more commendable to stand up to my 200,000 jins of strength.

Xiao Guiji grinned his **** mouth and laughed, "No ... don't underestimate me."


The middle-aged person approached instantly and proudly said, "I want to see and see. How capable are you, the disciples of the iron skeleton?"

The shadow of the fist permeated instantly, relentlessly bombarded Xiao Xiaoji.

Huh! Huh! Huh!


PS, there is 1 more at night, desperately coding.

(End of this chapter)

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