The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 249: Killing Qishan Sovereign!

At the critical moment, Jun Chang laughed and rushed into the valley relying on the marks left on the road, and his anger could not be suppressed immediately.

Because after approaching the members of the deceased Xiyutang, the news of the reduction of the martial members was heard in the ear.

Dare to kill my disciples.

No matter who it is or who you are, you must die!

of course.

Death is also particular about it.

Is it the cleanliness of death, or the pain of death?

If the middle-aged person below retracts his feet and gives a clean death, if he insists on stepping on it, then the pain of death is unbearable!

"The palm ... the palm ..."

Xiao Xin shouted weakly, his eyes ecstatic.

Here comes the head.

The younger brother is safe!

At this time, Xiao Xinji was not concerned about himself or a member of Xiyutang.

Seeing the cultivated heart-baby baby suffered such a severe injury, Jun Chang smiled and became more intense.

Even if the guy standing underneath is a **** or an immortal, there is only one death!

Not afraid to offend people?

Under normal circumstances, Jun Changxiao will choose a low-key, such as to spare the ghost hand elders, but at this moment, there is only killing in mind!

Dragons have inverse scales, and they die immediately.

The inverse scale that Jun Chang laughs at is his baby disciples.

Not to mention killing, even if you hurt a hair, you have to pay a painful price!

Hearing Xiao Xinji's words, Liao Cangfang said lightly, "You are the head of the **** iron bone school?"

Others were talking, and their feet still remained.

This makes Jun Chang laugh in his heart that he has already condemned the death, and is desperate to die.

It may be seen that the other party is also the head of the party. Liao Cangfang retracted his feet, but because of the slow half-beat, he could not change the painful death.


Liao Cangfang said indifferently: "I am a fancy to your disciple, let him turn to my Qishan ancestors."

In words, Jun Chang laughed completely.

Not to mention the Iron-Bone faction leader, even if Qin Haoran, who is dual-purpose, comes, he is just as high above him.

This is not pretense, nor is it a villain.

But because of its strength, it is natural to have a strong look. Is it possible to nod and wait to face the weak?

"Fancy, just come under your door?" Jun Chang smiled lightly: "You are really arrogant."

Liao Cangfang said: "Give him his grievances."

He really appreciates Xiao Xiaoji, and if he can pull into his own door, he will definitely not want to kill him.

Unfortunately, it is doomed to wishful thinking.

Even if Jun Changxiao really gave him Xiao sin, he would never endure the disciples' murder.

So holding up the knife, he said coldly, "Above all the grudges? Paralyze you!"

Liao Cangfang frowned slightly: "His good luck is also in charge, and his mouth is full of vulgar words, but there is no education at all."

Who killed me, and talked to me about upbringing?


Jun Chang smiled.

Suddenly, his eyes were as cold as Daoguang, then he jumped forward and waved his knife down!


The knife was cut down and the force was at least 300,000 kg.

It can be seen that the Zengfu amulet was crushed early!

Liao Cangfang, who was indifferent at first, felt the heavy sword style, his face was solemn, and he protruded with a single palm, and said, "Paiyun palm!"


The psionic energy erupted out of the palm of the hand, forming a cloud-like air wave, and quickly condensing the palm print to meet it.

Jun Chang laughed that this knife was so powerful that he didn't dare to carelessly, and directly used the high-end high-level method that he has known for many years!



The green dragon and the moon knife form a green knife light, and the power is still rising, and finally soared to 400,000 kilograms!

What concept?

Only Emperor Wu Zong with good qualifications can possess such power.

And at least five grades!

Liao Cangfang has top-quality spiritual roots, belonging to the middle and first-class Wu Zong. Although it is only the second-class, under the blessing of Paiyun, the power can reach about 230,000.

This is undoubtedly excellent.

Unfortunately, in front of Jun Changxiao.


Not enough to watch!

"Break me!"

Jun often chuckled coldly.

The green knife light was pressed down fiercely, and the plausible palm print was cut open directly. Yu Wei did not decompress.

"how is this possible……"

Liao Cangfang's face changed, but time didn't allow him to be shocked, and he hurriedly stepped away to avoid it.


As soon as this side was gone, the heavy knife energy had been chopped to the ground, and instantly showed a knife mark about one meter long.

Click! Click!

At the end of the knife mark, the ground cracked rapidly and extended forward, and finally broke out five or six meters!

A knife of 400,000 pounds seems to cut off the ground in this area!

Although Liao Cangfang reluctantly avoided, but saw the knife marks extending from the ground, his back suddenly started to sweat coldly.

He didn't doubt it at all. If the knife hit himself just now, the end would be to split the two halves on the spot!

This iron-bone patriarch seems to be only six or seven martial arts masters, why did such a terrifying force erupt? !!

Is it ... hiding Xiuwei?

"Single to the party!"

Jun Chang who just fell down smiled and rushed over with a knife.

Qinglong Yueyue Sword suddenly swept halfway, and the cyan streamer burst out!

The same is still 400,000 catty power!

Liao Cangfang was frightened and did not dare to fight with her, hurriedly stepping away to avoid it.

Although you can barely avoid it, Daoguang swept the one next to her body, still shocked with cold sweat!

Before absolute power, Xiao had been severely injured and toppled to the ground.

Today, he is also a lot weaker in the face of a strong Ironback leader who is stronger than himself.

High above?

Flying without a trace is long gone!


Jun Chang smiled and came.

This time, the ghost step was performed, and the speed was increased to the extreme. While Liao Cangfang just stabilized his body, he shouted: "The Seven Army Flooded!"


"not good!"

Liao Cangfang's face changed suddenly.

He wanted to avoid, but just turned away, Dao Mang pressed against the tip of his nose and chopped his right arm severely.


Daomang passed by, arms flew out!

Because the speed of the knife is too fast and the power is strong, the cracked wound did not splatter blood for the first time!


Jun Chang laughed like a ghost and appeared behind Liao Cangfang.


The knife light flickered again, and the other arm flew out again!

Until this time, the wound on Liao Cangfang's right arm began to splatter with blood, rushing into the sea with severe pain, making his face suddenly froze.

Xiao Xin had seen it from an angle, his eyes were round and round!

A Wu Zong was chopped off his arms by the head in a few strokes, which was really shocking!

It's not over yet!

"Warm wine cuts Huaxiong!"

With a smile, Jun Chang swept away from the next three sets.

"咻 ————" The cyan sword mang swept directly from Liao Cangfang's knees, and suddenly showed a thin seam.


The heartbreaking scream resounded in the valley, and the wild beasts fled in horror, with intense panic in their eyes.

How painful this has been ~ ~ can a human make such a tragic cry!


His legs were broken from his knees, and Liao Cangfang, who was embarrassed, fell straight on the ground.

brush! brush! brush!

The cyan knife flickered and peeled against the flesh!

Cut off your arms and legs, and cut off a piece of meat. This is the sixth death of the Qishan suzerainty master!


PS, something happened recently. I have changed two days in the past two days. Today, I will continue to change 4 tomorrow. By the way, the update will be adjusted to daytime in the morning. I ca n’t stand it. The time depends on how long I sleep, so I ca n’t give you an accurate point, ask for a recommendation, or a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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