The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 256: Out of the EU again!

On the other side of Heyang County, because of the birth of Jibao and its ups and downs, it is difficult for Qishan Sect and all factions to find the Ironbone faction in a short time.

Regardless of months or years, there is no doubt that he can win a lot of time for Jun Changxiao to become stronger.

At that time, even if they come over, they can be fearless.

If you want to live in the cruel world, your strength is indispensable, and the routine is not small, otherwise how to play and eat.

After spreading the rumors, Jun Changxiao, by the way, completed a hidden task, still related to idioms, called gossip, and received 100 points of contribution.


Also lively is Shuyang-gun.

The Ai family set up the auction site in Liyang City, and the news spread, causing a huge sensation.

Healing Dan and Shaping Dan, which are quickly recovering, have become famous after several auctions. After all parties have learned the auction time, they have begun preparations.

Especially looking forward to shaping Dan!

Both Heyang County and Puyang County have nothing to do with Jun Changxiao. He sits in the martial arts and continues to cultivate and train his disciples.

Xiaolonglong is still asleep, I do not know when he can wake up.

Disciples want the little ones to sleep more, or they will run out of meat again.


After practicing the tower for two hours, Jun Chang smiled back to his residence with a sour smile and pulled the system mall away.

"Now there are 835 contribution points, it's better to refresh the fraction."

Once the idea rises, the OCD pressure cannot be suppressed, and the mall is decisively pulled down.

Old products are replaced by new ones.

After watching the first few rows, Jun's head was a little cold. After watching the last few rows, he almost jumped up with excitement.

The first-grade body method of the first grade-vertical cloud step!

High-grade mentality in middle class-sound transmission!

There is also a Dan Fang, named-Zhongpin Healing Dan!

Longitudinal movement is a martial arts skill created by an unknown powerhouse. It has the ultimate insight and can reach dozens of feet in a leap.

Spirit sound is also very strong. After practice, you can establish contact with the disciples. It is not difficult to pass the sound for thousands of miles!

The most explosive is the Zhongpin Healing Dan, which is an upgraded version of the original Healing Dan, which can quickly heal the injured warrior and martial arts class.

When Jun often laughed after reading the introduction one by one, he patted his face and said, "Am I dreaming?"

Refreshing under obsessive-compulsive disorder, refreshing three kinds of martial arts related products at once, this is absolutely a dream!

"Strike hard, it hurts not a dream," said the system.

"Get off your uncle."

Jun Chang laughed not really hit hard, but laughed with his hips on his hips: "Hahaha, I'm finally out of Europe!"

Two exercises, a kind of danfang, can be earned by simply brushing them out individually. I didn't expect to brush them all out. Luck really exploded.

The system said: "It should be related to increasing the lucky value by 1."


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

0 points become 1 point, you can swipe out at a glance, how to see how impossible!

of course.

Jun's head calmed down and frowned after watching the prices one by one, because the prices were also expensive!

Longitudinal cloud step 100 points contribution value.

Contribution of 200 points.

500 points of contribution to Chinese medicine treatment Dan!

There are 825 points left. If you buy them all, you will have only poor ... 25 points!

Trapped in the stone man's territory, if there is a vertical cloud step, it will jump out directly, so you must buy it.

Sound transmission allows disciples to communicate with each other, especially in the transfer of information faster, which must be bought.

Zhongpin Healing Dan can be treated by Wu Shi and Wu Zong, even if the price is 1000 points, hesitate to buy.

and so.

Take it all!

"Ding! The host consumes 100 points of contribution value to obtain the vertical cloud step × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! The host consumes 200 points of contribution value and obtains sound transmission × 1 ..."

"Ding! The host consumes 500 points of contribution value and gets Danfang Zhongpin Healing Dan × 1 ……"

"Ding! Martial contribution: 25/1000."

After all three items were purchased, the system automatically matched the vertical cloud step and the sound transmission technique to martial arts methods, and Dan Fang also automatically matched the alchemy hall.

With these two methods, we must copy them.

Jun Changxiao spent 20 points and copied 1,000 copies each, leaving only 5 points left in the end.

This is definitely the lowest level left after being upgraded to Level 2 of Martial Construction.

"No sense of security."

Jun Chang laughed and murmured, then opened the refining medicine hall, and clicked on Zhongpin Hedan Dan.

"call out!"

The refining box pops up.

There are eight kinds of medicinal herbs required for Chinese medicine treatment of Dandan. Because there is no material, all of them are displayed as 0.

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "It seems that I have to make time to go to the Aijia Medicine Store."

While talking, he took out the vertical cloud step and flipped it.

The first-grade body method is definitely better than the ghost step, and it also inherits the advantages of simple and easy to learn in the mall.

Jun Changxiao just cultivated for half an hour in accordance with the formulas and steps, and he had a preliminary understanding.

Learning so fast must be related to the best spiritual roots.

"A lot of disciples have difficulty mastering the longitudinal step of the ghost, and they can make them all change the longitudinal step." Jun Chang murmured with a smile.

He took out the telephony again.

This is a mental method, exactly the mental method.

After successful cultivation, you can establish a spiritual connection with the martial arts practitioners and achieve long-distance transmission.

To be clear, it is equipped with an invisible mobile phone, as long as it is within a certain distance (signal), you can talk to others instantly.

Unfortunately, there is no QQ and WeChat functions, and it is not possible to send text messages or fight pictures, which is a bit regrettable.

of course.

The understanding of sound transmission determines the communication distance.

To reach the level of thousands of miles of transmission, I am afraid that it must be cultivated to the extreme.

"This technique has been learned by the members of Xiyutang. It's absolutely crooked." Jun Chang smiled and grinned.

Two kinds of exercises, one Danfang, refreshing the whim, the gain is quite huge!

"Cultivate Zunyun Step first."

Jun Chang smiled and sat down, calmed down his excitement, and then began to understand all night.


The next day, early morning.

The disciples stepped out of the box room and went on to the martial arts field in the outer courtyard.

However, as soon as they got together, someone said loudly: "Look at it, the head is on it!"


Everyone looked up and saw the head of the palace standing on top of the hall. The breeze blew and the corner of the clothes shook.

How did the head stand on this early morning? Do you look at the scenery?


At this moment, Jun often laughed on tiptoe, and his whole body flew more than ten feet high like a swallow, and then fell on the roof of the side house.

"This ..." Everyone was stunned.

The main hall and the side room are at least more than twenty feet away. The head not only jumped over, but also jumped so high that it felt like it was flying!

brush! brush! brush!

Jun Chang laughed and shook his knees, striding along the roof of the side room, meteors leaping up and down, like a parkour sport.

The disciples are more and more surprised.

Although the head speed is not very fast, but the movement is chic, it feels like walking in the clouds!


Jun Chang ran around with a smile and landed on the roof of the training room. His right foot was slightly hardened. People not only jumped up but also flew towards the roof of the main hall.


Everyone sucked in air-conditioning ~ ~ The distance between the training room and the hall is at least fifty feet away, and there is an inner courtyard entrance. The head of the house will jump and it is absolutely no different from flying!


Jun Chang laughed flying away, and behind his hands, the breeze blew away his black hair, revealing that handsome face, a perfect interpretation of what is called coquettish!

"Head ..."



Did not fly over, hit the pillar of the hall directly.

?? PS, for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets



(End of this chapter)

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