The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 260: Hot man is back!

Let the disciples come to do their own tricks, and also said don't start too hard, this is contempt of self in Chiguoguo!

Lord Jinlongmen Cui Men said angrily, "Jun always laughs, you ..."

"Do not talk nonsense."

Jun Chang smiled and interrupted: "Defeat my disciples, this seat immediately took away the door face and returned to the Iron Bone Pie, and never stopped down to recruit disciples."

Sovereign Tiger Xiaozong leaned over and whispered: "Master Cui Men, since this guy is so arrogant, how about fighting against his disciples for the 100-sect alliance?"


You stand and talk without back pain!

My dignified master and a martial art disciple are fighting, even if they win, it is not glorious!

Master Cui Men doesn't want to slap Xiao Xiaoji, but because of his status, how can he compare with him?

"For the Hundred Sects of Alliance, Master Cui Men please fight."

"That guy is too arrogant. He taught his disciples and exported bad luck for everyone!"

"So many people are watching, can Master Cui Men bear it?"

Persuasion leaders from various factions persuaded.


Just afraid to lift.

Cui Men couldn't stand the mainframe, and compromised: "Okay, Cui will come to teach and coach. This school is much more powerful than the champion."

The word martial arts champion is particularly loud.

This is to tell the onlookers that the other party is not an ordinary disciple, don't consider yourself to be bullying.


Master Cui Men and Xiao Xie have stood in the bucket.

The masters of the faction and the disciples of this genre are rarely seen in this kind of disparate status, and the big ones have talked about it.

"I heard that Master Cui Men stepped into the third martial arts master some time ago. Although Xiao Xieji has won the big championship, it must be difficult to compete.

"Jun's head can fight against Qin Mengzhu, why not do it on his own?"

"If you lose, you will return to the martial arts and no longer go down to recruit disciples. This is how confident you are."

Huh! Huh! Huh!

On the fighting platform, the two have already fought.

The martial arts debaters looked at each other gradually, their eyes were gradually dull, and they understood why Jun's head didn't shoot.

Because the martial arts disciple is enough to compete, because after the start of the fight, a pair of fists madly beat Cui Men, and he could only defend, and could only keep back.

"Uh ---"

Before long, the sound of dull fist came.

Master Cui Men flew out on the stage gorgeously, and fell heavily to the ground.


Everyone sucked air-conditioning.

The leaders of the factions of the 100 Leagues all stared.

Master Cui Men, who had reached the third martial arts master, was beaten up by that guy and passed out to death. This is too scary!

Xiao Xie stood on the stage and shook his head helplessly.

His attack didn't even warm up, the guy couldn't carry it.

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Trash."

Everyone was silent.

Just one disciple can stun the third-ranked martial artist. What else can I say?

Jun Chang glanced at him with a smile on his face, and said lightly, "This garbage I said includes everyone present."

This statement immediately aroused public anger.

"Don't agree?"

Jun Chang smiled at the stage and said, "You can continue to fight with my disciples, but you still have the old rules and won him. You will return to the mountain instead of going down to recruit disciples."

"I come!"

Tiger Xiaozong Sovereign stepped up.

Xiao Sin could see that this guy was very hated of the head.

So Budo started, and he took it seriously, and immediately drew him around on the stage.


In the end, the Sovereign Tiger Lord, who had not been in power for two minutes, was knocked down by the storm and his fist fainted.

From the injury point of view, he is heavier than Master Cui Men!

"Keep going."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat allows you to rubbish, fight with my disciples on wheels!"

This is really arrogant!

After hearing what he said, the league's big brothers suddenly ignored it, one after another, and one after another was knocked out.

After 30 minutes.

There were ten leaders from various factions who had been laid down by Xiao, and they averaged one in 3 minutes.

The soldiers watching the war all widened their eyes and opened their mouths.

It ’s not the disciples who are on the stage, but the martial artists.

Which is not high in the weekdays, and now I was fainted by the iron-bone disciples. I never dreamed of it!

What made them collapse was.

Xiao Xinji, who had experienced ten battles, stood proudly on the stage, no sweat dripped from his forehead.

What does this mean?

Instructions are not tired at all!

The martial arts realm is so scary!

The strength of Xiao Xieji completely shocked the warriors of Liyang City, and also shocked the Aocheng master who watched the battle from a high platform in the distance.

At that moment, he finally understood why the other party could win the Heyang County Martial Arts Competition!

With such a strength that the martial arts master cannot take care of himself, even if he participates in higher-standard events, he can properly win the championship!

Iron skeletons are not simple, not simple!

The Aocheng Lord was very fortunate. He just didn't refuse Jun Chang's smile to recruit disciples in the city, otherwise he would be standing on the side of the Baizong Alliance and he offended.

He is in charge of Liyang City, but it is not a sect, so there is no need to offend an iron skeleton with unlimited potential.

"Anyone else come up and fight with me?"

Xiao Xie had stood on the stage and proudly turned his back.

In the city where he once lived, he defeated a group of martial artists in the presence of countless warriors, so that he found the feeling of endless beauty.

This is why Jun Chang laughed to bring Xiao Xin to Liyang City instead of Li Qingyang or Ye Xingchen.

My baby disciple.

Liyang City is the place you are most familiar with.

I once lost the dignity and honor of a martial arts here. Let's get it all here today!

Please come back.

Far more than that!

Xiao Xie had madly attacked ten martial artists, and the shock was very strong.

Hot man is back!

Liyang City warrior finally accepted the facts, and finally understood that the previous martial arts champion won the championship, not with the same door!

Who is the most angry? Who is most angry?

Xiao Family!

The top of their family was standing in the teahouse far away, watching the deported waste, looking down at the leaders of the various factions in the coalition in a strong position, and their faces looked as ugly as they ate.

Just at this moment, Xiao Gui turned his head, looked across the bustling street and locked on the tea house, facing the elder standing in front of the third-floor window.

This distance is a bit far.

But time seemed to stand still.

Slightly, Xiao Xie smiled with a smile on his mouth, as if he was telling the elder, and telling everyone in the Xiao family--

I, Xiao Guiji, and the disciples of Iron Bone, are back.


The elder clenched his fists tightly ~ ~ Both eyes were killing and angering.

He knew that when Xiao Xie had set back ten martial artists in the city, the family would again suffer unscrupulous ridicule.

Regret not at the beginning, regret not at the beginning!

The elder remorse did not evict Xiao from the family.

It is regrettable that the waste should be shot with one palm, instead of repeatedly hitting the face of the family with strength in Liyang City!

"Old dog."

Disciple Shun looked at the Tea House and saw the high-level Xiao family, Jun Chang smiled and said lightly: "If you dare to have bad ideas for my disciples, even if you are the four big surnames in the Internet literary world, I dare to destroy them.

?? PS, ask for tickets!



(End of this chapter)

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