The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 266: Professional evaluation, 1

The next day.

Deacon Zhao took several members of the certification hall and hurried to the Iron Bone Pie all the way.

When they came in and stood at the inner door, looking at the magnificent hall in front of them, and the buildings around the jade carving fence, they were all dumbfounded.

Is this a **** martial art?

If it was n’t for the five big characters “Iron Bone Sect” clearly written on the outside plaque, Deacon Zhao and others even thought it was a Liuliu martial art!

Tell the truth.

After several rebuildings by Li Qingyang, the Iron Skeletons really magnificent.

In addition to the unknown name on the hill, the building specifications are completely worthless.

What made Deacon Zhao even more shocked.

Hundreds of disciples gathered on the performance martial arts field, and the spirit of spirits revealed throughout the whole body, there is no need to go to certification to see that it is the level of martial arts!

"Master Deacon."

A warrior was startled: "I am afraid that all these hard-bodied disciples are practicing!"

The people next to me couldn't make it: "I still didn't enter the martial arts a few months ago, how suddenly became so powerful!"

This brother was a bit upset yesterday.

Today, when I saw the iron-bone architecture, I saw the disciples' radiant momentum, and they were suddenly invisible.

Deacon Zhao calmed down and said: "The monarch has been recruiting disciples during this time. Are all the recruits all warriors?"

Although the tone was questioning, I was absolutely convinced that the disciples recruited were all warriors.

Oh my God!

How to say that so many warriors joined the Iron Skeletons?

When I thought of the recruitment of 100 cases, I persuaded Qingyang County's first genius, Li Qingyang, and thought that the upstairs of Xingyue was spitting blood.

"Jun's head must have three inches of tongue!"

Deacon Zhao recruited so many martial arts disciples as if they were recruited directly.

Jun Chang laughs if he knows and is willing to accept it, after all, it is not so shocking, and it is also in line with the low-key developmentist strategy.

"Deacon Zhao."

Li Qingyang said: "Please."

Under his guidance, Deacon Zhao took several members to the hall.

On the way, I passed by with the disciples of disciples, all of whom noticed that the man was burly, with a strong breath, and the woman was light and handsome.

These warriors are by no means mediocre!

Deacon Zhao, who has been certified by numerous schools, came to the Iron-Bone School and realized what it means to be shocked.


Inside the hall.

After the disciples had tea, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Deacon Zhao, can I be a **** pie?"

Deacon Zhao arched his hands: "The martial arts headed by Jun is extraordinary, and the potential given by Zhao is rated as a top one!"


The members of the latter certification hall were shocked.

The accredited house ’s door-to-door certification martial arts level will make professional estimates from various aspects and give ‘A, B, and B’ different levels of evaluation.

A is the highest, D is the lowest.

Each level is divided into three levels.

For example, although A is the highest, it also has one, two, and three top-down points.

These people who work in the certification hall have certified many deities with Deacon Zhao, and the highest evaluation is only three thirds.

Today I gave the Iron Skeleton a first evaluation!

A ninth-grade county sect has the potential to reach the first-class level, and even Haoqimen cannot do it!

Although several members were shocked, no one questioned.

Because Deacon Zhao has been accredited for decades, his qualifications and experience are very high. It is definitely professional to give a first class.

Jun Changxiao didn't understand the potential evaluation criteria of the certification hall.

However, the word ‘A’ in the cognition must be a good evaluation, so he arched and laughed: “Deacon Zhao has spoken heavily, spoke heavily.”

More than good, it's really good!

Allow the deacon of the certification hall to give a letter A evaluation, either the county where the martial arts is located is high, or the martial arts itself has reached the sixth grade.

Where's the hardcore?

Not in the high-ranking county of earthly spirits, but the martial arts level is also very good!

The first-class evaluation of Deacon Zhao, if spread to the rivers and lakes, will certainly shock many martial arts and martial arts.

In this area, the potential can reach the first sect, and it can be counted with five fingers.

Oh, right.

The Liao Cangfang killed by Jun Changxiao and the Qishan sect he was in charge of has received a first evaluation because of the great potential for promotion from sect to sect.

Deacon Zhao said: "The disciples in charge of Jun are powerful and full of breath. At first glance, they are non-common level martial arts. This is why Zhao gave a first-rate appraisal. It is by no means a courtesy."

What does a martial art look at?

Definitely not looking at architecture, but at disciples!

Even if the martial arts were built more magnificently than the Imperial Palace, the disciples were all a group of Kaimai two or three sections, absolutely not even one or two evaluations.

On the contrary, even if a group of hut houses live in a group of high-level disciples, they can get one, two or three.

There are 500 martial arts disciples in an eight-class martial arts school. If you do n’t give a rating, your deacon for decades has done it completely.

"Deacon Zhao."

Jun Chang preached with a smile and said, "When is the school certified?"

Deacon Zhao said: "If the head of the monarch gathers the disciples who meet the requirements in Yanwu Stadium, he can now be certified."


Jun Chang laughed: "Gather the disciples and let Deacon Zhao verify one by one."


Li Qingyang left.

Not long after, 550 disciples were neatly arranged on the martial arts field.

Deacon Zhao stepped out of the hall and looked at the group of disciples with strong chests and strong breaths, secretly saying, "What's the reason not to give them one?

"Deacon Zhao."

Jun Chang smiled at the disciple on the left and said, "These are my disciples in the 12th section of the Iron Skeleton School. Please start verification."


Deacon Zhao stepped down, took out the test stone from the space ring, and erected it outside Yanwu Stadium.

"Please send your disciples to excite the aperture in your hand first, and then test them one by one, as long as they reach 1,500 pounds, they will pass."

The twelve auras at the opening pulse level may be faked, but the strength value will not be. Hitting 1,500 pounds with a fist is definitely the twelve segments of the opening pulse.

"Go on."

Jun often smiled and waved.

Just started Yang Kong stepped forward.

He stopped in front of the test, took a deep breath, and then raised his fist in the air. His face was indifferent, and he looked very unserious.

Deacon Zhao shook his head and secretly said: "Certified martial arts are so perfunctory, aren't they afraid of the blame of the boss?"


Blasting on the test stone, the power is shown as 1800 kg ~ ~ this ...

Deacon Zhao was dumbfounded.

Next, he will continue to be dumbfounded.

Because all the disciples who came up one after another were indifferently bombarded, the strength value presented was not less than 1,800 pounds!

After the fifty disciples had been verified, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Deacon Zhao, my twelve disciples of the Iron Skeleton School are incomplete, can they be replaced by martial arts?"

Deacon Zhao whispered, "Yes."

"Go." Jun Chang laughed.

Cui Bujian walked first, raised his fist and hit the test stone gently.

He vowed that his fist absolutely controlled the power, but he still hit 3,000 pounds!

(End of this chapter)

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