The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 269: The pattern of astral continents

Jun Changxiao spent 200 points of contribution value and bought the matrix enhancer.

The aura of the first-time disciple belongs to the spiritual force formation method. The blessing of this object will increase the spiritual strength by 100, which is very cool.

With more disciples, Juqidan must not be able to supply it.

At this time, practicing in the Reiki array is undoubtedly the best choice, after all, it takes only a little contribution value a day.


Placing the matrix booster in the Aura array, the aura gathered is three times that of the outside world.

Although it is only doubled, it can undoubtedly allow the disciples to absorb the aura faster to improve cultivation.

The head of Jun arranges it, while the introductory disciple trains the flesh in the training room, and enters the formation to practice in batches.

After busy, enter the training tower and begin to routinely train the body and speed.

As for the third floor, Jun Chang laughed and wondered, when can I run freely with a group of fierce beasts and run for two hours, then go in and make a break.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji and Ye Xingchen are still practising on the first floor. They will not go to the second floor without tempering their bodies to the extreme.

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei are more focused on the second-level practice, after all, it is helpful for body training.

Song Xuanzhou just got started for a month. Although he also wants to enter the training tower, he can only continue to shape the body in the shaping room.

Standing up from paralysis, let him cherish it, and practice very hard.

In Ironbone School, the aura of genius will be weakened. If you want to become stronger, you have to keep working hard.

If you relax a little, you may be surpassed by ordinary people.

A few days later.

The disciples completed the remaining martial missions.

Achievement value increased to 500 points, and contribution value also increased to 1287 points.

"What should I buy?"

"I think gathering gas is the best deal."

"Yes, we don't need any weapons for the time being, just buy Qiqi San!"

After completing the martial arts mission, many disciples obtained their own contribution value, and one after another bought vapours from vending machines in the mall.

Although there are not many high-powered gas gathering supplies, there are reiki arrays and castration gathering gas gathering. The repair is also very fast.

Ten days later, the four hundred disciples who had begun the course, except for not contacting Martial arts Yao Mengying, opened up all twelve sections of Kaimai.

Some disciples even stepped into martial arts by relying on Cyclone Dan.

It is only about fifty days from the beginning to today. Many disciples who have developed a pulse can break through to twelve, and the speed is definitely fast enough.


The astral continent has a large area and is divided into twelve lands, so it is called twelve states.

Nine states are connected by distance, and they are connected. The other three states are isolated from the world because they are isolated by the endless sea.

Each state has its own culture, and the area is much larger than the earth, like an independent world.

Except for special states, most states have no country and are mostly divided by counties, cities, and towns.

For example, the southwestern Yangzhou, the southwesternmost, has two to three hundred counties in its territory, and each county has a population of more than 10 million.

Qingyang County is one of the most inconspicuous Ninth-class counties in Southwestern Yangzhou.

Not to mention in the southwestern Yangzhou, even in the entire starburst continent, it also belongs to the bottom.

Due to its geographical location, the southwest Yangzhou is not too strong in Kyushu, and is at the middle and lower reaches.

There is no country in Southwest Yangzhou, but each county is independent, which is equivalent to a small government.

The strongest among them is the third-class Tenji-gun.

The main city of Tiancheng County is Tiancheng King City, which can be regarded as the capital of Southwest Yangzhou, because this is the only city in the state that reaches the level of Wangcheng.

Not bad.

The county is divided into three, six and nine grades.

The city is also divided.

To reach the level of the King City, not only must the comprehensive strength be strong, but also a certain number of Wu Wang must sit in town.

There are also kings of war in other counties in southwestern Yangzhou, but the number does not meet the requirements. They can only be named after the city, not the king city.

Above the King City are the Imperial City, the Holy City, and the Imperial City.

The imperial and holy cities, as the name implies, must have a sufficient number of Wuhuang and Wusheng to sit in the town.

In Kyushu, the mainstream of the starburst continent, there must be ninety-nine king cities without a hundred, but the imperial city and the holy city are relatively rare.

As for the imperial city, it has appeared once since ancient times, and it is still tens of thousands of years ago.

According to the rules established by the ancestors, three or more Emperor Wudi can be called the Imperial City.

There are only nine Emperor Wudi in the starry continent today. It is impossible for a city to gather three Emperors.

A little far away.

Turn the lens to Tiancheng King City and to the Martial Arts Certification Hall.

At this moment, an elderly white-haired man was sitting in the first place in the hall, his thin fingers were beating regularly on the tea table.

His name is Yi Tianjian.

The owner of the Southwest Yangzhou Certification Pavilion headquarters.

On the sides, four old men in gold robes were sitting.

They are certified elders. Although their eyes are cloudy, they have a strong momentum, and they are masters at first glance.

"You all."

A little, Yi Tianjian said, "What do you think of the news brought by Deacon Zhao in Qingyang County?"

An elder said: "It is incredible that the schools of the Ninth Grade County will give second-rate evaluation."

Another humane: "Since the elder husband has served as the elder of the Yangzhou headquarters, he has never seen a ninth-class county that has the potential to reach second-class."

"not to mention."

He paused. "That iron skeleton has just moved from eight to seven."

Another elder said: "Will it be misjudged?"

"Zhao Xingming has also been a deacon in the Qingyang County branch for three or fifty years."

The elder beside said: "Although there is no outstanding performance, but also due diligence, it should not be wrong."

"Elder Zhou, if the old man remembers correctly, Zhao Xingming should be promoted by you." An elder laughed.

Elder Zhou frowned, "Elder Zhen, what do you mean by that?"

Elder Zhen said: "As far as my husband knows, Zhao Xingming made an agreement with the Baizong Alliance without permission ~ ~ It is extremely absurd to provide an alliance certificate.

There is no airtight wall in the world.

What Deacon Zhao did in Qingyang County passed to the elder's ear.

The perimeter complexion was extremely ugly.

Zhao Xingming was pulled up by his own hand to do this kind of thing. If the owner of the library pursues it, he must be involved.

Damn guy.

Has the head been kicked by the donkey, and then the brain can make a private agreement with Baizong Alliance!

Elder Zhen's words made the atmosphere in the hall suddenly become serious.

The other two elders were silent.

Elder Zhou and Elder Zhen have always looked down on each other, and it is normal for them to come and go while discussing.

Yi Tianjian said: "We are talking about business. As for Zhao Xingming, I will talk about it later."

Elder Zhen arched his hand: "The museum owner, Deacon Zhao may have received bribes, and the old man believes that the fake evaluation of the Iron Bone School II should be denied."

"Elder Zhen."

The elder Zhou said lightly: "Without evidence, please don't frame a dutiful deacon at will. This will chill the deacon of other counties."


Elder Zhen said: "With regard to Zhao Xingming and the Baizong Alliance, it is difficult for the old man to believe that he will perform his due diligence instead of knowing the law and breaking the law."

Full firepower!

If the elders would admit it, they would return.

But before speaking, I heard Yi Tianjian said, "Send someone to go to Qingyang County for certification, isn't it?"


Seeing a lively elder said: "My husband also felt that it is fair and just to send people at the headquarters to re-certify."

Elder Zhen said: "The owner, the old man is willing to go."

"I'll go too!" Elder Zhou said.

The other two elders shook their heads.

For a ninth-grade sect, two heads of elders at the headquarters were sent for certification, which was high enough.

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