The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 271: Certified seriously!

Fraud on the certified martial arts level has not happened before.

Although it was finally revealed and severely punished by the certification authority, almost every once in a while, some people will be in danger.

If the Iron-Bone faction hires someone, they suddenly come to re-certify today. The disciples are completely crooked, and their careers are not only finished, but their lives are also worrying.

I want to stop here.

Deacon Zhao sweated more quickly, and his heart became more panicked.

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed: "It's windy outside, so please come in."

Elder Zhen stepped forward.

Elder Zhou and Xie Chengzhu went in one after the other.

Before Deacon Zhao entered, he whispered: "Jun is in charge, Zhao's life is in your hands, I hope to make a second evaluation without any accidents."

At this time, he could not wait to kneel, crying and shouting that he must evaluate the second place.

Jun Chang smiled, "How can there be an accident?"

Deacon Zhao said: "Zhao means that he also invited your disciples to take certification seriously and must not be used as a child show."

Jun Chang laughed and went inside with him, and whispered, "Deacon Zhao, is it possible that I can't reach the second place for the second-class certification of the iron skeleton, you will be very troublesome?"

Deacon Zhao whispered, "Very troublesome!"


Jun Chang laughed: "For the second certification, I must make my disciples take this seriously, but ..."

He paused: "Deacon Zhao and Qin Meng are close, and Jun and Qin Meng are also hostile, which is a bit embarrassing."

The head of Jun clearly remembers how the person stood up in the certification hall and how he made himself difficult.

If it wasn't for Elder Ma to come forward and authenticate the Eighth Martial Arts School, I'd be afraid to go to a foreign county.

Deacon Zhao's face changed greatly.

He hurriedly pressed his voice and said, "Jun is in charge, Zhao and Qin Mengzhu have an agreement, but they are not familiar in private. Please don't misunderstand!"

At this time, even if you and the Qin Alliance leader worship the brothers, you must also break off, after all, it is related to your own life!

Jun Chang laughed: "Jun can see it, so he also hopes that Deacon Zhao will treat more than 100 alliances in the future, and please have more snacks."

This is absolutely ironic.

This is definitely telling myself that it will be more difficult to deal with the forces of the 100 Sects!

Deacon Zhao certified: "Sure, sure!"

Elder Zhen walking in front stopped and turned back and said, "You two muttered in the back. Could it be a collusion?"

Jun Chang laughed: "I have always used strength to prove everything, and never fool."


Elder Zhen said indifferently: "Only after certification can prove that it is not possible to talk about it."

Ay Ya I gi.

This old guy seems to be upset with me.

Elder Zhen is not unhappy, but elder Zhou.

In his opinion, if Zhao Xingming collected bribes in private, he would have colluded with the iron bones, and he would have no connection with the elders.


Intrigue in the adult world is a bit complicated.

Aggrieved, because the two elders had grievances and were shot for lying down for no reason.

If you want to change to another martial art, you lie down and lie down, but Jun often laughs at that kind of person who is shot in vain?

He is not!

Therefore, Elder Zhen must be upset if he is not happy!

"The elder."

Jun Chang laughed: "Your certification headquarters has come to the Iron Skeleton School for a second time. Do you have any doubt about the previous certification?"

"Is there any doubt, should the head of Jun and Deacon Zhao know clearly?" Elder Zhen said coldly.

The visitor is not good!

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Do you mean that my Iron Skeletons and Zhao Zhi collided in an accident and cheated on certified martial arts?"

"If you cheat, you will know if you re-certify."

Having said that, Elder Zhen looked surprised because he had already seen the magnificent martial arts hall.

The gaze of the elders who had always kept silent was also surprised.

As a great man from King City, I have seen buildings that are more luxurious than the Iron Skeleton Hall, but it is a bit rare for a Qiba Liumen to build to this extent.

Xie Chengzhu also widened his eyes.

Oh my God!

The martial arts hall in the head of Jun is so luxurious!


Elder Zhen said indifferently: "It is so luxurious to build the main hall that the strength cannot be improved nor can it be done on paper."

"Elder Zhen is wrong."

The elder Zhou seized the opportunity and yelled: "Jun's head has built the hall so magnificently, which shows that there is an ambition to make the martial arts stronger."


Jun Chang laughed: "Since Jianzong established the faction, Junmou naturally wanted to make the Ironbone faction stronger, so he built the main hall better, so as not to rebuild it later."

The elder raised his thumb and said, "The starfall continent lacks the young man with dreams and ambitions in charge of the king."

Praising Jun often so much, it doesn't matter if the two are irrelevant, Elder Zhen will never believe it.

He said coldly: "It's good to have a dream, but if you are unrealistic about fantasy or opportunistic to take some devious roads, then you are not deceiving yourself."

My Nima!

Does this guy decide that I am a fake?

it is good! it is good!

Laozi summoned all his disciples and tested them carefully, letting you see and see, what does it mean to prove with strength!

Jun Chang smiles and wants to be low-key, but since the other person believes that he is cheating, he must face high-profile!


He yelled, "Call the disciples who participated in the test last time, and let the elder test it again!"


Not long after, all 550 disciples assembled on the stage of performance.

Deacon Zhao was relieved.

These disciples are the team that was previously certified.

Even if it was really hired by the head of Jun, as long as it is still, the second top must not have run away!

"Not bad."

Looking at the disciples, the elder Zhou praised: "From the perspective of showing momentum, all are good seed!"

As the elder of the certification headquarters, his eyesight must be worse than Deacon Zhao.

Elder Zhen said indifferently: "Although these disciples are good, at most they are only one. Deacon Zhao is a little too much to give a second."

Deacon Zhao said: "Elder Zhen Zhen, his subordinates gave the second-class evaluation after being tested by the iron bone disciples."

"is it?"

Elder Zhen said lightly: "Then start certification again."

During the conversation, the test stone was called out and said, "Jun is in charge, you should know the rules. Please disciples test the strength one by one."

Jun Chang laughed: "The disciples listened to the order, these two elders, from Southwest Yangzhou Certification Headquarters, to be certified for the Iron Skeleton School for me a second time, both of them carefully tested!


The disciples shouted in unison.


Cui Bujian first stepped on the stage, mobilized the cyclone psionics, and gathered in his fists to blast him.

This time, she was absolutely serious and did not deliberately suppress the power!


Strength is shown as 13,000 jin!


Deacon Zhao was dumbfounded ~ ~ This disciple was last certified and the power he played was only 3,000 pounds!

13000 and 3000, the gap is big!

Elder Zhou and Elder Zhen were also a little embarrassed. After all, they hit 10,000 catties, which is comparable to an ordinary martial arts master!


The next player to play is Sima Zhongda, who punched on the test stone with a strength of 14,000 kg.




Li Shangtian, Yang Yuhua and others played one after another.

These martial arts were introduced earlier, and the strength of the test was more than 10,000 kg.

Until the test by introductory disciples such as Yang Kong, because they have just entered the martial arts from the 12th section of Kaimai, their strength is generally around 4,000 pounds, but the test value is also much higher!

Deacon Zhao's heart shook the sea!

The last fifty disciples, the last test was still in the 12th section of the pulse. How long did it take for them to break through to the martial arts!


Jun Chang burst into a punch with a smile, and the ordinary test stone collapsed again.

Elder Zhen and Elder Zhou's eyes widened, and Xie Chengzhu almost didn't stand still and was shocked to sit on the ground.

One punch smashed the test stone, this power is definitely above 100,000 catties!

The heads of the seven or eight class martial arts are capable of playing the power of a martial art, which is simply too scary!

"Elder Zhen, right?"

Jun Chang smiled and closed his fist, turned around, and said lightly, "Jun and 550 disciples have finished the test. I wonder if they meet the previous evaluation?"

"No!" The Elder Zhou said first.


Jun Chang smiled and was surprised.

The elder Zhou looked solemnly: "From the test performance of Jun's head and his disciples, it should be the top three!"

"Three ... three tops ..." The main body of Xie Cheng shook himself, and he took two steps back, his eyes were shocked and shocked!

ps, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, all kinds of requests!

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