The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 288: Ready to fight for martial arts!

"Linfeng Boy is very tired!"

"Great gathering of Lingyin is the best martial arts skill. Wu Zong will consume a lot of psionic energy when he shows up, not to mention a martial artist."

"I just hope that the disciples are already exhausted ..."

As everyone talked about it, Xiao Xie rushed forward on the vertical clouds, bursting his fist and opening the palm of his hand to launch an airtight attack!

you are tired?

Sorry, I just entered the state!

Boom! boom! boom!

Because of the serious energy consumption, Qing Linfeng can barely defend, but from the situation, she has fallen into absolute downwind.

When everyone saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is the disciples disciples really human? After being subjected to two palmprint bombardments, they were so energetic!

Elder Wu Jin said in his heart, "Hold on, you must hold on!"

在 At the Hao Qimen that year, the Qin League leader witnessed the disciples' successive defeats, and there was this cry of collapse from the heart.

The results of it?

What should be abused is still abused, and what should be lost is still lost. It will not affect the situation in the slightest.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Xiao Xiao's fist is faster and his strength is as strong as ever!

The muscles and psionic energy fusion, the more you hit the smoother, the more you hit, the more your blood boils!

He felt like it, but Qing Linfeng couldn't take it anymore, he could only use his body to meet the fist like a storm.

嘭 ——————

Finally, he flew out like a shell.

In the process of chanting, the two large gathering spirit seals that were pushed up into the sky gradually annihilated nothingness as they lost contact with the master.


Lin Qing slammed into the stone wall in front of the hall, and the whole person sunk in it.


Blood splattered.

He tried to raise his head, extremely weak: "You ... you are ... really strong ..."

He said, people passed out.

The bruised body fell from the groove and thumped to the ground.


Xun Xiao held his body firmly, retracted the offensive, and fisted toward the unconscious Qing Linfeng: "Give up."

Xun turned around and retreated to Yanwu Stadium.

During the trance, she did not go to see Murong Xin, as if she did not exist.

为了 This battle is for the iron bone pie faction. Xiao Sinji will never win the Shengquan ancestors' disciples and show off to the woman with complacency.

Two years later, Lily Shengzong.

时候 When you show off in front of you with you!

When the battle was over, Jun Chang laughed and heard a cue: "Ding! Defeat Shengquan Sect's disciples 1/3."

How comfortable!

He is comfortable, Elder Kim is crying.

传 My Holy Spring Sect passed on his disciples and burst out his hole cards. Not only did he not win the match, he was stunned, too bullying!

At the level of martial arts, Qing Linfeng is really strong.

It's a pity that Xiao Xin met him.

虽然 Although this guy has only practiced for more than a year, in physical training, it is enough to be called a monster!

I use Daju spirit seal to hurt him, unless the level is higher, the understanding is stronger.

of course.

If the opponent is Ye Xingchen, Qing Linfeng would lose out early, because the former is more comprehensive than Xiao Guiji.

The warriors from all sides opened their mouths, looking at Xiao Xieji as if he were a monster.

Hard to resist two big gatherings of Lingyin, you can launch it and launch a cold attack, and finally the wind and clouds fade, and how strong can the physical body be!

"Awful!" Ma Yunteng said in shock.

Ask yourself, if you go to a talented disciple like Lin Qing, you will win a great price!

The battle of Xiao Xiao's guilt not only won honors for the Iron Bone Faction, but also proved that he is no longer a waste five years ago.

I believe that the news reached Qingyang County and Xiao family.

The taste in their hearts will definitely be uncomfortable, and the ridicule from the outside will be more intense.

I'll leave Xiao's family alone.

Let's talk about the Qin League leader and the league boss.

Wu Dangqing was defeated by Lin Feng. They were all one by one, their faces were as ugly as they ate.

The disciples inside and outside the gate of Lu Shengquan have been defeated in succession, and they have slapped countless times. Now Xiao Xiaoji has defeated his disciples, and with a slap in his face, his soul is almost drawn away from the clouds.

Look at the joke?

You all laugh!

No one is more shocked than Murong Xin.

Use strong physical body to fight against Qing Linfeng's hole card martial arts, and then beat him upright!

This year.

到底 What terrible cultivation has he experienced in order to be so powerful?

Looking at the back of the exit, Murong Xin remembered all kinds of terrible training places, this man was gritting his teeth to support the cultivation.

"Xin'er, Xiao's Xiao sinner has good qualifications and works very hard. Don't blame Grandpa for making the marriage agreement for you."

When he was young, Mr. Xiao's words sounded in his ears.

Murong Xin at the time replied: "Grandpa, what that person looks like, Xin Er has never seen, how can you make an engagement contract casually."


Grandpa Xiao Xiao laughed: "The kid grandpa has already inspected. This son has great potential. In the future, he will become a dragon among adults and be worthy of your daughter of heaven."


"Don't be a bug among people."

At that time, Murong Xin obeyed her grandfather who loved him very much. When she grew up, she longed for freedom and went to retire.


Xiao Xiao's sin defeated Qing Linfeng and made her realize that his grandfather said well that year, he really has great potential.


The senior teacher said lightly: "The Holy Spring Sect's personal disciples are really weak, and even a Qiliu disciple cannot solve it."

"Sister can beat him?"

The words of Mu Murongxin made the sister silent immediately, because although she was also a sixth-grade martial arts master, she only had a high level.

Lin Ji and other Qing Linfengs all lost, and it is very difficult to fight Xiao and sin by themselves.

Sister Wu said: "I can't win, sister can."

She is only a disciple of Lily Shengzong, and Murong Xin is a disciple of the eleven elders, much better than herself.

Uh ...

"Elder Kim."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Does Guizong still have personal disciples?"


Elder Wu Jin hummed coldly ~ ~ and said, "I have more disciples in my holy spring family than you, disciples of your inner bones."

You can lose, but you can't lose momentum.

"Then fight again."

Xi Jun often smiled and waved, Tian Qi stepped out.

Although his cultivation is the lowest among the inner doors, his eyes are proud.

The annihilated iron bone pie faction, in the eyes of others, is just a medicinal material. Now standing in the Holy Spring Sect, confronting their disciples--I am happy, I am proud!

Elder Xi Jin sent a second disciple.

The man is called Ran Hui. Although his qualification is only top grade, his strength is Qipin Wushi.

The best spiritual root is hard to find, so many of the disciples personally pass on the disciples, most of them are high-quality spiritual roots.

"Tian Qi."

Xun Jun often laughed and said: "The opponent is a bit strong, play well, don't let this seat and the same door down."


Putian Qi responded with sound-sounding technique.

The two self-reported names, and the referee immediately announced: "Start!"


As soon as the words of the crickets fell, Ran Hui, the burly figure, was blown by a heavy punch.


Putian's seven arms staggered and resisted, and her body broke back more than ten steps, and it was instantly determined that the opponent's strength was at least 80,000 kg!

的 He who only has 60,000 catties of strength wants to win him and continue to win for the Iron Bone faction, it will be a fierce battle!


Putian Qi stepped on the vertical cloud step, blasted his fist and rushed up.

I'm in charge.

Disciple is ready to fight for martial arts at any time!

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