The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 294: Golden abuse elder

Among the cognitions of many warriors, the levels under the subdivision of the realm are general, medium, advanced and extreme.

In fact, in the circle of top powerhouses, there is also a super division, meaning is no different from the super genius of the system.

But to do this, at the very least, the Holy Spirit root must start.

For example, Gu Chaojiu, he has the holy spirit root. Although he is only a martial arts master for the time being, he has the opportunity to become a super-level because of his talent.

Qi Qing Lin Feng, a superb spiritual root, no matter how hard she tries, limited by the spiritual root, she can only stop at the extreme.

After all.

What kind of spiritual roots, to a large extent determines the order.

Except for Ironbone disciples.

They have a lot of ordinary products and middle-class spiritual roots, but their true strength is called higher in their class!

Ignore spiritual roots and forcibly increase strength.

This is the charm of Jun Changxiao providing all kinds of resources, and also the reason why he played 72 games and won 72 games!

of course.

No matter how excited I am, there is a limit after all.

The disciples of Iron Bone want to go to the next level and can only improve the spiritual roots.

Tell the truth.

常 Jun Chang, who has the best spiritual roots, laughs, and after breaking through the martial arts, he converges into a cyclone, which can definitely be called superior.

Elder Wu Jin did not have martial arts and other factors to increase the strength of 320,000, he is 330,000, although there is only a difference of 10,000, it is indisputable to be stronger than the other party!


Xun Jun often laughed and rushed over again, not giving Elder Jin a chance to breathe, and started a close melee.

With the blessing of martial arts, the power easily broke to more than 350,000!

Boom! boom!

Storm-like fists and palm prints broke out in Yanwu Stadium.

The air waves formed by the urn spread like ripples to the surroundings, and the martial arts soldiers who were closer were backed up in fear that they would be affected!

Yan Ye Xingchen observed for a while, and his heart was extremely firm: "He must be a super-level!"

The corners of the warriors of all parties twitched.

It turned out that the head of the Ironbone faction was even more terrible than his disciples, and he was able to beat the eight-grade Wuzong!

I saw Elder Jin fall into a passive state, the expressions on the faces of Qin Haoran and the alliance leader solidified, and his eyes were shocked.

到底 What elixir did this guy take that could become so strong in just one year?

Or, in other words, have they deliberately suppressed cultivation from the beginning? Are all playing pigs and eating tigers?

云 Ma Yunteng realized: "No wonder the head of Jun has such a high attainment in martial arts, it turned out to be a martial arts!"

I just said.

If you do n’t have strong strength, how can you solve your martial arts problems?

Thank Xie Chengzhu thinks again.

He thinks that Jun's head is so powerful, maybe it has something to do with the ancient tradition of martial arts!

all in all.

No one would think that Jun Changxiao would break through from the third section of Kaimai to the second-grade Wuzong in just over a year.

Because it is too scary!

So hidden practice is the most logical explanation.

Uh ...

Boom! boom!

Xun Jun often laughed with two blows with bursting punches, knocking Elder Jin back to the edge of the martial arts field, his face was extremely cramped, and his arms came with pain.

At this moment, he has also realized that his strength is weaker than the opponent, and he will only become more passive in the fight.


Elder Jin extended his arms and turned regularly in mid-air. The powerful psionic energy gathered and suddenly pushed out. He shouted, "Drop the dragon and hold the magic palm!"


The spirit that rushed away suddenly turned into a long dragon, making the sound of a dragon's groan, roaring towards the king with a smile.


Lifelike dragon beasts continue to increase their carrying power and finally break through to more than 400,000!

"One of the sects of Zhenzong of the Holy Spring Sect!" Exclaimed everyone.

Each sect or sect has unique and powerful exercises, which is often called Zhenzong Jueshu.

One of the most advanced high-level dragon-blowing magic palms is one of the sacred schools of the Holy Springs.

This trick uses the psionic energy to transform the dragon beast to the solstice, the power is extremely powerful!

"I go!"

Jun Chang, who was about to continue attacking, laughed and saw the dragon beast attacking strongly, hurriedly stepping away from the vertical cloud step.

However, the dragon dragon and the magic palm that flew from him seemed to have a positioning function. He turned around in mid-air and struck again with a powerful force.

"Not good!" Jun Chang, who just ducked, exclaimed with a smile.


He carried 400,000 kilograms of the dragon dragon volt demon palm and slammed into it, and immediately produced a spiritual power like dense fog, which drowned most of the martial arts field.


The surroundings are extremely quiet.

Everyone was watching the air waves on the martial arts field, and their eyes were shocked. Obviously, they were deeply shocked by Elder Jin's powerful move!

No loss is the eight grades of Buddhism!

Even though I was a little bit embarrassed just now, I still have the skill to show my hole cards and fight back!

"Elder Jin ’s Dragon-Front Devil's Palm has at least 400,000 jins of strength, and Jun's head must be hit hard to be hit!"

"It's still too tender in front of veteran Wu Zong."

"I have to say that the use of Emperor Wu Zongxiu as the emperor Jinzong to use Zhenzong Peerless School is very remarkable."

The forces and warriors of various parties discussed and admired.

The faces of the Qin Alliance leader and the Alliance leader were covered with gloating news. Although it came a little late, it was still very cool!


Qi Yan dissipates the air waves.

The Qin Mengzhu, who was so embarrassed and laughing, his face muscles gradually became stiff as the air waves disappeared.

On the clearly visible field, Jun Chang smiled proudly and stood around with a similar enchantment.

Knot seal cover!

The moment when the slashing dragon and the devil's palm came, the head of Jun excited.

Although there is only the first-class of the top grade, but it is a defensive martial arts bought in the mall, using his cultivation as a cohesion to form an enchantment, far better than holding a strong iron shield!

"Elder Kim."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Your strength is a bit weak."


Elder Wu Jin was so angry that his arms spun up in the void, and then condensed the psionic energy, and once again made a move to lower the dragon's palm.


The roaring dragon beast collided again ~ ~ When the air waves dissipated, Jun Changxiao still stood still, and a disdainful smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh my God!"

Someone was surprised: "What kind of defensive martial arts is this, you can easily take the best advanced martial arts!"

I saw the shock on the faces of the warriors from all sides, and the disciples of disciples were immensely proud, because the head seals displayed by the heads themselves would also be!


Elder Jin Jin became angry and shameless, and once again condensed the psionic energy to display the dragon's palm and the magic palm, but bombarded three times in a row, and still did not shake Jun Chang laugh.


Very weak.

It is as if more than 400,000 forces hit the cotton, which is completely offset!

Would Elder Jin be reconciled, and was about to gather psionic bombers again, Jun Chang laughed, then withdrew the enchantment, and stepped on the vertical clouds.

This time, he didn't take any action at all, and martial arts cooperated with his own power to launch an overwhelming offensive!

Boom! boom! boom!

The power of the punches to the flesh bombarded Elder Jin again and again, and he could only block him, and could only keep back.

After Xun casts the dragon and slays the magic palm, he has already consumed a lot of psionic powers in the spirit core, and since then, he has become more passive.

Burst Fist!

Open the palm of your hand!

Xun Jun's head was unreasonable. Two kinds of hegemonic martial arts, using his left and right hands to perform one after another, suddenly made Elder Jin's pain unbearable.


After a long time, he closed his fists and stood.

Elder Wu Jin was half-sided, his arms were still instinctively up and down, left and right, and BABA's block, he couldn't stop at all.

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