The four Emperor Wu embodies the attributes of yin and evil, and although it makes people shudder, they are properly suppressed in the face of the flames of the star to the sun.

"The lord is terrific!"

Xiao Sin's eyes had a strong worship.

Night stars are not unexpected.

If the suzerain broke out with the force that had previously hit the ground with dozens of miles, the four emperors would have died a long time ago.

He was talking about armed wing combat.

Jun Chang is too lazy to use it, because the red flame alone can solve it.

Therefore, it is very valuable to spend 20,000 points of contribution value to kill several Emperor Wuhuangs at the peak of the king level.

The king of kings defeated the emperor and was absolutely heavenly.

However, Jun Chang laughs is the exception.

Because of the system, this particular existence cannot be interpreted with normal thinking at all.

If one day a nuclear bomb is flushed from the mall and the entire world is directly destroyed, it is not impossible.

The Emperor Wu Huang who was shot down fell to the ground in pain, but he did not dare to move at all, because the heavy knife was inserted near his neck.

"This patience has limited patience." Jun Chang smiled coldly.

He can easily kill the four emperors, but he must figure out what the other party ’s identity is and what purpose he has!

"I tell you, can you avoid death?" Said the emperor weakly.


Jun Chang smiled lightly.

"it is good."

The emperor said: "Wait for my breath."

The frontal resistance to the blow, which contained the red star's flame, made him seriously injured.

Jun Chang laughed: "Don't play tricks, otherwise ..."


After finishing talking, the lying Emperor suddenly disappeared, leaving only a cloud of white smoke, and then died with the wind.

Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

Nima, I haven't finished talking, he's really playing tricks!




At this moment, the other three emperors who fell in the distance disappeared out of nothing, leaving only a faint white smoke.


Ye Xingchen said: "These people should have performed some sort of evasion."

"Come on."

Jun Chang smiled rather annoyed.


a long distance away.

The four emperors appeared out of nothing in the void, then fell to the ground, their faces paled.

As Ye Xingchen said, they used the technique of abduction, and although they were out of danger, they also made their bodies worse.

"No ... I didn't expect that the tenured suzerain is so powerful, the four of us are not a one-in-one ..." The leading Emperor Wu said with difficulty.

"If it weren't for that guy's flame, such as Astral Flame, I ... we wouldn't be so embarrassed."

"This mission failed, and it will inevitably be punished by the Lord after returning."

Hearing the word "Punishment" made everyone more painful on their faces, and a coolness rose behind their backs.

"Go ... Go."

Headed by the Emperor Wu Di, he stood up and said, "Find a place to heal the wounds before talking."


On a boulder, Jun Chang smiled and sat cross-legged, holding his chin and saying, "Will it be sent by Mosha Sect and Puppet Temple?"

"It's possible," Xiao said.

There are only two evil cultivation forces that have resentment against Wan Guzong. At present, there are only two, which are easy to associate.

Ye Xingchen said: "When the Mosha Sect and the Puppet Temple have just eaten puppets, why would they send the Emperor Wuhuang with four or five grades silly?"

"Also." Jun Chang laughed.

Just take the spirit stone and redeem the peak Emperor Wuhuang, the two evil sects should know their strength. Now sending a few more middle-level emperors is not equivalent to delivering food?


Ye Xingchen said: "In order to catch us, we sent four Emperors directly. The third-rate evil sect may not be able to do it."

"Do you mean, these people may come from the second-class evil sect?" Jun Chang laughed.

Ye Xingchen speculated: "Perhaps not the evil sect, but the dark sect."

"The Dark Sect?"

Jun Changxiao heard for the first time.

Ye Xingchen said: "Hidden places, unknown forces are collectively referred to as the Dark Sect."

Anzong forces do not like to show their faces, and their legends are not on the rivers and lakes.

The most representative of the Dark Sect is the former Shadowless Gate.

This is a force similar to a killer. It has developed for thousands of years in the dark. Although there are not many gatekeepers, the strength is very arrogant, and it is not weaker than the first or second class sects.


Later offending the night stars of the previous life, was directly destroyed.

The process is very difficult.

It took our Lord Yedi a few years to reach the end of the net.

If a Wu Emperor can spend so much time, we can see how secretive the Dark Sect is.

Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his temples, secretly: "I still know a little bit about this world."

Not less.

In addition to the top masters, not many people know the Dark Sect.


Ye Xingchen did not continue to challenge the genius of the place name, but returned to the ancestral gate with the suzerain.

If the four Emperors of the Emperor came from the Dark Sect, it means that the ancient Emperor Zongzong was caught up, and there may be other actions next.

To avoid trouble.

Well, let's continue to practice in Zongmen first.

Who would dare to say that Yedi had persuaded me, my backhand was a praise!


The wings spread out and they traveled at top speed.

Not long after, Jun Changxiao took Ye Xingchen and Xiao Gui to fall into the Zongmen performance martial arts field, and summoned his disciples, telling them to go out to do tasks, be careful, contact Zongmen immediately when they are in danger.

No matter what power the four emperors come from, they dare to do something to their disciples, and they will probably come again. It's not bad to be careful.


This presence in the dark really makes Jun Chang laugh.


Li Luoqiu came in and said, "What are you looking for?"

Jun Chang laughed: "I want to vigorously develop the information network. What are your good suggestions?"

The intelligence agencies have been expanding, but the progress is relatively slow, and he intends to pave the way for the fastest speed and form an extremely large scale.

As long as there are enough sources of information, even the hidden sect forces hiding in the ground may not be found.

This idea is correct.

Even though the Emperor did not rely on intelligence at that time, he also released spiritual thoughts, spreading over half of the world, withdrawing a little bit of silk, and finally found the shadowless door hiding in the dark.

Jun Chang laughed and couldn't do spiritual thoughts to cover more than half of the starfall continent. If there are enough sources of information, it would be countless more eyes.

Li Luoqiu said: "I have been thinking about this issue recently ~ ~ In fact, I can learn from the Mosha Sect and the Temple of God, and set up sub-helms in various states and counties, and let them collect intelligence in prescribed areas.

"This method is good."

Jun Chang laughed: "It can be implemented."

Li Luoqiu said: "Establishing the sub-helm requires not only a large number of intelligence officers, but also a relatively strong person to sit in the town. It is difficult for us to use the manpower now.

"Do you feel that the people in the split rudder of Moshazong and Puppet Temple are all disciples?" Jun Chang laughed.

Li Luo, Qiu Mingwu, said: "The suzerainian means, recruit martial arts to work for our ancestors with an employment relationship?"

"Good." Jun Chang laughed.

Jiang Xie is not a disciple of Mosha Sect, nor has he served him for many years.

If Wan Guzong established sub-rudders in each state group, there is no need to send disciples in the past to recruit others to work outside.

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