The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 727: Site selection, town construction

Xun Jun often laughed and threw all the ore sent by Fengfeisha into the space ring, and then began one-key refining. Because there are more materials, it will take several days for all the refining.


The fire dragon lying in the den of the study yawned.

At this time, the little guy didn't go into hibernation, and his physical structure didn't change much. He looked the same as before.

Xun Jun often laughed and murmured, "What is it?"

太 When the elders from the Extreme Palace were killed, the dragon transformed into a five-clawed dragon form, which shocked him very much, and he kept guessing whether it was the magic beast ability or the real body?

"The fire dragon beast is obviously a dinosaur type, how can it give birth to a real dragon?"

Xi Jun often shook her head with a smile and said, "It must be a mutation problem."

I recalled that he had invested a lot of crystal nuclei, and even hatched his family before hatching Xiaolonglong, making him feel very valuable!

"Now the funds are also abundant. If you find a few more eggs to incubate, will you breed mutant beasts like 饕餮, Phoenix, and 鲲?" Jun Chang murmured with a smile.

System said: "Yes, I can."

Xun Jun often laughed and ignored it, but went to the medicine hall and asked when the material of Wu Wangdan made by Wei Lao Lian was mature, and then went to the lecture hall for inspection.

At this moment, Ning Duxing is patiently explaining the martial arts confusion for the new students.

虽 Although various martial arts facilities can improve the disciples faster, it is necessary to learn professional martial arts knowledge. Otherwise, cheating alone will improve the sense of imagination.

"Elder Ning!"

Ji Shangguan Ji Yao raised his hand and said, "The disciples are still puzzled!"

"After class!"

Sui Ning woke up and left the lecture hall in a hurry without turning back, for fear of a headache that the girl would ask if she walked slowly!

Disciples expressed understanding.

Don't talk to Elder Ning, they can hear the crash!

In the ancient emperor sect, Shangguan Yaoyao was absolutely terrible.

These elders from Minjiang Xie met, just like how far the mouse saw the cat to hide.

A woman who is so horrified makes Jun Chang smile and hold her in her hands, afraid of melting, because she can count on her if the exercises in the Gongfa Pavilion can be exchanged.


I was planning to continue to visit the Wolf Riding Hall. Li Qingyang hurried over and said, "Many people have come down at the foot of the mountain, so they must sign up for the assessment!"

This is many, many!

Xun Jun often laughed and released his mind, and found that the young people gathered at the foot of the mountain had at least 30,000 to 50,000!

They are generally seventeen or eighteen years old. From the perspective of clothing, they should come from different states and counties. They are full of realm and should have practiced martial arts.


Xun Jun often laughed and landed in front of the mountain gate, took glare sunglasses and looked down, surprised: "So many top quality spiritual roots?"

A lot.

At least a few hundred!

The best roots are also available, but they are single digits.

As for the higher level of holy spirit root, then there is no one.

探索 Under the exploration of dazzling sunglasses, there are still many attributes of the year after the question mark, which means that they are not martial arts, but sword repair, sword repair and the like.


Su Ning woke up alone: ​​"There are still a few days before the recruitment day."

"Let them wait." Jun Chang laughed.

No rule is not perfect. He will not advance the recruitment time because of the large number of people. He must develop a fixed day, a regular recruitment habit, and a virtuous cycle.


Ning Duxing advised: "Every day people come to Zongmen in advance to wait for the assessment day to arrive. Most of them live in Qingyang Town far away. We might as well build a town at the foot of the mountain. They provide a foothold, or they can open various industries to make a profit. "

"It makes sense." Jun Chang smiled and his eyes brightened.

Although Tiegugu Mountain belongs to Qingyang Town, the two are a little far apart. It is quite good to build a town at the foot of the mountain and purchase an industry for development.

It is very common that there is a town under the mountain where Zongmen Gate is located. Many tourists admire it and often stay nearby.

What's more, the monarch's ambition is to make the ancient emperor sect a martial arts holy land. If that day really comes, you must give the world a place to worship?

"Elder Ning."

Xi Jun often laughed: "It's up to you and Qingyang."

"Yes!" Ning Du woke up.

I heard that Zong mainly established towns at the foot of the mountain, and Li Qingyang's eyes suddenly became hot.

The expansion and reconstruction of Zongmen obviously can no longer satisfy this civil engineer. It is undoubtedly more challenging to build and plan a town!

On the same day, Mr. Li began to think hard, and after one night's hard work, he successfully formulated the preliminary plan for the town.


Inside the hall, Li Qingyang unfolded the drawings and said earnestly: "In the initial idea of ​​the disciples, this city is not inferior to Qingyang Town, with two main streets, twelve sub-streets, and ..."

"It goes without saying."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Speaking directly to the topic, how much does it cost?"

"This one……"

青 Li Qingyang scratched his head and said, "I haven't calculated yet."

Xun Jun often laughed and threw him a few large space rings, and said, "The money in it is free to use, and the best building materials must be used!"


青 Li Qingyang said: "Master, can you borrow your wild boar pecs?"

动 Everything is necessary to open up a town. The little guy plows the ground in the medicine garden every day.

"No problem." Jun Chang smiled.

With absolute funds, Li Qingyang and Ning Du wake up and let go.

First of all, you have to choose a plot of land at the foot of the mountain, which is very sophisticated in this regard. Not only pay attention to many aspects, but also have to look at Feng Shui!

To open a town within the territory, you need to report to the city where you are located and get the approval of the city owner, but Jun Changxiao does n’t need it because he is the county guard of Qingyang County, although it is only a deputy.

Site selection is determined.

Lanxiang Excavator Commissioner Boar Page is in place!


Should be disassembled, grounded, and built.

Do not bury or mourn.

青 Li Qingyang stood on the planned plot of land, nodded to Xiao Xiao in the distance, covered his ears and said, "Starting ceremony, now!"

"嘭 ——————"

There was a loud noise, rippling in Tiegushan!

That's the roar of field guns ~ ~ announcing the start of construction of the city!

I can't ...

The wild boar Page was stunned by the sound of gunfire, her eyelids rolled up, her legs straight, and she fainted.


Qi Qinglong and Yueyue Knife were inserted in front of it, listening to Jun Chang's grinning smile: "Don't pretend to die, get up and work!"

Wild pig Pei ‘咻’ stood up for a while, then began to gather the earth-based spirits to be busy on the ground with tears.


The poor Baba figure rushed around.

Uh ...

Lord. "

Li Qingyang said: "Did you like the name of the town?"

"I think so."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "It's called Tieguzhen."

"Why not call it Wangu Town?" Li Qingyang puzzled.

Xun Jun often looked at the sky with a smile, and said earnestly: "That is to comfort the King's spirit in heaven."

The Iron Bone Sect was built by Wang's head, and it was later taken over by him to develop into today's Eternity. Iron bones!

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