The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 802: Enemies are narrow

After receiving the mentality given by the soul, Dai Lu ingested a lot of energy on his way to Beimozhou, and his realm of improvement was very significant, which also filled him with hope for the future.

Especially the thought of the two battles crushed by Ye Xingchen made him angry, and he could n’t wait to turn around and go down to the ancients, and stepped the guy down.

"A small leak will sink a great ship."

Soul comforted: "When the inheritance devours the blood and has a stronger cultivation, no one in the world can bully you."

calm down!

With the anger on his head, Dalu finally came to the land of yellow sand.

What I never expected was that when I first arrived in this area, I saw the hateful guy on the boulder in the distance!

It's him!

Night stars!

You can meet here too, and surely the path of the enemy is narrow!


Suddenly, the anger that Dai Lu managed to suppress, suddenly erupted like a volcano, especially thinking of being violently abused by that guy twice, and his eyes followed.

"This guy ... is a little familiar," Ye Xingchen murmured.

Dai Lu heard that he almost spit out blood!

Obviously played against this guy twice, but did not recognize it? Or do you not consider yourself at all?

Brother Green Scarf, Yedi doesn't treat you as a person, but instead treats you as trash. He doesn't usually take it seriously.


Jun Chang smiled and looked over, touching his chin, "It's a bit familiar."


Dai Li did not hold back, spurting out!

In the first chapter of the opening, you were stepped on your face, and you did not recognize yourself!


Dalu came over, stood ten feet away from each other, and then took off the black robe, put on the iconic green turban, and said with a grudge, "Do you know now?"

Jun Chang remembered it with a smile, and then patted his head, "It turns out that you are a disciple of this big disciple who is making fun of you!"

Dalu growled: "I didn't make fun!"

On the way to Baizong recruitment, although he was marveled at Lu Yan's beauty, he just went to chat actively, even if he had any thoughts, it was not an attempt, and he was abused.

"If you remember this seat correctly, you should worship the Holy Spring Sect. Why did you come to Beimozhou?" Jun Chang laughed.


Dai Lu proudly said, "That kind of garbage gate is not qualified to accommodate me."

Since having the power to devour, Brother Greenkind is no longer the little transparent like a ant, he now has ambitions, and he is drifting now.

"For the sake of the old acquaintance, leave here quickly and don't disturb this office to do business." Jun Chang laughed.

Although it was unpleasant to be with Dai Lu, when it was just crossed over, it has now become the peak emperor, with a bigger pattern and vision. Naturally, it will not fool with ordinary warriors.

Dalu heard it from his words, this was contempt of himself, so he said angrily: "Jun often laughs, now I am no longer the ant who was stepped on by your feet!"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "What does this mean?"


Dai Lu reached out his finger and proudly said, "I will fight you!"

Although he hated Ye Xingchen, he hated Jun Changxiao a lot. Now that both of them have encountered each other, they must find the old monarch to calculate the old account.

Brother Green Turban is really floating.

How dare to take the initiative to challenge all kinds of Jungu left in one!


Soul collapsed: "Because you are not his opponent now, don't act recklessly!"

I don't care, I don't listen!

I am going to fight this guy today to wash away the shame that was stomped on my face that year, and report the revenge of Lingquan Sect!

Under normal circumstances, those who oppose the protagonist are often labeled as villains. Although Brother Green Scarf is also considered a villain, he has a lot of affection for Lingquan Sect, and he still insists on revenge.


Even villains have flash points.

You can hate him, you can hate him, but the mentality of revenge for Zongmen must be affirmed. After all, in the world where trees are scattered, there are too few of them.

"Fight with this seat?"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said, "Are you serious?"

With his eyes and intonation, Dai Li read that he was looking down and scorning himself, so he was angry: "Dare to fight ..."

"嘭 ——————"

A heavy punch hit his face, and the whole person rose in the air, flying away dozens of steps.

Ye Xingchen said coldly: "What is the right to challenge the ruler of a garbage?"

Dai Lu fell and covered his depression on his right face and stood up angrily, "While a man is not prepared for a sneak attack, what a hero is!"

Saying this, his heart was shocked.

From that guy's approach to his shot, his spiritual thoughts were not captured!

It must be that he just put all his thoughts on Jun Chang laughs and ignored him.


Soul solemnly said: "I have to tell you one thing. With your current strength, don't say that the warlord often laughs, even this night star cannot beat!"

He roughly inferred the strength of Yedi from the strength he had just endured.

Although Dai Lu has cultivated the Devouring Heart Sutra and improved significantly in a short period of time, she really fights and will definitely be abused in the end.


Dalu growled in his heart: "Don't you say that, if I meet this guy again, can I step on him easily?"

"I did."

The soul reluctantly said, "But the night star grows too fast, completely exceeding the speed of normal martial arts of the starfall continent!"


Ye Xingchen pointed at the distance and said impatiently, "Hurry up."


Dalu's eyes were more angry.

Soul comforted: "Stay in Qingshan, if you are not afraid that there is no firewood, hurry up."


Dai Lu suddenly laughed, laughing wildly, smiling very magically, then wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, staring at Ye Xingchen and said, "Listen clearly, I'm not garbage!"


Ran to it ~ ~ Right fist gathers psionic energy!

"Uh ---"

However, before he attacked, Ye Xingchen had approached for a moment, and blasted on his chest first, the bursting force exploded on the skin, making him feel the pain deeply!



Dai Lu fell dozens of feet away, and the bombarded chest was already sunken.


Ye Xingchen walked in front of him, like a supreme god, saying, "You dare not even admit that you are garbage, you are very thorough."


Dai Li put up his pain and shook his fist.

"Woohoo —————"

Suddenly, his eyes and pupils began to turn into prairie green, his palms were gradually green, and the green attributes of his body appeared like a flood of dyke.

I can't beat this guy!

However, the distance is so close that it can be devoured ...


Ye Xingchen suddenly crouched down, grabbed one hand on his foot, and then started to bombard left and right like Wu Aowushuang!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

After some violent bombardment, Dalu thinking was severely damaged, and the eager devouring power in his body may be because of the host, or because the night star was too overbearing, and he shrank back to Dantian.


Jun Chang laughed: "Don't disturb your sister."


Ye Xingchen stopped, dragged Dalu, who had passed out of the area, out of the area, and waved him to throw him away.


"Just roll back to the trash."


The fluttered Da Li fell heavily on the yellow sand.

On this day, he and Ye Xingchen met for the third time, and ended with torture me thousands of times.


Soul sighed helplessly: "Why am I deposited on this idiot?"

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