The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 808: Definitely not at ease!

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Fierce beasts are stronger than ordinary animals, let alone cut two pounds of meat from them, even if they cut dozens of pounds.

Therefore, the meat needed for refining intermediate beasts can be solved. After all, 500,000 fierce beasts can be produced and sold.

of course.

Jun Chang laughs not to be limited to two pounds.

As soon as they realize the benefits of intermediate animal beasts, they will increase the amount of harvest, increase ten pounds or more, and then strive to sell to the whole continent.

From this point of view, this product lied to the Zigushan King's younger brother to Tiegushan, not only to expand the size of the mount, but also to open a farm to regularly slaughter domestic and foreign sales.

The so-called meat cutting intensification therapy does not exist naturally.

Everything stems from the use of intermediate beasts to increase the speed of ingestion.

"The host routine is too deep," said the system with emotion.

Jun Chang laughed: "Without hurting their lives and without much pain, cutting meat from their bodies in exchange for taking up aura to increase their speed and become stronger, isn't it a routine?"

"..." The system was speechless.

Although the monarch and the monarch used means, this method did help the orcs become stronger.

Even if the Purple King Demon King knew the truth, he would not oppose cutting meat, but let his subordinates cooperate actively.


The lumbar plate will also be straight.

Because my little brother is raising himself with his own meat!


As long as you turn the camera to the depths of Tiegushan, you will be able to see a large number of bandaged beasts, and be happy to queue up to receive the intermediate beasts.

The Purple King Demon King stood on the mountain peak, watching the clan strength become stronger day by day, and secretly vowed: "One day, the King will take you to a great cause!"


"A new animal dan is released at the Wangu Animal Material Store. It is said that one does not need to eat feed for 50 days after taking it!"

"So amazing?"

"Go, go, let's go and see!"

When Jun Chang laughed and started to sell the extra intermediate animal materials to the outside world, he immediately caused a rush to buy in various counties.

This is definitely a profitable business.

After all, the meat can be freely cut from the iron bone mountain, as long as you have enough hunger filling!

Regarding the animal store, Jun Chang laughed and handed it over to Li Luoqiu. At this moment, he was taking Liu Wanshi to Dazun Imperial City to participate in the God of Food contest to be held one month later.

Along with them were Yao Mengying and the Purple King Demon King.

The young girl has the best relationship with Liu Wanshi, and this time she also hopes to cheer for her sister.

As for the owner of the Purple Church, he said that he would be a bodyguard, but the real purpose was to hope that he could eat the meal made by that girl at any time.


On the way, Jun Chang laughed and repeatedly told: "No matter what happens, this seat will not allow you to burst out!"


The Purple King Demon whispered in his heart: "It's not a fight, of course, the King won't burst into clothing!"


Jun Chang laughed: "There are so many terrible beasts on the starfall continent. How can you recruit 500,000 heads? And the best assistant is the highest emperor, not even the semi-holy level?"

This question puzzled him for a long time.

Although the starfall continent is not as old as the ancient times, there are still nine emperor Wudi sitting.

With its manpower, what kind of moth is really going to make it, and it can be abused hundreds of times in a minute.

Ziyu demon said: "I can't restore my strength to the peak, and it is difficult to get the recognition of other races."

The peak he said was not before the seal, but at the level in the upper bound.

In fact, fleeing from the top, Zi Xiu Wang Xiu was suppressed very miserably. Until later he grew up and was comparable to Wu Sheng level.

The beasts that live on the starfall continent must have the existence of holy spirits.

They may not be physically stronger than the Purple King Demon King, but their strength is not weak. Naturally, they will not obey orders, and they will not go against the entire world.

to be honest.

Not many powerful beasts responded at the time.

The subordinates summoned by the Purple King Demon King are nothing more than a group of black people, otherwise they will not fall down immediately after being sealed.

Although the orcs are not as well-ordered as humans, they also have their own forces. Who controls this area and who is the boss in that area has been divided early.

The Purple Demon King who came to the star continent is not tough, and it is normal not to be recognized.

As for the death of a soldier before he died, the conquest of the continent was leaked, and it was still in the planning stage.

"It's miserable," Jun often laughed.


The Purple King Demon sighed.

Especially thinking about the past, tears could not help coming down.

Jun Chang laughed: "If you change to me, you must first conquer the ethnic groups that do not identify with yourself, and then consider conquering the mainland."

"Do you want to see our beasts kill each other?" The purple prince devil said coldly.

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "You never thought that the news of the attack on the mainland would be leaked. Do you not agree with your family's intentional release?"

System said: "Began to sow discord."


The Purple Demon King was silent.

Jun Chang patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "The human heart is sinister, and the beast heart is equally sinister. They are afraid that if you become stronger in the future to conquer, it is not impossible to tell in advance."


The king of purple magpie shook his fist and said, "Everything the king does is to keep the orcs from being bullied. If they do this, they are even worse than beasts!"

"and so."

Jun Chang laughed: "Only by surrendering all the same kind, can we scream the‘ beast will never be a slave 'by integrating all our forces, otherwise we may not know who is stabbing a knife behind it. ”


The king of the purple magpie said: "When the king restores his strength before being sealed, he will definitely take down all those who do not obey!"

"You are the master of the ancient ancestors, this one will naturally help you unify the same clan and become the true king of the beasts of the starfall continent." Jun Chang laughed.


This guy is definitely not at ease!

"That one……"

The Purple King Demon King collapsed and said, "I am the master of the beast, not the master of the hall!"

"It doesn't matter." Jun Chang laughed.

With just a few words, the meaning has changed completely. Does it matter?


Just then, Liu Wanshi pointed to the front and said, "Someone fell to the ground."

When Jun Chang laughed and released his mind, he found that a young man, about twelve or three years old, was lying in the mountains, his breathing was slightly short, as if he was injured.


Liu Wanshi speculated: "Will you encounter a feral beast in the wild?"

"Go and look over."

Because he was going to pass there, Jun Chang laughed and walked with everyone, and stopped in front of the teenager. Seeing that his face was pale, his hands were covering his stomach, and he said weakly: "Okay ... hungry ..."

Then, passed out.


Liu Wanshi was surprised: "He is hungry!"

"..." Jun often laughed silently.

There are fruits and trees in the mountains and forests, and they are still hungry ~ ~ This is a personal talent.


"It's crackling."

In the cave, a campfire lit.

The little boy opened his eyes murmurously, and saw a cute face appearing in front of him, and smiled: "I'm fried rice here, if you are hungry ..."


Before the words were over, the fried rice was robbed.

"Let's do it!"

Juveniles do n’t use chopsticks, just grab and eat!

After a while, I ate the fried rice cleanly, and then wept and cried, "I have never had such good fried rice in my life ..."

The teenager cried for a long time.

When she calmed down, she thanked Liu Wanshi and said, "Thank you for your meal!"

Jun Chang laughed and leaned in front of the stone wall, holding his hand and saying, "You are not too young, it is not difficult to climb a tree, how can you be so hungry that you will faint on the road?"


The boy scratched his head and said, "Because ... because I was lazy since childhood ..."

Jun Chang laughed: "If you are so lazy, you can live to this day. It seems that the family should be very rich."

"A bit of a field," the boy chuckled.

Jun Chang laughed: "This bowl of fried rice is equivalent to saving your life. A bowl is not expensive, right?"


"I have never had such a delicious fried rice in my life. It is said that the dragon marrow and dragon liver are not too much. It is 100,000 cheap, at least one million two!"


With a wave of his hand, the teenager laid two million silver tickets on the ground and said earnestly: "Please take it!"


Jun Changxiao appeared in front of him, and put a hand on his shoulder and said, "I can see at a glance that the little friend has a wonderful bone, which is definitely not ordinary. How about making a friend?"


The corner of the mouth of the prince demon twitched.

If it wasn't for Liu Wanshi's girl who repeatedly begged you, you wouldn't be able to save yourself. Why would someone take out two million and suddenly became so enthusiastic!

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