The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 815: Let him remember

只 Only a few days before the start of the God of God contest, a large number of warriors from out of state rushed into the imperial city, and the number of them tended to be on a par with Dragon and Tiger.

I can't have such a large audience because of the opening of the image matrix method, the daily advertising of the whole continent's sake.

的 Participants in this year ’s Food God Contest also came one after another. They may not be martial arts, but they are definitely the best in the kitchen. After all, to be eligible to participate, at least they must be ranked better in the culinary skills of each state.

It's strange to say that Song Bao, who won the championship, has never been seen, creating a very mysterious feeling.

The strongest.

I played all the finale.

So, many martial artists expressed their understanding.

Xun Jun often laughed and was very curious. What was so special about the apprentice who was eating so much that the game hadn't started yet, and he was talking about him all the way.

During this time, Liu Wanshi studied recipes in the city's main house every day, and hardly ever went out.

Participated in the cooking contest of Yangzhou in Southwest China, she could remain calm, but became more and more nervous as the God of God contest was about to start.

"Girl, don't question yourself at any time, just work hard."

Xun Jun often laughs and gives verbal encouragement.


Yuliu Wanshi calms her mind and keeps herself from getting too nervous.


Xi Jun often laughed: "Go to sign up."


The registration point is located in the square in the central area of ​​the city.

Xi Dangjun often brought his disciples with a smile, and here have gathered culinary talents from all over the world.

Although there are many people, they all have one thing in common: that is very young, and the biggest is only in his early thirties.


I came to the registry, the old man said.

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Eternity, Liu Wanshi."


The old man looked up in surprise, and saw the smiling young man in front of him, and immediately recognized the elder suzerain who was crazy advertising on the light curtain!

From the perspective of the image formation method, it is very 揍 没, I did not expect to see a real person, it turns out ... even more 揍 揍!

"Let's get the qualification certificate for participation," the old man said.

Any event must be handled according to the rules.

It is impossible for him to provide convenience because the other party is the most recent master of the Zongmen.


Yuliu Wanshi placed the token given by the Southwest Yangzhou Culinary Championship on the table.

After confirmation, the elders recorded it and said, "Go to the West City venue three days later, remember not to be late, otherwise you will be disqualified."

Uh ...

"She is Liu Wanshi who won the culinary contest in Yangzhou, Southwest?"

"Oh, I didn't expect to be so young."

"Ouyang's family is also a veteran culinary family, and she will be defeated by such a girl who is only fifteen or six years old."

"Don't underestimate her, I heard that all three rounds passed with full marks."

"The review of such a small place must not have seen the world. If you come to my culinary contest in Zhongzunzhou, it is undoubtedly a dream to get a full score."

During the discussion, some contestants began to show a sense of superiority, contempt for Liu Wanshi.

Cooking masterpieces are held in all major states, and each place has its own standards, so getting a full score in Yangzhou in the southwest may not be able to get into the eyes of other warriors.

not to mention.

At that time, the Ouyang family had also appeared in the finals to score points in the finals to participate in the God of Food contest, but the top ten did not enter.

One side raises water and soil to support one person.

A region with superior environment and geography is indeed stronger than a remote area in terms of overall strength.

"I heard that Liu Wanshi is the illegitimate daughter of Ouyang Jun Ouyang."

"Are there such things?"

Everyone looked at Liu Wanshi's eyes, his eyes glowed with a different kind of luster.

In the starry continent, I often pay attention to identity. The direct family members are the most noble. I have the least identity. Illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters are the most despised and the most pointed.

"Her father is Ouyang Jun, and he was also a famous **** in Yangzhou in the southwest ..."

The man was talking and suddenly felt someone approaching.

Purple Demon King did not know when he had come behind, his eyes flashed cold and shiny.

The Lord Su ordered him to come.

Can't stand it.

I saw that Liu Wanshi always bowed her head, and suddenly got angry.

Although the Zi Zi Yao Wang always firmly believes that he is nothing more than forbearance in the Eternal Sect, but he has a good opinion of Liu Wanshi, after all, the food he eats comes from her.

Someone is breaking her mouth now, which makes her sad, never forgive!

Zhen Dejun didn't come.

Otherwise, seeing the girl being aggrieved, she began to arrange minefields, and it doesn't matter if you blow up the entire imperial city!

Among the disciples of Wan Guzong, if the degree of danger is ten stars, the night stars can give nine and a half stars. Only Liu Wanshi can reach ten stars. Because who bullies her, you must first ask the King of the Purple Witch and Zhen Dejun.

"You ... what are you doing!" The warrior horrified.

The elder next to Shen said, "Sect monarch, what do your disciples mean?"

"It's boring."

Xun Jun often smiled blankly and said, "Let him remember long."


"Boom ——————————"

The Zi Zi Yao Wang's shoulder arrived earlier and directly hit the gossip man on the ground, spitting blood on the spot.

I still pulled up, otherwise I would be killed.

The martial arts soldiers around were dumbfounded.

I dare to do it in the imperial city.

"Keep this in my heart."

Xun Jun often glanced at the soldiers around him with a smile, and said, "Anyone who dares to hurt my elder disciples with words will pay a price."

If he just questioned Liu Wanshi's cooking skills, he would definitely not care. After all, his mouth is on others, what he can do is to make his disciples win the competition and beat them hard.

Like the gossip man just now, he deliberately used his life experience to ridicule, not to mention the imperial city, even the King of Heaven must punish him!

When Xi Jun often talks with laughter ~ ~ there is no sadness or joy on her face, but the surrounding atmosphere instantly becomes calm, making many warriors shudder instantly.

that moment.

Intuition is telling himself deeply that this man cannot afford to mess with himself!

"Jun always laughs!"

The elder said angrily: "Doing this in the imperial city without permission, the old man will go to the city's main judge!"

"No need to go."

在 At this moment, the Lord of the City of Han has already appeared on the scene and said, "I'm here."

"Korean Master!"

Everyone saluted.

The elder pointed at the Purple King Demon and said, "The disciples of Wanguzong hurt their hands, and they asked the master of Hancheng to decide for my disciples!"

"The scene has just been seen by the owner of the city."

Hancheng said: "The other side just happened to hit your family's family, not intentionally hurting people."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

As long as not blind people can see, the guy obviously hit people with the intention of Jun Changxiao!


Han Chengzhu This is protecting the eternal religion!

The elder's face was ugly, but he could only admit it: "Since the Lord Han said so, it is just a misunderstanding to come."

"Since it is a misunderstanding, let's go." Han Cheng said lightly.

The elder lifted up the injured person.

When Xun was about to leave, he heard Jun Chang laugh and said, "Be sure to pay attention to your safety when you go out. Don't just stand on the road casually, otherwise the next time you are killed by a passing vehicle, your loved ones will be in tears."

The voice was still dull, but there was a killing intention in the front. The old man heard the words, and his back suddenly burst into coolness, and he was secretly annoyed that his family had to discuss the private affairs of the disciples of Wanzong in front of others!

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