The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 818: Show knife?

Pluto's meteor continent has no stove fire, so when Liu Wanshi lights up, no one can recognize the fire system from the fire color.

It doesn't matter.

Importantly, after the appearance of the stove fire, all the participants' flames, including the purple hidden fire of Qian Songbao, were suppressed, and they were quite king in the world!

"Nothing extraordinary!"

"Unexpectedly, there are still tinders that suppress the purple hidden fire!"

"Little girl is not easy!"

Twenty judges marveled at it.

Although flames do not represent cooking skills, high-level flames will undoubtedly bring great help in cooking.

"The culinary skills of Yangzhou in Southwest China have been compared, but my husband has probed, but I have not heard that this girl has a powerful flame, and even uses firewood to make a fire during the game."

或许 "Maybe your opponent is too weak to use it."

"So, this woman may be able to bring me great surprises and surprises."

The judges were locked in Liu Wanshi's body. The latter also realized that he had released the stove fire, and the movement was a little big, so he quickly rushed to converge.


After annihilating the oppression of the king, the flames of the contestants resumed.

Just, after this incident, everyone's face was extremely dignified.

At the beginning, they did not look at Liu Wanshi, after all, the female streamers came to participate in the God of Food contest, because there was no one in Yangzhou, Southwest.

But when the stove fire was released and showed strong oppression, he realized that this girl or her rival on the road to winning the championship!

"Girl Willow."

After saving the money, Song Bao stabilized the flames and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a strong flame!"

"Do not talk."

Yuliu Wanshi said: "Concentrate on cooking."


Save money Song Bao closed his mouth, but after setting fire, took a pound of beef, and then selected various accessories from the basket.


Suddenly, the sound came out.

The competitor who was preparing ingredients was looking at it subconsciously, and saw that Lin Yao in front of the central stove had sacrificed a black kitchen knife hanging around his waist, and then patted his other hand on the chopping board.

The spirit can shake, and the various ingredients placed on it suddenly fly!




The sword lightsaber, crisscross.

"What a quick knife!"

武 A martial arts-level strong man frowned: "At least a hundred times in one breath!"

"One hundred and fifty-six times."

Xun Jun often laughed and gave the precise number of shots, and said silently: "If you don't practice the knife path well, no one will come to cook."

System said: "Everyone has his own will."

"So too."

Xun Jun often smiled in agreement.

After all, he doesn't say that he is the strongest in the other world because he looks at himself. At least he can hold a beautiful beauty, Emperor Wudi, with a thigh and a smile, but he has become the master of a case.


Ye Shi also fate.

System: "You are so shameless, does the family know?"

Uh ...


Lin Linyao's kitchen knife was put into the sheath, and a lot of accessories were cut into strips, thin enough to pass through the needle!


"It is worthy of being told by King Dadao!"

"You can easily unload countless blocks to kill people!"

The Lin Linyao's magical swordsmanship marveled the martial arts.


Ma Yongning, who was sitting in front of Wanzong, sitting in front of the cafeteria, looked disdainfully, and a kitchen knife was nailed on the cutting board at the back.

Xun Jun often laughed that although he gave a penetrating knife, it was still in use because he was also responsible for cutting vegetables.

Don't watch Ma Yongning rarely fight, but every day when he fights in the cafeteria, the understanding of the knife is increasing day by day, and even in the cut pier, he gradually realized the method of cutting vegetables by Ma.

Lin Yao, who uses a slick knife technique, is nothing more than embroidering his legs. If he arranges for tens of thousands of disciples to cut vegetables, he will definitely rest.

"Old horse."

Ouyang Jun said: "Don't hold back, hurry up for lunch."


Ma Yongning walked into the kitchen.

Skillfully tied an apron, held up a bowl of wine next to it and drunk it, grabbed it with a kitchen knife with one hand, and turned his back to the camera.


"Lone Smoke in the Desert!"


"The yellow sand is flying!"


The kitchen knife cut across the void horizontally and vertically, and then “ding” again on the chopping board.

The whole process is bland, but the various auxiliary materials placed on the table are divided into pieces instantly from the intact condition.

Although Ma Yongning is not as good as Lin Yao, from the point of view of the method, he is more mature and thick.


Ouyang Jun, who was making a fire, probed and shouted, "Old horse, what are you doing?"


"Cut your finger again?"

Ma Yongning walked to the medicine hall without a word.

始终 He always turned his back to the camera, giving a sense of deserted solitary smoke, and the heavy sense of flying yellow sand.


I deserve to be a master!

Uh ...

回到 Return to the game scene of the God of Food contest.

After Lin Yaoxiu passed the knives, other contestants became busy one after another, apparently not affected by the former.

The guillotine method is good only to provide assistance.

It is the cooking that really determines the strength!

"What dish?"

Yuliu Wanshi began to think, and various kinds of cuisines from Chinese recipes appeared in her mind.

I have it!

Little girl picked a large piece of tofu and various accessories, and then began to cut it seriously.

Sometimes she also comes to help cut vegetables. The knife is not necessarily inferior to Lin Yao. Now she is cautious and hopes to be perfect.

In order to win good grades and not to disappoint the suzerain, Liu Wanshi has already taken the best form.

Xi Jun often laughs and knows her disciple very well. Looking at her serious appearance, she shook her head and said, "This contestant is lucky and unfortunate to compete with the **** the same stage."

Fortunately, she can compete with such a strong cook who is proficient in cooking. Unfortunately, when she seriously cooks, she will definitely be hit hard.

Participants are all working hard. Only Qian Songbao occasionally distracts and looks at Liu Wanshi.

I didn't pay attention to other people when I participated in this God of Food contest. Only this girl made him feel pressured.

This originated from eating fried rice and sweet and sour carp on the way.

Qian Qian Song Bao inherited the mantra of the God of Food, and also inherited the attributes of his father's food, and was extremely sensitive to the taste of the dishes. He even believed that he had previously eaten even the master may not have made it.

It was for this reason that he did not confess his true identity, but instead took out his father's token to participate in the upper review of the God of Food contest.


After saving money, Song Bao had eaten fried rice and sweet and sour carp ~ ~ I had a sense of inferiority in my heart, especially I could n’t understand. How can a girl who is only a few years older than herself have such superb cooking skills?

Yuliu Wanshi's strong cooking skills stem from her talent on the one hand, and she is in charge of the chef of Wan Guzong on the other.

最 Nothing terrible in this world is that talented people are still working very hard to make those who comfort themselves by taking stupid birds first and being able to make up for themselves.

Saving money Song Bao recovered slightly frustrated and began to focus on cooking.

Time passed quietly.

After an hour.

The large tables put together in front of the ring are filled with various works of the contestants.

Although the warrior watching the light curtain can not smell, but can also realize from many dishes, this is definitely a first-class food!


Can't stop flowing!

Because Liu Wanshi leaned on the corner, the dishes made were brought up at the end. They were served in a casserole and the lid was pressed on top, so no one knew what the cuisine was.

"There are ten judges for evaluation!" Said Huang Jinshang.


Ten appraisal masters took their tableware to the table and started to taste. After tasting, they will give corresponding scores.

"Ma Tiancheng has a total score of 79, eliminated!"

"The champion of the Northern Mozhou Cooking Competition, was eliminated in the first round!"

"why why!"

Bian Ma Tiancheng growled at the judge unconvinced.

An old man with a bone of Fengxian Road said lightly: "The heat and taste are a little worse."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

I just negated other people ’s works, and these tasting masters also talked about it!

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