The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 831: I see who dares to move!

The air zone released by Jun Changxiao is very strong.

Even if the Emperor Wu of the same level may not be able to carry it, why is it not affected by Miao Saifeng who is not a Wu Zong?

Because of the formation method, she not only shrouded her, but also covered the hall.

Jun Changxiao, who possesses the talents of matrix formation, immediately discovered that he decided to break the matrix formation.

In order not to arouse the woman's vigilance, she intentionally endured three toxins.

and so.

It can be seen from this that Jun Chang laughs not for pretense, not for Xiu Shengyan's body, but for his own ideas.


Miao Saifeng's face grew more and more horrible, and her eyes were incredible.

The three toxins converge in the body. Even if he cannot be poisoned, he should be able to limit the cultivation to an outbreak.


I have a very defensive formation in front of me, why is it so unbearable that it is broken!

Miao Saifeng was able to face Jun Chang with a fearless fear, relying on the toxins and matrix formations that existed everywhere in the sect. When the two did not work, she was really not as good as an ant.


Grit again.

Jun Chang laughed coldly and said, "There are many ways to make you die more painful than poisoning."

"Ah ... heh ..."

Miao Saifeng's pinched breathing was short and her complexion became more and more pale.

This woman is also proud, even if she is trapped between life and death, she still has no plans to compromise.


Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "Where is the Lord of the Palace?"

His spiritual thoughts have been released long ago, but there are many formations and poisonous fog areas in Jiudu Palace, which cannot be searched carefully.

The system crashed and said, "Slightly loosen, let people talk."


Jun Chang smiled and regained his strength.

Since then, Miao Saifeng's pain has suddenly eased a lot, and she tried hard to squeeze out a smile and said, "Sovereign monarch ... so care about Jing Jingxuan, it should be your lover ..."

"What do you mean?"

Jun often laughed to hear that she had something to say.

Miao Saifeng laughed more and more, and laughed more and more terribly: "I have nine poisons in the nine poison palaces, four of which can be used directly, and five cannot be used directly, because they exist in the poisonous field.


Jun Chang laughed and increased his strength again, Leng Sen said, "Did you throw the Lord of the Palace into the poisonous abyss?"

"All five poisons are available, there is no cure!"

Miao Saifeng said, "There is a valley all the way westward along the hall. You can rush over now, or ... maybe you can meet your lover for the last time ..."


Jun Changxiao grabbed her head and bumped it on the wall to faint on the spot, and then flew towards the west of the hall.

"Palace Lord!"

With his departure, the airspace also dissipated, and the disciples of Jiudu Palace rushed forward.


Jiang Xie tugged fiercely, took the flat nozzle from his face, and angered Dan Tian, ​​yelling loudly: "I see who dares to move ----------"


The air broke out, and the martial arts filled the air!

The disciples of Jiudu Palace, who had just broken free, were slow again, and then settled on the spot.

This was not a direct suppression, but a loss of heart from the roar.

The toxins in the body are gone, Elder Jiang restored the man's heroism!

As for Wei Wei, although the toxins have been eliminated, people are still stuck in place.

When I was young, I gave up love for my brother and my career. In the end, I didn't hold anything back, and then I felt stings in my heart.

"Old Wei."

Jiang Xie's brain hole widened: "Your name has wind, and her name has phoenix, won't it be your daughter?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lao Weidao said: "Although Sisi and I have loved each other, we have not done anything beyond it."

He has many feelings, but he does n’t have to take down one if he loves one. He is a little stronger than the scumbag who puts on his pants and turns away.


The main hall is west.

There is a valley surrounded by poisonous gas.

This is the forbidden area of ​​Jiudu Palace.

At this moment, in the central area of ​​the valley, Chang Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue were tied to the pillars. Although there was endless anger in his eyes, his face was extremely weak.

They were poisoned.

Similar to cartilage scattered.

"Two elders."

A beautiful woman in her early twenties laughed, "If you elected me to be the master of Miaohua Palace, you would not end up now."

"Tan Huiying!"

Leng Xingyue rebuked: "I have seen that your heart is not correct, why would I give you the title of the palace master!"

Tan Huiying gritted her teeth and said, "She Jingxuan did such an unreasonable thing as her uncle and uncle, and her mind was right!"

"There's a reason……"

"do not talk!"

Tan Huiying said coldly: "Today, I will let you work hard to infer the blind girl who died in this poisonous abyss!"

The elder Sun Fanghua retorted: "Tan Huiying, you dare to hurt the palace master half a hair, too much elders will never spare you!"

"Too elder?"

Tan Huiying dismissed her sneer: "Don't look at her as she has entered the imperial rank, but she will be killed in the Jiudu Palace."


Long Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue looked ugly.

They didn't expect that a five-class junior gate was so powerful that it was poisoned as soon as it came in. If you knew it would be the result, nothing would be asked by the palace master to make an appointment!

"Oh, right."

Tan Huiying smiled grimly: "The elders sent two elders, but they are now trapped in poison clouds. They are also emperors. Do you still think that the elders are here?

Are all ancients coming?

Long Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue suddenly rejoiced.

Although they are always wary of Jun often laughing and do not want to be too close to the palace master, they have to admit that this son is very strong, and now sending someone over, they must know that the palace master is trapped in Jiudu Palace!

"Tan Huiying."

Leng Xingyue said coldly: "Everyone, you dare to offend the Jiudu Palace, waiting to be destroyed!"

"Destroy the door?"

Tan Huiying sneered: "You see Wu Sheng can do it."

Speaking, I walked to Jingkou in front, and said, "Jing Jingxuan, you snatched the title of my palace master, and today you will die."


Grab it on the side stick.

This well is poisonous. The joystick is the starting device. As long as it is pulled down, five kinds of highly toxic substances will be emitted. At that time, even if the warrior sticks a little bit, there will be no medicine to save, and he will endure all kinds of toxins and die painfully .

"Sister Tan ~ ~ Wu Jingxuan, who is inside the poisonous abyss, is powerless:" In your eyes, is the position of the palace master so important? "

Don't look at the face of Jun Changxiao, who will show the appearance of a small woman, but at the moment of life and death, he can be so calm and calm, which shows that he has a big heart.

"If I lose to other colleagues, I naturally don't care!"

Tan Huiying gritted her teeth and said, "I can't afford to be defeated in your blind hand!"

Xuan Jingxuan said: "This is the meaning of the elders and elders. I can only obey. I do not intend to steal the position of the master of the palace."

"Fewer pity here!" Tan Huiying exasperated.


The rocker suddenly pulled down, and the wellhead was suddenly completely blocked by some special slate!

(End of this chapter)

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