The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 835: This world is so colorful

Hearing the sounds ringing in his ears, Su Jingxuan suddenly realized that he was the monarch.

Why is he here?

You are not in Poison Depth, is there no doubt that you will die?

Existing in the consciousness of the sea, it seems that a face that can never be erased emerges, although it is not the same as Bian Jingxuan imagined, but the more I remember, the more I get used to it.

If the monarch ruler knows what Jing Jing Xuan thinks, he must be squatting in the corner and burying his head between his legs.

I am a handsome guy who can only be matched by a woman dressed as a man, and she accepted it slowly!

Gradually adapted to the light, Qi Jingxuan opened her eyes again.

Although the field of vision is still very blurred, but faintly see the outline of a face, and fuse with the memory, it is sure to be Jun Chang laugh!


Qi Jingxuan raised her hand subconsciously, touching the fuzzy face in the field of vision, feeling the temperature in her palm, her voice trembling, "I ... I saw it ... I saw it!"


Jun often laughed for a moment.

Suddenly, he found that Jing Jingxuan's original empty eyes gradually gained color and a certain feeling.

Then he was shocked: "Master Gong, your eyes are better!"


Long Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue looked dull.

"I saw!"

"I really saw it."

Wu Jingxuan was still shouting, maybe too happy, her eyes gradually moistened and flowed along her cheeks.

Twenty years of darkness has been my companion, and now I see the light again. Although the picture presented is blurry, although it is similar to severe myopia, at least it is no longer so terrible.


"what is this?"


"what is this?"


On the boulder, Jun often laughed and sat cross-legged, and brought a fruit from the side, and asked, "What about this?"


Tong Jingxuan narrowed her eyes and leaned over, smiling after a close look: "Or an apple!"


Jun Chang took a sip and smiled, chewing and laughing: "Sure enough, under my treatment, the Lord of the Palace finally saw the light again."


Why do you treat a wool!

It is a question why Xi Jingxuan can see the light again.

In the beginning, Jun often laughed and guessed that he might cure the eye disease with poison, but then he wondered if he would take away the strange breath by himself, and not only would people return to normal, but their eyes would be better too?

Long Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue were in tears.

The tattoo on the palace's face was not only removed, but the eye disease was also cured. This is definitely a blessing for disaster!

of course.

At this moment, they also think that the palace owner turned danger into danger and saw the light again. It must be related to Jun Changxiao, so they are grateful inside.


"Although it can be seen, there is still a problem with vision."

More than just a bit, it is just severe myopia, and even if you put things in front of you, you can only see it blurred.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Tong Jingxuan smiled brightly: "I'm very content!"

For more than two decades, she opened her eyes and closed her eyes in darkness. No one can understand the loneliness and fear. Now she sees the light again. Even if things are blurred, she is satisfied.


I can see this man's face all the time, so I don't have to think about it anymore.

"Actually, the problem is not big."

Jun Chang laughed and threw away the unfinished apple, and said, "As long as you wear a pair of glasses, you can solve the problem."


Long Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue face each other.

Starfall continent certainly does not have myopia glasses, but there are in the mall, because I have bought glare sunglasses!


Jun Chang didn't rush to hurry, but rested in situ, opening the first-level mall smoothly.

Since the main eye disease of the palace palace is recovered, it is good for the person to do it to the end, and help her to brush out a pair of glasses to better understand the world.

System said: "There is love!"

Qi Jingxuan sat on the grass, and with a happy expression, she moved the flowers next to her, whispering, "This world is so colorful and colorful, it turns out that the flowers are like this, not square."

From a young age, she can only understand the world from other populations, and then fantasize on her own, but what is fantasized may not correspond to reality.

For example, Jun often laughs.

Under the rich imagination of Tong Jingxuan, her head is very flat, her nose is long, her eyes are long, and she is frustrated when she sees a human being different from a fantasy.

You can't blame Jungou for not being handsome enough and popular for thousands of girls.

Tong Jingxuan's eye problems, looking at the world, looking at things, are destined to be different from normal people.

As she gradually adapted to the world, she clearly understood what a person should be and established her aesthetic outlook. Then she looked at the monarch, um, anyway, it ’s okay to vomit and vomit anyway.

"Ding! Ding!"

Jun Changxiao is still refreshing the junior mall, and the contribution value drops to 10.10.

With tens of thousands of points, he didn't feel distressed at all.

Finally, after spending thousands of contributions, a multifunctional glasses called Shenchang appeared.

Said on the introduction.

Regardless of the degree of myopia, the belt will give the patient a normal vision value.

The special effect is that it can be fixedly opened once a day, and the eyes can be massaged and corrected. In the long run, the patient can completely get rid of myopia and restore normal vision.

Author bacteria: "I want T_T ..."

"Just it!"

Jun Changxiao spent 50 points of contribution value and bought the multifunctional eyes of this retro big round frame, so he murmured: "It's quite suitable for young girls."

Glasses in his once world, sometimes more like ornaments.

Different types of girls bring different styles, will look more temperament and more attractive.

For example, women in the workplace with black-framed eyes will be very capable, and the girl next door with round large-frame glasses will be very cute.

Wu Jingxuan belongs to the latter, the kind of weak girl next door.

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Take it with you."

"How to bring it?"

"Forget it, let me help you."

Jun Chang smiled as Jing Jingxuan put on his glasses gently, the vision of the latter suddenly became extremely clear, and the whole person stood still.

Just blurring her eyesight had satisfied her.

Now when the picture becomes extremely clear, the excitement is self-evident!

"So clear!"

"I can see far!"

At that moment, Qi Jingxuan stood up happily like a child, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, and looking at the endless sky. With the retro big round glasses, people were even more lovely.

My name is Jun Changxiao, and I never expected that in this way, a girl with eye disease would regain its sight.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [helping others] to get 10,000 points of contribution."

"Ding! Contribution value 54333/50000."

"Ding! Contribution value overflow ..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task, triggering the hidden reward, obtaining the top quality array method qualification liquid × 1, and the plane battlefield portal purchase right × 1."

Jun Chang smiled a lot ~ ~ 奚 Jingxuan took glasses to see everything and actually completed a hidden task, which was completely unexpected!

Next second.

Jungou grinned.

Although helping the girl took some time and consumed a little contribution value, rewarding 10,000 points of contribution value is still very profitable.


Top grade array method qualification liquid, but a good thing!

After taking, the understanding of the formation method will inevitably go to the next level!

"What does the Plane Battlefield Portal mean?"

Jun Chang laughed and opened the shopping product column, clicked on the appearing product, and displayed the introduction as:

(End of this chapter)

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