The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 837: Alliance with Miaohua Palace

Although Jing Jingxuan recovered her vision, to further prove that she would not run away, Jun Changxiao always told her some tragic stories.

Every time after listening, the Lord of the Palace would frown, and a frustrated expression appeared, but it was always normal and did not go away.

At this point, Jun Changxiao temporarily concluded that the absorbed energy was the culprit leading to the split of her personality!

So he decided, "It's impossible to release, just keep it closed."

The barriers inside the vacuum cleaner are very strong, and unclean things cannot be washed out, and they can still be competent for long-term detention.

Jun often even laughed and thought about whether to prepare more.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Xi Jingxuan said, "Are there any stories?"


Jun Chang sat down with a smile, took a sip of apple, and said, "I told you Romeo and Juliet yesterday, and today I will tell you about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."


"it is good!"

Xi Jingxuan stared with big eyes, looking forward.

"This is the story ..."

"Later, Liang Shanbo died. Zhu Yingtai knelt in front of the tomb and wept. Suddenly he found Liang Shanbo's figure, so they both turned into butterflies and flew away."

After listening to it, Xi Jingxuan was crying.

She took off her glasses, wiped her tears, and choked, "Why can't a lover become a family member?"


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Ask what is love in the world, and teach life and death."

"Master of the palace."

He paused and said, "Tomorrow I will tell you the story of the cowherd and the weaver again."

The system couldn't help but voicing: "I feel the host, at this time singing happy break up, kind break up, break up is not a big deal, autumn is the season used to break up, etc. The best song!


"I can't sing!"


On the way.

Whenever encountering a beautiful place, Jun Changxiao will stop deliberately and let Jing Jingxuan appreciate it.

Others left with interest, giving the two a chance to get along alone.

"This is the waterfall."

Tong Jingxuan looked at the water that seemed to fall for nine days, and her smile was even brighter.

In just a few days, she has adapted to the colorful world and her mood is getting better and better.

of course.

Xing Jingxuan also knew that he could see the sun again because Jun often laughed, so whenever he looked at it, his cheeks always became unconsciously red.

Jun Chang laughed and didn't feel anything.

As soon as I have time, I will study the weird energy in the vacuum cleaner.

It can improve people's strength several times or even more instantly. If you study it thoroughly without losing your reason, it will be perfect.

It's a pity that we haven't learned anything along the way.

The next day.

Go to the fork.

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang stopped with a smile and arched his hand, "Let's make a difference here, pay attention to safety on the road."


Bian Jingxuan nodded, but turned back when he was ready to leave: "Thank you, Monarch, for your help, I will always remember this kindness."

Jun Chang laughed: "We are friends."

"Since you are friends, why can't you be allies?" Jun Jingxuan laughed.

This idea was mentioned in the alliance between Cangshan School and Wanguzong. She was later rejected by the elders, thinking that Jun Changxiao would cause too much trouble.

Well now.

Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue were very supportive.

Monarch said: "Yes."

It is normal for a sect to have a lot of allies, and he will certainly not dislike it.

"When I go back, I will announce it to the public," said Jingjing Xuan.


that's it.

The serious alliance was not completed at the solemn bargaining table. Instead, it was solved by the two suzerains at the barren hills and mountains. The efficiency was amazing!



Xi Jingxuan reluctantly took two elders back to Miaohua Palace, and Jun Changxiao took everyone back to Wanguzong.

"Old Wei."

On the way, Jiang Xie whispered: "Elder Leng is gone, you don't say a word."


Wei Lao sighed.

After returning from Wandulin, he was always taciturn, apparently unable to accept the fall of the girl she once loved.

Looking at the old man Wei Wei, Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "So it is better to develop the ancestral gate with sullen head, so as not to be trapped and hurt by the feelings later."

The system murmured: "It seems as if a woman can be found."



When Jun Chang returned with a smile, he locked up Miao Saifeng, who was **** with flowers.

Zhao Doudou was really happy and broke. I did not expect that the new prisoner was actually a beautiful lady with a beautiful color!


I cried that night.

Because although this woman was restrained and her veins were closed, many extra horrible spiders, tadpoles, and other poisons appeared in her jail.

Holding on to the iron window, he yelled sadly: "Sovereign monarch, please change my cell ---"


Jiang Xiedao: "Is the woman kept closed?"


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Close it first."

Ding Xingwang suggested: "The technique of poisoning Tao is extremely enlightening, and it is extremely difficult to prevent. The suzerain can use it for his own use."


The Ning brothers agreed.

Jun Chang laughed and brought Miao Saifeng back, but in fact he had the intention.

However, he knew that being bound by himself would fall off at any time. It was not easy for Miao Saifeng to compromise, which meant that she was a woman of character, and it was not easy for her to surrender.

In this case.

Then close it first.

In order to prevent the top laborer from dying, Jun Chang laughed and took Miao Saifeng out of the house, locked in a separate cell.

Zhao Doudou sighed in relief, covering his chest and said, "I would rather be with the demon king than with a femme fatale!"


Not a few days.

Miaohua Palace announced that it has formed an ally with Vanguard.

Before it was changed, someone must have thought that Jun Chang laughed that he had embraced the thighs of a fourth-rate sectarian gate, but now he thinks it is an honor to be able to form an alliance with Vanguard.

The alliance didn't make much waves, because many big brothers are speculating that there is an unspeakable relationship between the Suzerain of the Ancients and the Miaohua Palace. Now that they are allies, they are basically equal to the stone hammer!

"In the future, Miaohua Palace cannot be messed with!"

"Listen well, go down the mountain to practice, if you meet disciples in Miaohua Palace, you must be cautious, do not provoke them!"

Many senior officials of the four or five schools are telling their disciples. Obviously, the prestige of Wanzong has already caused many forces to fear.


"What happened to the intelligence network?"

On this day, Jun Chang laughed and came to Xiyutang to inquire about the situation.

Li Luoqiu took out a map of the starburst continent, pointing at several state roads: "At least five states have been deployed, and the southeast starting state is still stepping up, and it can be fully covered in almost a month."

"Good progress."

"Still money for the lord."

It is certainly unrealistic to rely on the disciples to act as intelligence officers. Many intelligence members are recruited through casual recruitment.

simply say.

Xiyutang shrouded the intelligence systems of several major states. The disciples only occupied a small number, and most of them were collected in scattered repairs and received corresponding compensation.

During the period of good performance, he will be elected by the sub-rudder master to become a member of Van Gouzong.

There are now two channels for the recruitment of disciples in Wan Guzong. One is to open the mountain gate for assessment and obtain high-quality youngsters ~ ~ The second is to transport them from the sub-rudder.

Recruitment has formed a virtuous circle, and it has been fully functioning, so the monarch ruler does not need to consider now how to recruit disciples.

In terms of elixir resources, Li Qingyang is fully responsible for what she lacks and what she lacks. She is absolutely very stable.


Lying on the study chair, Jun Chang laughed and took a rest.

Although many things are still indispensable to him, Zongmen is gradually formalized and gradually operates in a healthy manner, and there are fewer and fewer things to worry about.

Shake your hand dispensers.

Really, just around the corner!


Jun Chang smiled and opened his eyes, and said, "Place the battlefield portal first."

(End of this chapter)

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