Plane battlefields have many planes, and each plane has its own independent territory.

To expand, we must keep killing.

Relying on the portal, Jun Changxiao successfully stimulated the starburst land, but only a few meters away.

In fact, it is related to the number of people. If there are more people, the initial site scope will be larger.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "If you come, you will be safe."

It is not a fight here, and no matter what the site is, it is enough to go to other planes smoothly.


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed and thought of something, and collapsed, "Someone else on the continent can't get in, and other planes can't get in. How can I get to their world?"

Judging from the battlefield settings, each plane site is a safe area, sneaking into other people's sites to other people's world, there is no hope at all.

"System, get out!"

No echo.

Obviously this is already a feigned state.


Jun Chang smiled and hugged his head, and collapsed, "I feel so bad!"

Suddenly, a thick voice came from the sky: "The warrior of the starfall continent entered the battlefield of the plane and became one of the participants. It is hereby announced!"


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

Speaking so loudly, I'm afraid others don't know, is the star continent coming?

"Woohoo ————————"

At this moment, a strong breath burst out, just looking at the distant sky full of stars, thousands of streams of light flew at high speed, among them were humans wearing weird costumes, and some orcs exposed.

Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes instantly, because all the emperors came!

Do not!

Dozens of warriors flying in the forefront are absolutely semi-sacred from the perspective of their strong breath!

When I came here, I heard that the realm of entry was restricted, Jun Chang laughed and guessed it. There must be a master here. I can see with my own eyes that there are as many dogs as possible. The battlefield is so scary! "

and many more!

The expression on Jun Chang's face suddenly became exciting.

Because thousands of strong men are obviously coming for themselves!

"The new star warrior continent warrior, die!"

"This boy belongs to Lao Tzu. Don't rush with Lao Tzu!"

"If you win the blood of the star warrior continent, you will get several times of merit reward. Whoever makes the grandson!"


The murderous outbreak swept the earth.

This lineup, this position, even if you change to the martial arts level like the Han Chengzhu, you can't carry it!


Jungou is smarter.

Seeing thousands of people killing menacingly, he hurried back a few steps and shrank into a circle of only a few meters.

"Brush! Brush!"

Many strong men blinked and hung in the air, provoking: "New kid, get out of here!"

Seeing that they didn't dare to cross the circle half a step, Jun often smiled and hugged his hands, and said lightly, "Come in."

"Be bold!"

"Come in!"

"brave man……"

After 10 minutes, Jun Chang smiled dryly and said hoarsely, "Yes ... I have the courage to come in ..."

If there are only a few or dozens of emperors, he will definitely dare to go out, but there are thousands of people around him, and he can only rely on the safety zone and fight each other.

"No kind guy."

A strong man whispered, "I don't waste time with you."


brush! brush!

On behalf of his group of strong men turned around and flew away.

The other strong planes also dispersed one after another. Soon, there were only 20 or 30 people left outside the safe area of ​​the Starfall Continent. Obviously, they did not want to give up, and were planning to wait.


Jun Chang smiled to summon a chair, sat smartly on it, and raised Erlang's legs and said, "I don't believe I can't leave you."

System said: "Don't ask, come on!"

"Last fart!"

Jun Chang laughed: "Do you think those people really left?"

"Dear participant, because you illegally sneaked into the battlefield of the plane and did not follow the normal procedure. Although the starburst continental site was established, it will be expelled by itself for an hour in the safe zone, and now it counts down ..."

"of course."

The feminine reminder continued: "If the participant stays outside for half an hour and then enters the safe zone, they will re-count the time, wishing you good luck and a happy life."

What about your uncle!

Jun often twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Stay inside for an hour, and outside for half an hour!

This is to force yourself to stay in the safe zone, you must either take the initiative to fight or be actively hunted down!

"Don't seduce!"

System said: "Do it!"

"it is good!"

Jun Chang stood up with a smile and shook his shoulder. "When the time is almost up, Lao Tzu is fighting with them!"

"……"system breakdown.

Have to take time to go out, when the host is so entangled!

Not counseling.

It is rich express, eat chicken!

"I say everyone."

Jun Chang smiled as if sitting in a chair, and said, "Which plane do you come from?"

"Lingyun Continent!"

"Continent of Chihai!"

"Continent of Xuanxuan!"

The strong men who did not disperse reported themselves to the door, and their noses were almost poking into the sky.

Jun Chang laughed: "What does the merit just said mean?"


The strong man from the continent of Lingyun smiled coldly and said, "Since you came to the battlefield of the plane, would you not know the merit value?"

"This one……"

Jun Chang laughed: "It's a rush to come in and I don't know a lot of things."

The corners of their mouths twitched.

After long consideration, they finally made up their minds to battle the battlefield.


A Chihai mainland strongman said lightly: "When your site expands to a certain scale, the Merchant Shop will condense in the upper realm, and then you can buy heavenly treasures and weapons and equipment that are not on the plane."

"Upper Bound?"

Jun Chang smiled and was surprised.

A feminine reminder came: "Dear participant, here is the power of the upper world to open up. Every five years, the plane will be retired, and the new plane will join."


Jun Chang laughed and collapsed: "Establishing a battlefield dominated by killings is bad enough for the upper world!"

The feminization reminder sounded: "The major plane groups multiply too quickly, and energy will be exhausted in the long run, so it is imperative to establish a plane battlefield."

More and more people consume more resources, and they will surely be exhausted.

This point ~ ~ Jun Chang laughs to understand.

It is a bit extreme to use the method of slaughter to reduce the population, or the upper bound is simply to take down the bound and look at the ants. It doesn't matter how much you die!

"I thought that the Upper Realm was a kind of extraordinary and holy place. Now it seems that the law of weak meat and strong food cannot be escaped."

Jun often smiles and shakes his head.

"of course."

The Chihai mainland strongman Leng Sen smiled and said, "You have no chance to expand the territory, because as soon as you step out, you will become a prey for me to get merit!"


Jun Chang smiled with his fingers clasped together, leaning forward slightly, resting his chin on it, squinting his eyes slowly, a ‘U’-shaped smile appeared.

"Are you serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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