The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 850: Are you still satisfied with this meeting?

The Baiqiu Mountains are very wide and extend through several states, but the most dangerous place is the deepest, because it is known as the paradise of beasts.

Although there are many resources such as medicinal materials and ores, basically nobody dares to collect them.

And there is a strange thing in the Baiqiu Mountains. As long as the warrior enters, the beasts will attack collectively, as if to get some order.

Jun Changxiao has heard about this place.

Until the King Baiqiu was known from the mouth of the King of the Ziyan Demon, it was speculated that the human being was attacked by a group of fierce beasts. It should be that it was operating in secret.


In the dark mountain forest, 5,000 members of the War Cavalry Church stepped on the wet ground, keeping enough distance to walk step by step.

After training with Xue Rengui and Tao Yuan, they seemed to be transformed into a special soldier named in the jungle.


Qian Buqi praised, "You disciples are not easy!"

His Qian family also brought a lot of masters, but it was dwarfed by the comparison with the members of the battle knight.


Jun Chang smiled humblely.


Jiang Xie stopped and said, "There are a group of wolf beasts twenty miles away, the scale is about five or six thousand."


Jun Chang smiled and ordered immediately.

"Brush! Brush!"

The members of the War Cavalry Church burst into momentum and condensed substantial black armor in front of them.

This speed, this efficiency.

Without long-term rigorous training, it will never be formed in a short time!


Xiao has already set up an AWM sniper rifle, and he still has a God-modified rocket launcher on his back.

However, when he entered the state of alert under the Wan Guzong, a master Qian whispered, "There is a restriction on the spread of spiritual thoughts in the mountain forest. Can he extend to twenty miles?"

Can't be extended by others.

Jiang Xieneng.

Because it has the body of the Yuanshen.

Since he inherited this constitution in Shifang Jueming Tower, his spirituality has become stronger. Even in the dark mountain forest with many restrictions, he can still explore far.

Li Qingyang and others strengthened their physiques while practicing, and now they are beginning to show results.

For example Xiao Xiaoji.

The wasteland in Dantian has been materialized. Although the scale is small, the formed forces have begun to improve their defenses.

Every day after physical training, you can clearly feel that muscles, blood vessels and even each pore are changing.

Another example is Zhou Hong.

Inheriting the body of the sword, the understanding of kendo is increasing day by day.

Even Su Xiaomo, who is in the undercover of Taixuan Shengzong, always understands the body of the wind.

The coolest thing to say is the night star.

After inheriting the body of the spirit vein, the speed of ingesting psionic energy increases, especially with various martial arts facilities and two mental methods, the speed of realm ascension increases every day.

Although these physiques from the ancient times cannot bring earth-shaking changes to everyone in the short term, with the constant realization and the continuous improvement of the realm, the benefits will certainly be very great.




After walking for a while, there were rumblings of wolves in the depths of the forest, and the air of destruction was permeated in the decaying air.

Qian Jia master immediately became nervous.



At this moment, a huge wolf beast with brown hair appeared in the dark grass, and his eyes flashed with colorful light.

"Colorful wolf!"

Exclaimed a Qianjia master.

Jun Chang laughed: "This wolf beast is stronger than the hurricane wolf."

"Step! Step! Step!"

Slightly, a colorful wolf comparable to the Wuzong level came out from the dark, and the number gradually reached several thousand, of which there were dozens of them that were not weaker than the Wuwang level!

Under normal circumstances, wolf beasts that have reached the level of spirit beasts will definitely not appear easily.


A Qian Jia master said, "A little trouble!"

Regarding his cultivation, he doesn't want to gnaw on the wolves, but he has just entered the depths and was targeted in this way. The back is definitely more dangerous.


Suddenly, a murmur came from the distant mountain peaks: "You are all going to die today."

Qian Jia and others looked up.

Seeing a bigger, majestic colorful wolf standing on it, he was surprised: "The colorful wolf king!"

The strength of this big guy is not inferior to that of an emperor in terms of breath.

Qian Jiawu suddenly panicked.

This level of spirit beasts may not have been beaten with their strength!


The colorful wolf king said with a smile: "Intentionally let the group of humans in, I didn't expect it would attract so much!"

Hearing this, Qian's face didn't change much.

He was wondering just now, since the Baiqiu Mountains are so dangerous, how did the survey team sent by himself come in and find the veins?

Listen to the Wolf King's words and understand that this is a deliberate trap, waiting for yourself to drill!


Jun Chang took a sip of the apple with a smile and said, "You spirit beast, you are a bit cunning."

The Purple King Demon dismissed: "It's not surprising that you have a master who is like a master."


The colorful wolf king turned his head and sneered, "Isn't this the guy who was run away by my king at that time, why dare to come?"

The Purple King Demon King immediately clenched his fists.

Recalling that year, King Baiqiu had overcast himself by despicable means, and the anger could not be suppressed.

"It seems that this wolf king is that guy's men, so it is an enemy, so there is no need for mercy."


Jun Chang smiled and took another sip of the apple, and chewed as he waved, "All killed."



As soon as the voice fell, a deafening noise came.

The Qianjia master was suddenly shocked and then gradually opened his eyes, because the place where the wolves gathered, the wind was flying, and the dust was forming a mushroom-shaped upward stretch!

What the **** ...

Gradually, everything returned to peace, a huge deep pit emerged, and the thousands of wolves that had gathered together disappeared, and the crystal nuclei were scattered all over the ground.


Xiao Ziji reached the muzzle of the rocket gun on the ground and began to recharge the shell.

Wan Guzong went up and down calmly, but little money and masters of Qian's family stayed in place.

The colorful wolf king was dumbfounded, and his eyes were frightened.

It wanted to order its men to launch an attack, tearing these groups of humans to pieces, but it was immediately overwhelmed by the whole army of bombers. This plot is completely wrong!

The wind is tight.


The colorful wolf king made the most correct choice in the fastest time, turning around and fleeing into the depths of the forest.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw Ding Xingwang and Gongsun Haohai sitting on the stones, one leaning on the mountain wall, holding hands and smiling.

When these two humans appeared, how could they not notice it!


Too late to consider ~ ~ limbs flee to the side.

But as soon as he turned around, Ding's palm hit him directly, and then he saw the poor big guy crooked his head and fell from the mountain, and thundered and fell at the feet of everyone.

Not much money: "..."

Master Qian Family: "..."

A spirit beast comparable to the Emperor Wuhuang can't help but fight in front of the vicissitudes of the old man?

Jun Chang smiled and jumped on the half-dead colorful wolf king. His hands were staggered, and he said loudly, "King Baiqiu, are you satisfied with this meeting?"


PS, 5th more, ask for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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