The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 862: Heart-thin

Sure enough, Xia Shuiyun went into the depths and saw four fierce beasts besides the Wolf King, and immediately realized that the situation was not good.

She wants to retreat.

But as soon as the thought rose, it was already surrounded.

"A wolf king is not easy to solve, let alone four helpers." Su Xiaomo secretly said: "This woman is in great trouble."

Can't save?

Forget it, just watch it change.

Su Xiaomo retracted her thoughts and continued dragging hundreds of wolf beasts around the forest.

For play.

He gave up the dignity of a king of war.

Rather than be weak, run through the mountains and forests chased by a group of junk beasts comparable to warriors.



Fighting sounds came from deep in the forest, and the cold air and cold air permeated.

Xia Shuiyun and several powerful spirits started to join hands, but because of too many numbers, their strength was not crushed, so they quickly fell into a passive state.

This was expected by Su Xiaomo.

The situation now, let alone her, even a few disciples will be very difficult.

"Come on!"

"You have to find a way to get out quickly."

Xia Shuiyun thought about how to escape while dealing with several fierce beasts.

However, the Yinfeng Wolf King had already perceived her thoughts, and groaned with a bow of his head, and saw that his two men would block the way.


Xia Shuiyun can only passively fight with it.


After fighting for a while, his arm was cut by the claws of Yinfeng Wolf King Eli.

Su Xiaomo, who was a wolf outside, was always paying attention to it, and when she saw the woman was injured, she secretly said: "If you don't save her, you must die here."

How to save?

Is a big problem.

"Flop! Flop!"

Blood splattered and poured to the ground.

Xia Shuiyun's back was cut a few times by Yinfeng Wolf King, and now she is extremely unfavorable!


Su Xiaomo stopped, and her palms began to gather psionic energy.

Xia Shuiyun is the granddaughter of Elder Xia. The relationship with Xia Shuiyun will help her to be promoted in the future. She can't let her die here, but she can't come directly to rescue her, she can only sneak it.


"Troubled woman."

Su Xiaomo waved with one hand, and the psionic energy converged.

With the strength of his King of Wu, he can take hundreds of Zhang away from the first level of the vulvar wind wolf king without any sound.

However, just as Su Xiaomo was about to start, Xia Shui Yun Ming's eyes, which had been in crisis, appeared decisively, and a cold current erupted around him, spreading rapidly around him!

"Frozen miles!"



"Kakaka ————"

The overcast wolf king and four wolf beasts that were attacked were not spared. They were immediately frozen by the cold attributes and turned into five lifelike ice sculptures.


Su Xiaomo dissipated the psionic energy and wondered: "This woman still has a hidden card."


"It seems a bit reluctant to show, I'm afraid it's already ..."


Xia Shuiyun spurted out blood, and the entire face became extremely pale, as if suffering a heavy blow.

The ice-bound time was limited, so that she could not breathe, and pressed the body that was suffering from back rush to the periphery.

"To die, to die, to die ..."

As soon as he stepped out, he saw Su Xiaomo running wildly with his tongue out, his mouth still choking.


Xia Shuiyun shouted.

After all, I went to the periphery first, but I just took two steps. I almost sat down on the ground because of the injury.

"Sister Xia!"

Su Xiaomo ran with sweat and said, "You are hurt!"

As soon as the voice fell, she picked up Xia Shuiyun directly, and yelled and ran away.

"Huh ... whh ..."

On the ancient road outside Yinshan Ridge, Su Xiaomo stopped and panted sharply, his legs were tired and trembling violently.

Pretend like it!

"Have you hug enough?" Xia Shuiyun said coldly.


Su Xiaomo hurriedly lowered her in her arms and stuttered, explaining: "Xia ... Sister Xia, the situation was in crisis at the time, I ... I ..."

"Know, don't say it." Xia Shuiyun said weakly.

Su Xiaomo hurriedly closed her mouth.



At this moment, the wolf beast roared again from the direction of Yinshan Ridge, and it seemed to have the intention to catch up.

Xia Shuiyun's eyebrows frowned, and said, "Go!"

"it is good!"

Su Xiaomo ran away and threw people directly in place.

This guy……

Xia Shuiyun bit her lip and couldn't open her teeth, "Come back, bring me!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Su Xiaomo hurriedly turned back, and then ran forward, holding her hand, and spurting the injury directly spurted out!


"Sister Xia, you vomited blood!"

"Don't ... don't bullshit, hurry and run with me!"


Night is coming.

In the slightly damp cave, Su Xiaomo was roasting pheasants in front of a campfire.

Xia Shuiyun sat in the distance with her eyes closed, her whole body shrouded in ice, as if undergoing an injury.

After a long time.

The pheasant was cooked and she opened her eyes.

Although his face was still pale, his injuries were temporarily controlled.


Xia Shuiyun sighed and said, "If only Qingxin Bingji Pill is available."


Su Xiaomo handed a delicate small bottle.

Xia Shuiyun looked at him and said, "Did you not take it?"

"I don't want to take such a precious elixir." Su Xiaomo grinned sillyly.

Xia Shuiyun took the medicine bottle, took out the medicine, took it again, and began to recuperate the injury.

Su Xiaomo sat next to her, holding her chin to look at her, and secretly said, "Are girls with ice-type physiques and cultivating ice-type attributes so cold?"


Suddenly, the spirit was released and it was found that the Yinfeng Wolf King was approaching the cave with the wolves.

These flea groups are really annoying.

"Brush! Brush!"

The yinfenglangwang chased it according to the smell in the residual air ~ ~ but there were more than ten miles away from the cave, and a cold drink came from his ear: "Roll back to Yinshanling."

He hurriedly closed his eyes, his eyes horrified, and then he took his tail and fled back to Yinshanling with his men.

Although I haven't seen anyone, but tell it directly, it must be very strong!

Can't afford it.

Definitely can't mess with it!

the next day.

Under Qingxin Bingji Pill's conditioning, Xia Shuiyun's injury was recovered, but it was temporarily difficult to operate the psionic energy.

This is also a side effect of applying the ice-based martial arts seal to the wolf beast.

"Sister Xia."

Su Xiaomo ran in from the outside, arrived at the lotus leaves full of clear water, and smiled: "The spring water here is sweet, do you taste it?"

"Not thirsty." Xia Shuiyun said lightly.


Su Xiaomo drank it himself, and secretly said, "Sure enough, as Wei Lao said, such a woman must deliberately keep her distance."


Xia Shuiyun looked at him, and a certain light flashed in his eyes, meaning: "You run fast."

Su Xiaomo ‘slightly’ in her heart.

Although acting all the time, the situation was a bit troublesome yesterday, and the embarker speeded up a lot during his escape from Yinshanling.

He was seriously injured and could realize it.


Women's hearts are as fine as needles!

Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun always stared at each other.

A professional is undercover and must stand the test in all circumstances.

Slightly scratched his head and said, "I have no qualifications or talents. I have run in the mountains since I was young."

Xia Shuiyun kept looking at him, then said with a certain tone: "You are lying."

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