The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 871: Has the monarch ruler heard of the battlefield of the plane?

Su Xiaomo is experiencing things that only the protagonist will experience in Taixuan Shengzong.

The real protagonist, who is in the ancient emperor, always smiles. At this moment, he is standing on the grass field, watching the hill full of hunger-filled grass, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

This kind of cultivation of disciples in Zongmen, flowers and fish is actually quite good, at least it is better than being at ease.

Unfortunately, with a soul bomb tied to his body and completing the main task, he was destined to make everything that Jun Changxiao had to pay for, with the main purpose of Zongmen strong.


Wei Lao came to see him: "The new batch of medicinal materials has matured. Will it be harvested now?"

"Right now!"

Jun Chang smiled even better.

Yaotian recently planted a variety of medicinal materials for refining Shangpin to treat dandan, and it is also a major reliance on the battlefield waves.

Not long after.

A wide variety of medicinal materials are delivered.

Jun Chang smiled his income space ring, opened the Dan Yao Pavilion and placed it on the Dan medicine, showing that the top-quality healing Dan can be refined in a quantity of 423.

After the one-button refining was confirmed, it murmured, "More than four hundred pieces should be enough for the time being."

Going to the battlefield of the plane, he only intends to bring Zongmen's elite power, so the number of people must not be more, and a few people are enough.

Jun Chang laughed and opened the task panel again, watching the epic task has less than a month to settle, he shook his head and sighed: "Counting the days, it is just suffering."


Li Qingyang said, "The Lord of Mucheng is here to see you."


Jun Chang laughed and returned to the main hall.

Walking in, seeing Mu Changhong's presence, he arched and said, "Mu City Master, we haven't seen you in a while."

Mu Changhong said: "Wangcheng is busy with business, so it can't be spared."

Jun Chang laughed sitting on the suzerain's chair, and laughed, "Ling Ai cultivates very hard, and now he has broken through the sixth king of martial arts."

In the words of the past, Mu Changhong must be delighted, but now he sighed.

"Why is Mu Cheng sighing?"

In the impression of Jun Changxiao, the city lord always smiled, giving people a way to face each other with laughter.

Mu Changhong said: "The monarch does not hide anything, I have been very upset recently."


It seems that Mucheng has something on his mind.

Jun Chang smiles and poses as a young lady who is willing to listen to your thoughts and solve problems for you.

There was a little silence.

Mu Changhong said earnestly: "Sovereign monarch, have you heard of the battlefield of the plane?"

"Plane battlefield?"

The expression on Jun Chang's face suddenly freezes.

More than ever heard!

I went in and was stunned by the strong man of the earth!

Mu Changhong looked at the expression on his face and realized that such things were rarely known. How could he know? He explained: "The battlefield of the plane is an independent space opened up by the upper world to rely on the power of heaven. When you enter it, you have to keep fighting. "

"is it?"

Jun Chang smiled and pretended to be curious.

In terms of acting, Su Xiaomo must not be better than him. After all, he had read the book "Actor Self-Cultivation" in that world.

Not bragging.

If you let Jun Changxiao give up taking care of the sectarian door and go to Taixuan Shengzong to be an undercover agent, it will definitely be better than the disciples.

Of course, because of the existence of certain attributes, some places may be inferior to Su Xiaomo, such as ... forget it, do n’t talk about it, and give Jun Gu a little face.

Mu Changhong said: "Each battlefield will randomly select positioning planes every five years, and must send 2,000 warriors with the lowest strength to the ranks to fight."

"Is this still happening?" Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

Not installed.

I have never heard of it!

Moreover, Jun Chang laughed and thought of something in an instant, so he hurriedly said, "We are not going to be selected for the starfall continent?"


Speaking these two words, Mu Changhong's expression was sad and painful.

How he wished it was a joke on the altar, but in fact he had to enter the battlefield of the plane to kill.

"Go in now?"

"Five years later."

Jun Chang laughed, "Isn't it still early?"

"and so……"

Mu Changhong said hardly: "How I hope that in five years, Honglian will not break through the Emperor Wu."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Which parents don't want their children to be higher, do you think this is true?"


Mu Changhong sighed: "According to the upper bound, we have to send 2,000 warriors to the continent, and the five-year assassination on the battlefield of the plane can be ended. If the warriors sent in have fallen to a certain number, we must continue to transport them. . "

"The Mucheng Lord is worried that his daughter will break into the Emperor's Emperor and enter the battlefield of the plane?" Jun Chang laughed.


Mu Changhong said: "I have lived for hundreds of years, and it doesn't matter if I die in it, but her daughter is still very young, if there are any shortcomings ..."

At this point, the voice began to tremble, and tears gathered in the corners of his eyes.

He is a semi-sacred, and also a father, how to accept his daughter to die on the battlefield.

"Not so serious." Jun Chang laughed.

Although the battlefield of the plane is very cruel, if you send enough emperors and top powerhouses, it may not be inferior to other planepowerhouses.

Systemically said: "The host is measured by its own sect's strength. Naturally, there is nothing wrong, but the star-level continent's emperor warrior is a lot worse on the battlefield."

"Like strong yellow characters on other planes."

"The overall strength is generally higher than that of the star emperor Wuhuang. If they go in, it is basically equivalent to death."

"And this half-sacred Mu city master, the host feels that he will be stronger than the Xuanzi who was beheaded?"

After listening to the system, Jun Chang laughed into silence.

There was a fight on the battlefield of the plane, and also killed many strong men who besieged themselves. One thing has to be acknowledged. In the same realm, their strength is stronger than that of the star warrior mainland warriors.

If you use professional terminology to explain, the other strong characters in Xuanzi are extremely high-level. The master of Mucheng is nothing more than high-level. Although the realm is the same, there is a gap in strength.

of course.

The monarch can do whatever he wants in it.

First, relying on a variety of equipment, and second, it belongs to the super-level, there is no problem with leapfrogging, it is invincible in the same level.


Mu Cheng sighed: "This time our star continent was selected, it is undoubtedly a huge disaster."

"Can't refuse?"

"No ~ ~ Jun Chang smiled secretly:" It's kind of overbearing. "

"Since the battle of the emperors, the properties of the heavens and earth of the starfall continent have deteriorated, how can they compete with other planes, and how can they expand the territory." Mu Changhong's face became increasingly ugly.

"Expand the site?"

Jun Chang laughed: "What do you mean?"

Mu Changhong briefed the matter and then said: "According to the upper bound, if you develop your site to the size of a town, you can apply for it in advance so that losses can be minimized."

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled and understood, and muttered in his heart: "It's not difficult to expand to the size of the town."

(End of this chapter)

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