The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 873: Lu Yan breaks through the Emperor Wu

Su Xiaomo was undercover in Taixuan Shengzong as always, and Jun Changxiao was actively preparing to enter the battlefield of the plane.

It is learned that the starfall continent will participate in five years later. Half-holy gods such as Mu Chengzhu all enter the state of death, letting him decide what must be done!

Previously, purely for personal complaints, the battlefield of the invasion plane was engaged in crazy things, but now it has risen to the level of the home country!

of course.

This premise is still inseparable from the benefits.

Jun Chang laughs and thinks that, naturally, is understandable.

The star continent wants miracles, and can't just pray and pray for it, at least it has to do something practical.

"not to mention."

Jun Chang smiled and put his hands in front of the camera. He leaned on a handsome face and said seriously, "The battlefield on the plane is extremely dangerous. I will take people to die in it at any time. Would you like them to be too good?"


Step out of the hall, into the secret space of time and space, and begin to accelerate the cultivation for three days.

In this year, although two epic missions have suppressed the realm and made cultivation meaningless, they can learn martial arts.

Like a dragon elephant like a palm.

This method of self-cultivation is successful, and the building has only been demolished in the Jiudu Palace, and the sense of existence is very low.

It is not that Jun Chang laughs and does not want to use it, mainly because he has not reached a certain level of understanding, and the power is not directly and simply cut off by the red flames.

"Woohoo ——————"

In the secret territory, the powerful air waves formed, gradually condensing ten dragons as if they existed, exuding the ancient and desolate breath, like ten ancient beasts emerging from the void!

Jun Chang stood up like a javelin with a smile, and then rolled down with his right hand.

"The dragon elephant is like a palm!"


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The power of the ten-headed dragon elephant blasted from top to bottom, and the instant of contact with the ground, the powerful momentum produced, shocked everyone such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji.

and many more!

How are we here?

You must be surprised when the Sovereign pretends. This is one of the laws of the ancient times.

Initially realize that the dragon elephant is like a palm, Jun Chang laughs can only condense the power of one dragon elephant. Now that they gather ten, the progress is actually very fast.

Over time, there are hundreds, thousands, and thousands of ways ...

According to the super-large physique of the dragon elephant, the more you need, the wider the world, otherwise it will be difficult to fit.

Actually it can be miniaturized.

Yi Jun often laughs at this level for the time being.


Regaining momentum, he said, "I finally realized the power of the ten dragon elephants, but from the current progress, we can only gather more unless we break through the semi-holy."

Powerful martial arts wants to comprehend a higher level, it is based on strong cultivation.

I gave the Qinglong Yueyue knife to a scholar who had no power to bind chickens, but I could barely use it to shave.

Open the task panel, there are ten days left in the settlement date.

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm willing to use ten days of life, and I will settle the task immediately."

"What about ten years?"

"Forget it, I'll wait."

At first Jun often laughed and came to the secret place of space and time, hoping to complete the settlement in advance by time. After the result came in, the task counted down and it was obvious that he could not speculate.

"No rush, no rush."

Jun Chang smiled and comforted himself: "Sooner or later."


Longxiang Pranuozhang copied countless books long after he purchased and returned to Zongmen, and distributed them to Li Qingyang and others.

However, for the time being, the mind is focused on the rushing level, so not many really understand it.

Nowadays, Wu King has reached its peak one after another, and it has not been a short while since he entered Wu Huang, so he has time to cultivate.

The best performer is invincible.

Because he entered the realm quickly, and had enough time to cultivate, he has now gathered the power of four dragon elephants.

Ye Xingchen slowed him to break through to the emperor level one step, and he has successfully gathered the power of two dragon elephants.

As the bearer and No. 2 in the brain-repairing trio, long before practicing, he was shocked by this martial art. The crazy brain-reinforcing must come from the upper bound!

In fact, the brain supplement is also okay.

With the level of martial arts like a dragon like a princess, the lower plane is really hard to find.


Li Qingyang runs his tactics, and his whole body bursts into an ancient atmosphere, bringing together a dragon and an elephant. Although his momentum is far better than Jun Chang's laughter, at least he has a glimpse of the door.

Xiao Guiji, Li Fei and others are also enlightening.

With their qualifications and efforts, and the assistance of space and time, it is not a problem to learn about this powerful martial art.

Jiang Xie, the Ning brothers, and others have begun to realize that the dragon elephant is like a palm, and their progress is much better than that of their disciples.

For the time being, although the high-level martial arts of Wanguzong are not as colorful as Dazongmen, at least they are better than them at the level and have more development prospects than them.

"Wait until the battlefield of the plane, the disciples condense the power of the dragon elephant, the picture must be wonderful." Jun Chang smiled with anticipation.



Five days before the settlement period, the area of ​​the female disciples in the inner courtyard suddenly burst into a huge momentum.

"I'm breaking through?"

Jun Chang smiled in the house, surprised.

The woman often used cold to hide everything, and he couldn't take sunglasses every day to see, so he never expected that he would be the second disciple to enter the royal class after He Wuji.

Of course, I was just surprised by the breakthrough. In fact, I can understand the entry to the imperial rank. After all, he inherited the mantle of Ice Emperor in Yinzhou, Northeast.


Ye Xingchen shook his fist and said, "Another disciple is one step faster than me!"

As a reborn Wu Emperor, with his martial arts experience, He Wudi and Lu Yan successively broke through the Emperor Wu, one after another, making him feel very dignified.

Do n’t cry, do n’t make trouble, do n’t get angry.

It's not that you are not good enough, but that your unique advantages are not fully reflected in the ancient history!

"Woohoo ——————"

The powerful air waves roared out and contained a chill of cold air!

It was originally a hot summer season, and suddenly it became a cold winter!

Some disciples wear a little thin, under the scorching of the cold, either silently run the fire system of the Five Elements Jiantian Jue to raise the body temperature, or put winter clothing on the body.

The strong cold air blowing from Siberia lasted about half an hour before converging, until everything returned to normal, and everyone took off the winter clothes silently.

It's cold and hot.

The taste of ice and fire is uncomfortable.



Lu Yan habitually leaned in front of the door and folded his hands together.

As the great realm rises, the temperament of the whole person changes, making people feel colder.

If Xia Shuiyun is likened to an iceberg that hasn't been changed for hundreds of years, she has a Taixuan ice heart body that has been immortalized for thousands of years.

Jun Changxiao sits first on the top ~ ~ Because of the coldness, the atmosphere seems very awkward.

Slightly, he still said, "We will go to the battlefield in a few days. You need to be more prepared."


Lu Yan said: "The suzerain is all right, I will go first."

"Go on."

Jun Chang waved his hand with a smile, and secretly said, "Although it is still cold, the tone is much milder than before."

Both the upper and lower sides of the ancestral gate are accustomed to Lu Yi's cold personality. Sometimes, if you go out, the feeling of ice and snow disappears, but it will become a little unaccustomed.

"Five days left."

Jun Chang smiled and leaned on his seat, mourning: "Come on, I'm in a hurry for constipation for several days!"

(End of this chapter)

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