The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 890: My handsome face was lost today



The purple light sometimes shuttles and sometimes bursts in mid-air.

Although kind-hearted people want to resist, what they can do in the face of overbearing forces is to unlock various postures to resist!

All the martial artists stayed.

Why didn't you just look at it? Because the Purple King Demon King shot too fast, the attack action was captured at all!

"Boom ————————"

After a few minutes, the earth shuddered and rolled up the dust.

When everything dissipated, dozens of feet deep, the beloved man with a smile on his face was broken and his nose was swollen.


Ding Xingwang and King Baiqiu twitched slightly.

I thought that in the face of the two strongest Chinese characters in the nine days of the mainland, it was necessary to let go, but the guy was completely resolved!


The Purple King Demon King dropped slowly, hung a few feet in the deep pit, and gently raised his hand: "Why can't you sneak up on the King, what's the point of your life in this world?"


The purple energy erupted from the whole body and turned into a substantive fist.

"Leave it to this seat." Jun often laughed and stopped.

The Purple Witch Demon King withdrew his energy, but when he was about to leave, he saw that guy put his hands on his chest, so his expression collapsed and he broke his legs, and growled, "Look, change!"


Everyone looked around and saw that guy put his hands on his chest, then put on a heart shape, shouted ‘Go,’ and pushed out, and said, “My sweetheart!”

"call out----------"

The Tianyuan Soul Tower flew out, fell into a deep pit, and quickly expanded. Finally, "Boom" slammed the benevolent and kind people.


The audience was silent.

The expressions on the faces of all the warriors were completely frozen!

Is this what men do? Is this something a man can say?

Thinking of the action and words that Jun Chang laughed just now, everyone couldn't help but stun.

Damn it!

too disgusting!


A straight man recalled the action that Jun Changxiao had just made, and couldn't help vomiting.

"Wow wow!"

The chain reaction started, and many warriors vomited along.

More than them, Lu Yan and He Wudi, Jiang Xie and others either frowned or twitched at the corners of their mouths.

And Jun Chang, who made shame in the public, laughed without blushing, and whispered in his heart, "Why didn't he give a reward? Isn't that guy in a state of serious injury and faint?"


Wave back the Tianyuan Soul Tower.

Sure enough, the kind-hearted man who suppressed the bottom was more embarrassed than before, but it was nothing more than serious injuries, there was still thinking, and he could open his eyes.

"But ... hate ..." He made a weak voice angrily and was about to perform some kind of abduction in silence.

Just then, Jun Chang laughed and made a heart-shaped gesture again.

The kind-hearted man just saw that his eyes were dull. He swears that he has walked a lot in this life, eaten a lot of rice, traveled south and north, and has a wide range of insights, but he has never seen a man make such a shameful action. !!


The injury was not suppressed, and the blood spurted out!

The shameful action made by the monarch and the king can not control the mind to spray blood on the spot, showing how terrible the lethality!


"My sweetheart!"


Hearing this sentence, the kind-hearted man spurted blood again, and even interrupted the thinking of exposing the secret method.

"Woohoo ——————"

Suddenly, the vision became extremely dark, Tianyuan Soul Tower was pressed down hard!


The earth trembled again, and the desolate breath haunted the surroundings.

"Congratulations to the participants for winning the blood of the nine-day mainland warrior and obtaining 100 points of meritorious value." A female system prompt sounded in my ear.

Jun Chang smiled and waved with satisfaction, and recovered Tianyuan Soul Tower.

However, the kind-hearted man was just fainting in the pit, and there was a sound of heartbeat and breathing, so he shook his head and said, "It will take a few more times to kill a strong man with this thing.


In the distance, the Purple King Demon King vomited.

Seeing Jun Changxiao performing shame three times in succession, he couldn't help it.

Jiang Xie and Ning's brothers were hard to see, after all, forcing them to not spit out hurts their bodies.

It is by no means ordinary people to do shameful actions and shout out shameful words in the eyes of the public.

Sovereign monarch of course also face.

However, as long as he can defeat his opponent, he will not take care of it.

"one left."

Turning around, Jun often smiled and looked away.

"Little ... boy ..." The angry and wicked man stood up hard, and stared angrily: "This old man hated me!"

The power of the Ziyu Demon King made him realize that he was not an adversary, so he had risen to escape.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

At this moment, Ding Xingwang and King Baiqiu appeared out of thin air.

The two stood in the sky, and the imposing momentum broke out suddenly, and the surrounding space was suddenly folded up.

The holy strong can shuttle space, but if you disturb the environment, you will not dare to mess up, because if you accidentally shuttle to the deepest level of void, then never think of it.


The angry man sneered and said, "Do you think you can stop this seat? Naive!"


The handprints were quickly applied, and the long-distance race started without wind, saying: "Nine days, eight wastelands, seven stars, six ..."

"Woohoo ————————"

Before the chanting was finished, the purple palm print came relentlessly.


The power generated by the huge palm print directly slams the angry and kind people on the ground, and the meridians in the body are damaged.


"My sweetheart!"


The huge Tianyuan Soul Tower was suppressed from above, and the angry man could only growl incompetently: "No ..."


The nine-day-old mainland Chinese character, like a kind man, was directly suppressed and passed out.

Jun Chang laughs enough!

Let the Purple Demon King be responsible for half-disabled people, come over to find out!

"Congratulations to the participants for defeating the strong players and gaining 20 points of merit." Jun Chang laughed and ignored the prompt ~ ~ hurriedly communicating with the inner spirit of the tower, saying: "I didn't do anything better than mind. Why did you throw out the Tianyuan Soul Tower? "

"That's it, master."

Erya explained: "Just shouting out the tactics can start normally, the heart movement is added by myself."


The expression on Jun Chang's smile gradually stiffened.

After a long day of trouble, just shouting ‘Go, my heart-baby’ will start Arcana, and I ’ve even made a number of consecutive actions in front of my heart, or in front of so many people!

"Why not say it earlier!"

"The master didn't ask!"


Jun Chang smiled and glanced at the martial arts soldiers who were still stunned around, grabbing his hair and collapsed: "My handsome face, today I have lost everything!"

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