The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 895: Kill the word strong!

That's right.

The seven strongest characters in the nine-day continent were followed by three stars.

Ding Xingwang one.

One King Baiqiu.

The remaining five were locked by ...

The bald man said angrily: "Kill this exposure wildly, the other two are not afraid!"

These people are not stupid, knowing that the Purple King Demon King is the strongest, as long as he is solved, the remaining two are not a problem!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The five strong land characters rushed forward in tacit agreement, each releasing the strongest light, and instantly fighting with the Purple King Demon King!

"Crazy hands!"

"Hunting Dragon Dance!"

"Qingyanba curse!"

A variety of high-quality high-power martial arts broke out in the sky outside the starfall continent's stronghold, and the colorful energy generated by the four-way Titan graphics card could not move!


All the martial arts look silly!

The purple-haired exhibitionist singled out five martial arts sacrifices with his own strength. Judging from the violent momentum of the transparent hair, he did not fall behind!

Too great!




Over the stronghold of the starfall continent, the irritability energy roared, and the space was shattered.

Ding Xingwang is fighting against a strong man, using various insidious moves to make the other side invincible, so he gradually gains the upper hand.

Not to mention the King Baiqiu, he was completely pressed against a strong man in the ground.

However, their rivalry is far less than the Purple King Demon King, after all, this guy is picking up the bulls!



Various high-level martial arts roared wildly, and the Purple Demon King followed it by physical force alone, and then launched a cold offensive, frequently pushing the opponent back!

Face-to-face warriors are stunned.

Jiang Xie, the Ning brothers, and others also watched.

Pick five.

There is still no wind.

What a majesty is this!


Jun Chang stood up with a smile, put the true sun mask on his face, and said, "It's time to perform real technology!"

From the perspective of the situation, the two sides fought very fiercely, but were in a stalemate state. Uncertain factors must be present in order to change.

With a superb piece of equipment and a half-step martial arts strength of the monarch dog left, very suitable for this uncertain factor!

The main thing is that the purple prince demon king is too popular.

Wouldn't you be a joke if you didn't do something?


At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the stronghold, and the bald guy was blown down by the blow of the Purple King Demon King.

"The opportunity is here!"

Jun Chang smiled, his eyes brightened, he immediately manipulated the mechanical armed wings, flew out, and the Zhenyang sword in his hand contained a dazzling light. When the opponent was about to land, he slashed away!

"Woohoo ——————"

Sword Qi crosswise, tearing space!

The bald guy who was barely standing on the ground hurried back, desperately, and saw Pi Lianwushuang's sword gas just swept away against the scalp!

Although he barely escaped the attack, he felt a big shock in his heart, because the strength contained in the sword qi was enough to show that the other party ’s understanding on the kendo was very deep!

This child!

The same cannot be underestimated!



Jun Chang came quickly with a smile, and the sword skill was displayed, and the dense sword suddenly appeared like a heavenly net.

"Like a lot!"

The bald drank, radiating all over his body, forming layers of protective cover.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jianqi came with a crisp sound on it, but it also showed cracks under frequent bombardment, until the last sword was pressed down, like the last straw of a camel, bursting!


The sky is gone.


The bald spit out blood.

It was extremely embarrassing when he was blown by the purple prince demon king, and his defensive moves were broken in a hurry, which immediately brought a double backstab, and the meridians have been damaged in many places!


With a cold smile, Jun Chang rushed over again.

He didn't go up close with a silly face, and once again shook out a sword sword, forming a dense offensive!

The bald guy didn't dare to fight hard, and flew out in a hurry. Although he rushed out of the sword net offensive, his right arm was also inevitably marked with a few sword marks, and blood poured down!

The warriors suddenly stared at each other.

That guy's imposing momentum is the highest level of mysterious characters. Can he hurt a ground character?


Not only swords.

The boots you wear, the armor you wear, the mechanical wings behind you, and even the mask you wear are extraordinary.

The combination of these things provides a very significant strength!

The monarch is now an RMB warrior, or the one holding the Dragon Sword!


The armed wings and the power of flight merged, and he flew away, then raised his sword and slashed wildly at the bald man.

Come and see everyone!

Gold players are bullying bully players!



The sword is vertical and horizontal.

Jun Changxiao releases Kendo's qualifications to the extreme, and uses Ling Jian Shen Jue to the extreme!

At that moment, the surrounding air was suppressed by the powerful Jianwei, and everywhere the Jianmang passed, a sword mark appeared in the space.

In a short period of time, the bald guy who was injured was overwhelmed by the laughter of Jun Chang until he flew out of the fighting area. There were more than ten wounds in his body.



On the other side, the Purple King Demon King is still fighting for four place characters alone, but it is a lot easier because of one less, and the shots are getting more and more open!

Men and goatees are depressed.

One less companion to restrain, the pressure is obviously much greater than just now!


At this moment, Ding Xingwang successfully attacked his opponent by insidious moves and blasted him on the ground with a black palm print behind him.

"call out------"

Jun Chang smiled to seize the opportunity, suddenly turned around and killed the strong man who was fighting against the five evil spirits.


In a very short time, the arm holding the sword quickly entered the combat state!

"Sword Qi is 30,000 miles long!"

"One sword, light cold and nineteen continents!"

Jun Chang laughed loudly and slashed his sword suddenly, and his practising Wushuang sword fluttered out of the space, tearing it down with the potential of crossing the river.

The strong Chinese character who is resisting with the five evil spirits in his body, his heart rises badly, and then he moves in a panic.


Blood splattered, arms fell to the ground!

Jun Chang laughs that this sword is fast and very clean!

The strong man in the ground did not realize that his right arm had been cut off until he escaped and the blood splattered for a while!

Severe pain pervaded the whole body!

The Five Auras hit the sea like a flood!


The strong man with a broken arm screamed ~ ~ dead! "

Jun Chang came flying with a smile, Zhenyang sword directly tore through the space, and the incomparably cold sword flew through.


Just watch Jian Guang sweep by and bring up a human head!


The man fell to the ground, his head dropped to the side, his expression narrowed, and his eyes widened.

"Dead ... dead?"

"The strong man in the ground was beheaded!"

"Oh my God!"

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