The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 905: Earth-shaking changes


Jun Chang smiled and leaned on the seat, showing Ge You's paralysis, and his expression was completely frozen.

After some fighting, he finally managed to produce a product called ‘terrain reformer’, but it cost… 10,000 points of contribution!


Jun Chang smiled and covered his face with both hands, "Anyway, give me some low-level cheats, recipes or whatever."

The system comforts: "At least the desired products have been brushed out, without loss or loss."

"No loss to your uncle!" Jun Chang laughed and growled.

What made him collapse and unacceptable was that the price of the terrain reformer turned out to be 5,000 points of contribution, a prop that didn't help any martial arts, what face sold so expensive!

The system knows that the host is emotionally unstable, so it immediately enters a state of pretend death.


After gradually calming down, Jun Changxiao finally bought the terrain reformer with 5,000 points of contribution.

This is a product similar to 'egg shell'. According to the introduction, placing it underground or in the mountains will increase the altitude in a certain period of time.

"Hope you don't let me down."

With a smile, Jun Chang came to an area marked on the map of Li Qingyang, and then pressed the start button. The text appeared on the small screen above, the content was-please determine the altitude.

"Everest is only over 8,000 meters, so let's set it at 10,000 meters."


Jun Chang laughs and enters the number of ten thousand meters.

After determining the height, the eggshell-like product suddenly mechanizedly extended a lot of arms, and then placed it on the ground. The display was showing the words `` under renovation ''.

"This way you can raise the height?" Jun Chang smiled a little bit shyly.

He stayed there for half an hour, and found that there was no change in the surroundings, so he returned to the ancestral gate to enter the space-time secret practice.

"The dragon elephant is like a palm!"

"Woohoo ——————"

Within the secret territory, the power of the dragon elephant whistled out, with a total of twenty, and the ancient breath revealed was extremely strong.

Jun Chang smiled and waved his power to take it away. He said with satisfaction: "Every time there are five enhancements, which is actually quite good."

Because of time, he got up and left the mysterious space-time, but when he stepped out, his eyes suddenly widened, because there was a mountain in his field of vision that seemed to go straight into the clouds.


Trying to look up, startled: "What's the situation?"

System Road: "Mountains transformed by topographic reformers."

Jun Chang laughs, of course, and knows that, just practicing in a secret place, only three days after the outside world, a 10,000-meter mountain has stood up. This is also fast! "


At this moment, Li Qingyang rushed over and said, "The night after you entered the space and time, there was an earthquake in the mountain, and then ..." and pointed to the mountain peak: "It came out very cold!"

"That night?"

Jun Chang laughed and jerked violently.

Although the terrain reformer is expensive, the effect is very good. It only makes the hill pack into a big mountain in one night!

"Qingyang, how is it here?"

At the top of the mountain, Jun often smiled back to hand.

"Yes, it's good." Li Qingyang scratched his head, and said, "It's too high, and it's very steep, so we can't cut a ladder for the disciples to come up."

"It can be changed."


the next day.

Li Qingyang stood in the back of the mountain, his eyes almost glared.

Because the original peak, which was nearly 10,000 meters, was half short and wider than yesterday, there were even steps that spiraled upward.

"How is it now?" Jun Chang smiled.

"The lord ..." Li Qingyang twitched. "What the **** is this done?"

Jun Chang laughed without explaining. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "If the mountain is there, the construction will be left to you. Don't let this seat down."


Li Qingyang solemnly said.

That evening, another tremor resembling an earthquake came from Wanzong.

The next day.

The disciples stood at the gate of the mountain, looking at the infinitely extending ladder, and collectively compared the scene.

Under the terrain reconstruction instrument, Jun Changxiao improved the existing inner and outer courtyards. Looking up from the foot of the mountain, he could obviously feel that the whole mountain was raised by at least two kilometers.

If it is dotted with clouds, it will be even more compelling.

Residents of Tiegu Town also stunned.

At first glance, you can see the Iron Bone Mountain at the gate, how can you improve so much overnight!


Every night, there was a vibration from Wan Guzong, and the disciples gradually adapted.


Li Fei raised his face blankly and said, "Look at it, another mountain is up."

This kind of muscle does not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and it appears on the face of every disciple.

A few days later, several mountain peaks, about 5,000 meters high, seemed to have risen out of nowhere, with a certain distance from each other, but closely adjacent, looking like open palms from a distance.


Jun Chang smiled and pointed at several peaks and said, "Just according to your previous layout and construction, set up a hall for each peak."


Li Qingyang said: "Do you really want to use one two three four five six?"

"Of course not."

Jun Chang flew up with a smile, his fingers gathered psionic energy, and he hooked iron paintings on several mountain peaks.


Returning to its original position, each mountain has a name. They are drizzle peak, war riding peak, spirit beast peak, commandment peak ...

Li Qingyang's mouth twitched, "Isn't it the time to make the Tang word peak?"

Of course, there is also the most important main peak, which is the mountain that carries the ancient palace hall, named the iron bone peak.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Go show your talent."


Li Qingyang was ready to take a group of colleagues and wild boar Page, immediately began to busy at the nearest drizzle peak, and all kinds of construction materials were frequently transported up.

"Almost immortal."

The height of the mountain peak is there, but how can it be condensed on the mountainside?

Jun Chang laughed: "Zongmen now has the ability to compete with Damen, so ... the isolated formations laid out in the rejuvenating land can be removed."

"call out!"

Flying to the depths of the mountain forest, he waved to remove all the isolated arrays arranged here.

At first Jun Chang laughed and worried about being exposed, sealing the resurrected land, and then using the matrix method to guide in a small area. Now that it is completely removed, the pure world properties can no longer be suppressed, and it spreads wildly around.

Just a few days.

The overall height of the iron bone mountain has a cloud-like aura of convergence, looking like a paradise!

There is also a huge rock in the middle of the mountain, with five vigorous characters engraved on it, ‘the strongest ancestor of all ages’.

The internal peaks are still in full swing, but the door has been completely sublimated, so that the residents of Tiegu Town at the foot of the mountain can't help raising awe when they see the eternal ancestors hidden in the clouds.

Especially the young people who have just arrived in the town and are going to participate in the recruitment examination next month, seeing the magnificent iron bone mountain, secretly vowed to pass the examination to become one of them!

The dramatic changes in the mountains have shocked Xie Guangkun ~ ~ When he came over, he saw a series of upright mountains and vanguards that seemed to be hiding in the spirit, subconsciously pinched his face, felt the pain, and said: ... not dreaming! "

More and more warriors in Cheongyang County were informed.

For a while, everyone rushed forward, and after seeing the changes in the Wanzong ancestors, they were compared on the spot like Xie Chengzhu.

This kind of Zongmen mountain like a fairyland is definitely worthy of prestige now, but who can tell us how cold the mountain terrain is!

There is also a pure heaven and earth attribute, which is obviously the land of rejuvenation!

Cheongyang-gun was bombed.

Southwest Yangzhou also exploded.

Mu Changhong, Yi Tianxing, and even Situ Haohai came to hear the news and saw the earth-shaking changes of the ancient ancestors. Standing in front of the mountain gate for most of the day, they have never returned to God.

(End of this chapter)

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