The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 911: Continue 1 bowl of fried rice

"Identity cannot represent anything."

Xia Shuiyun said: "Only when it gets stronger will it have everything."

She could see that Su Xiaomo was referring to the past, and her eyes had a strong sense of inferiority, so what she said was also for comfort, but because of her cold tone, she suddenly changed her taste.

"and so!"

Su Xiaomo stood up suddenly and strode to Xia Shuiyun.


Putting both hands on the shoulders of the fragrant shoulders, his eyes solemnly said: "After meeting Master, I Su Jintang is worthy of any woman in the world, including you Xia Shuiyun!"



Sun Yingquan, who had just slipped out, heard the news and hurriedly turned back, and saw Su Gouyu flying out of the courtyard, and then howling and falling to the ground, so he didn't understand: "How come you started?"

No no no!

I have to hurry to support!

Just when Sun Yingquan was about to return, Xia Shuiyun walked out, his face was covered with frost, and the surrounding air instantly dropped to the freezing point.

I go!

This woman is soaring!

No, no.

I'll just slip away.

Su Xiaomo stood up embarrassedly and rubbed the bombarded chest, grinning grinning, "I can't beat you right now. When the strength of the inside door becomes stronger, you will have no chance."

"So confident?" Xia Shui Yunhan said with a face.

Su Xiaomo patted off the dust on her body, and then she sat on the nearby stone with one foot on it, and laughed, "If you don't have this confidence, how can you be worthy of you in the future."

When things get to this point, it's tantamount to being clear, I can deserve you, and I want to pursue you!

Xia Shuiyun said, "When will you be better than me, then say this."

"no problem!"

Su Xiaomo vowed, "This day is destined not to be long!"

Xia Shuiyun turned and returned to her residence.

However, after returning to the room, the entire face suddenly turned red, especially thinking that the guy had just put it on his shoulder, and suddenly felt a slight warmth.


Suddenly, Su Xiaomo stood outside the room and said, "Are you going to do the task tomorrow?"

"You ... how did you come in!" Xia Shuiyun hurriedly turned around, for fear of being embarrassed by the other party.

Su Xiaomo said: "I don't think you closed the door, so come in."


Xia Shuiyun chuckled coldly: "Tomorrow is saying tomorrow, I'm going to rest now."


Su Xiaomo left inconveniently, and after returning to his place of residence, he was quite puzzled and said, "Rest? No, it's only this morning."


"Fang Lingyu."

After receiving the latest information, Wan Changzong laughed and whispered: "This woman is a bit arrogant. If this seat does not understand her arrangements clearly, how can it be worthy of Wang's rule in the spirit of heaven."

He ordered Su Xiaomo to go undercover, mainly to investigate the affairs of the woman and Lu Yan, but judging from the public's humiliation, he was by no means a kind person.

In this case, the program will not be followed, find a time, find a chance to arrange it directly.

Li Luoqiu shook his head and said, "This Fang Lingyu is a disciple valued by Tai Xuan Shengzong. She has been practicing in the inner door, and it is difficult for our people to follow."

"Not urgent."

Jun Chang laughed: "Sooner or later there will be a chance."


Su Gou remaining in Taixuan Shengzong will still go undercover to the end.

However, after being humiliated in public by Fang Lingyu, she pretended to be more hard-working.

"Master Su is stimulated."

"A man, after all, has self-esteem."

"If the effort is useful, what talent is needed."

Disciples of Taixuan Shengzong expressed sympathy for the humiliation suffered by Su Xiaomo and expressed his understanding of his efforts to cultivate, but he was not optimistic at all. After all, Xia Shuiyun is very qualified, and it is extremely difficult to reach the level that matches her.


"Monarch Sovereign."

Feng Feisha stood in the aura with aura and looked at several distant peaks that seemed to be out of thin air in the distance. It was only half a day before I looked back. The corner of my mouth twitched and said, "It has changed a lot in Guizong. of."

Under normal circumstances, such words often have a polite element, but now they are absolutely sincere!

Jun Chang smiled and said, "The ore sent by the Wind Lord is very good, and Jun is very satisfied."

"Junzong's main goods, Fengmou dare not neglect."

Feng Fei said in his mouth, muttering in his heart, "Why didn't he ask me to stay for a light meal?"

"The Wind Lord is going back today?"

"Yeah, the business is busy and you need to go back quickly."

"Not far away, take care all the way!"


Feng Feisha cried out, "Is Da Lao over here, is it so difficult to manage the meal?"

"dinner time!"

Just then, Liu Wanshi stood in the cafeteria and shouted.

"Oh, it's time for dinner." Feng Feisha grinned. "Then I'll have to eat it before leaving."

Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

These guys came to me, Wanquan.

no way.

Who makes your food delicious?

"Sovereign monarch, can you pack after eating?"

When Jun Changxiao was about to say ‘Yes’, he saw the other person directly take out a large iron basin, and hurriedly extended his arms to protect the unfinished food. He said, “No!”


The number of ore sent by Fengfeisha is relatively large, and Jun Changxiao can refine more Zhenyang sets and steel wings to equip his disciples.

As for the battlefield of the plane, because of the recent busy construction of the mountain peaks, it has been temporarily put on hold and has no intention of entering.

However, although this guy did not go, the deterrent was still there.

The warriors of Chihai and Lingyun continents shrank in the stronghold all day and did not dare to come out, fearing that Leng Budinger would be overcast.

It can be said.

After the first few battles, Jun Changxiao has brought a psychological shadow to the two planes. As for the area, it depends on the future trend.

However, star warrior continent warriors who are unaware of this aspect are still pessimistically prepared at this moment, and after praying to go in, don't be stared at by the two planes who like to bully newcomers on the mainland of Chihai and Lingyun.


One day, Mu Changhong sat in the canteen's canteen, looked at the food below, and shook his head: "Sovereign monarch, I don't have any appetite now ~ ~ Jun Changxiao points to a neat pile of vegetable plates next to him, Collapsed: "Then you still eat so much! "


Mu Changhong picked up the chopsticks and ate it, then took a sip of soup, tangled, "It's annoying."

Jun Chang smiled and comforted: "Isn't it just the mainland of Chihai and Lingyun, don't think of the Mu master so much, maybe you will go in five years later, these two planes are long gone."

Don't say it.

It ’s a big question whether the two planes can survive five years later.

"If Mu is as optimistic as the monarch, he won't be too worried about eating." Mu Changhong stacked the plates and said sadly, "Add another bowl of fried rice."

(End of this chapter)

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