The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 914: Opportunity, can't get rid of it!

The spoiler was refreshing.

Spoilers have always been cool.

However, Jun Changxiao is very depressed now, because the side missions have spoiled the opportunity left by Guan Hairen, but they have made the light shine through the world, so let me tell you all the warriors. I am here and you will come Grab it!

"Dear participant, any opportunity left by the power to unlock the seal will be announced on the battlefield." Female system said.

Jun Chang laughed silently: "Things like this have fatal temptations for martial arts. The announcement of the upper world so loudly is also intended to drive them to kill."

Everyone wants good things related to martial arts, and no one will let them, so they can only kill them.

System said: "The host sees through."

In fact, all the major warriors have seen it through, but they know that it is used by the upper world to stimulate killing, and they are still happy to participate.

Because the opportunities that exist on the battlefield are all left by the upper world, even the most common brick is much stronger than the bricks in its own land!

It doesn't.

The heavy sound just ended, and the lens was farthest. You can clearly see a famous warrior flying out of his stronghold, and then proceeding towards the rainbow that runs through the world at a high speed.


Jun Chang laughed: "Let's go and see."

If there are no side missions, he may hesitate to make fun, but now he has to go, because he can only complete the mission if he gets the chance.

The upper world uses a chance to set up a suit, so that the warrior can kill regardless of life and death. The system task is also a suit, forcing the Jungou to jump inside.

As long as the task is completed and the contribution value is used to develop the ancestral gate, even if the sword is in full swing, he will justifiably jump in.

Jun Chang laughed and flew out with Ding Xingwang, Jiang Xie, the King of the Purple Witch Demon, and King Baiqiu.

Others remained at the stronghold.

The birth of this opportunity will surely alarm everyone who is strong, and do not take their disciples and the Ning brothers with them, but also worry about accidents.

From the Iron Bone faction to today's Wanguzong, only Wang Zhanmen and a disciple fell, which is why he was careful.

"You can start construction."

Li Qingyang retracted his gaze and focused his mind on the base that had been expanded by nearly 400 square meters, and immediately presented several new plans in his mind.

Opportunity has no place in his heart. Only construction can make himself happy and make himself feel fulfilled.


The strong men from all major planes are flying towards the area that runs through Hongmang.

Jun Changxiao is also a member of all sentient beings. It is said that with an armed wing, he could have thrown away many people, but always controlled the flying speed side by side with Ding Xingwang and others.

There are too many strong players in the battlefield on the plane, which makes him a little panic, so choose to act together.


Jiang Xiedao: "In these hundreds of miles alone, there are five or six thousand strong men in the area."

"This kind of opportunity will make the warrior irrational." Jun Chang laughed.

Ding Xingwang was more worried: "If we shake off in the past, will they be discovered by the Chihai mainland and then collectively targeted?"

"This one……"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, and then said, "It's easy."

During the talk, they were given four of them each with a magic mask, and they were put on their faces one after another, and they all changed into another look.

"The clothes have changed too!"

"it is good!"

After everyone had a makeover, dozens of warriors flew behind him, and the person headed was actually Hong Yao, the master of the Bihai Palace in Chihai mainland!


Ding Xingwang said: "I am a person from Chihai mainland. Would you like to do it?"

"No need to."

Jun Chang laughed: "Let's go to the place where Jiyuan was born as soon as possible, so as not to be boarded by others."


Ding Xingwang suppressed the idea of ​​shooting.

Hong Yao found Jun Changxiao and others, but with one glance, he retracted his eyes and led the crowd to the Hongmang area at full speed.

At this time, even if he knew that the warrior in front of the Astral Continent was in front of him, he might not stop to fight, because the birth of the chance was more important than revenge!

It can often be seen in other areas that the warriors who were already hostile glanced at each other, and then headed for the Hongmang area with stuffy heads.


After half an hour.

Jun Changxiao came to the release area of ​​Hongmang. All people were in all directions and suspended in the air. The picture was spectacular!

Jiang Xie relied on the body of the Yuanshen to peep, and said, "Zongzhu, there are at least 50,000 people here."

"If my disciples of all ages have such practices, let alone dominate the star, and it is no problem to smash all planes." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

Although there are many strong people here, they all have a tacit understanding and no communication. They all stare at the strange rocky area in front of them because Hongmang emerges from it.


Suddenly, the fart came out.


Jun Chang smiled Tao Ran.


Because the atmosphere was very quiet, he let out this fart and immediately attracted many martial artists to look at it. Some eyes were surprised, and some eyes were scorned.

When entering the battlefield of the plane, they all have a certain strength and identity. In this case, fart, how about shameless?

Jun Chang laughs and doesn't care about other people's eyes. Once he was shameless, secondly, he managed the heavens and earth, and even if I **** and fart?

There is a stone turntable with a radius of about two meters in the central area watched by all warriors. Because it is incompatible with the surrounding environment, it is easy to guess that it should be artificially stacked.

At this moment, the red light broke through the sky, and there were intricate lines on the slate, just like some strange array.

"This line of practice is a bit familiar ..."

Jun Chang smiled and squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully, and finally suddenly realized that he secretly said: "There are similarities to the formation of the thirty-two formations of Qimen!"


At this moment, the lines on the stone plate began to dim, and the sky's rays gradually dissipated.

"The seal is breaking!"

The faces of the powerful men outside the stone forest suddenly became hot, and some people have begun to cultivate quietly and gather their power in the palm of their hands.

The original quiet area suddenly became extraordinarily killing. Obviously, if any treasure appears on the stone plate at this time, it will definitely stage a **** rain!


Ding Xingwang said: "This battle is a bit big. What will we do?"

Jun Chang laughed and said: "From the current situation, the so-called opportunity should be on the stone plate. If something comes out, we can watch it change and let the warrior above charge."

"it is good!"

Ding Xingwang responded.

The Purple King Demon faintly said, "Is it okay to grab it?"

"So you will die before you die, and you will be sealed by several martial arts so long." King Baiqiu mocked.

As a arrogant and intelligent beast, it knows that there are so many strong ones, and whoever grabs it first will surely be hacked to death by the chaos behind it.

Listening to this guy's story about him, the Purple Demon King suddenly became angry, and suddenly burst into clothes.


At this moment, the stone plate with the lines disappearing slowly began to turn, and then appeared a thin seam, like a certain device was triggered, so that a tightly closed channel was opened in an orderly manner.

All the warriors looked at each other intently. The various attributes in the body have been used to the extreme, and they can be rushed at any time or attacked at any time.


The stone plate opens completely, revealing a circular opening.

"call out------"

Suddenly, a streamer flew from the inside, and then fell into the hands of Jun Changxiao with a thunderbolt ... After the light was gone, the thing presented turned out to be a white egg!

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, more than 50,000 strong men turned around, turning their eyes on Jun Changxiao and the egg he held in his hands, his eyes became hotter than ever!

The opportunity for Guan Haizun to stay in the battlefield must be this thing. From the desolate breath emitted from the outer shell of the egg shell, it is definitely a rare breed and a high-level animal egg!

Jun Chang smiles!


Why did you meow fly into my hands, didn't you meow me!



Before Jun Chang laughed, he had a wonderful expression on his face. The strong people around him broke out and repaired. The air waves formed by the tens of thousands of people burst, his black hair fluttered, and his eyes could not be opened!


At this moment, the purple demon king standing next to him burst out of his clothes and panic, and yelled angrily, "I see who dares to come over!"

Ding Xingwang and King Baiqiu also exploded their own strength. It is said that they are both holy levels, and they should release their breath at the same time, but they can be suppressed in the face of tens of thousands of people!


Jun Chang laughed and sang aloud, and immediately excited the armed wings, and flew outwards with a bang.


However, it didn't take long before I just felt that the tsunami-like momentum of the mountains and rivers passed from all directions. It turned out that dozens of strong people had blocked the road in advance!


Jun Chang laughed and cursed, and then suddenly waved and threw the egg out!

Although this stuff has a desolate atmosphere, it means it is not ordinary, but it is equivalent to holding a bomb in your hand, it is better to throw it out as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after the egg was thrown out, all the warriors who had been killed immediately recovered their energy and chased it at the fastest speed.

"Good danger!"

Jun Chang smiled and touched his forehead with cold sweat, and then sent a message to Ding Xingwang and others: "We will follow."

Although the egg was thrown out, it does not mean giving up. Let the major warriors be strong first, wait for the robbers, and then ...


Before thinking about it, I caught the egg that had been thrown out.


Why is it back!

Also, why did my hands stretch out uncontrollably to catch the eggs? Is it the legendary setting of 100% empty-handed white eggs?

Time does not allow Jun to laugh and spit out, because those warriors who flew out turned back again, and broke out to kill them, so they poured their strength into their arms, and severely sent a throw, saying: "To Lao Tzu Leave far away!"

"call out------"

The white egg burst away, drawing a beautiful arc in midair, and then turning back faster than flying out.


Put your hands out and catch it again!


Jun Chang laughed and shouted with a collapsed expression, and then communicated the power of flight and the armed wings, escaping at the fastest time, and then constantly flung the eggs down. As a result, he flew up and flew up once, the picture was like playing basketball at high altitude!

Ding Xingwang and the Purple King Demon King twitched.

In recent years, there are still people who are stuck and cannot be lost?

"Don't watch! Come and protect this seat!" Jun Chang laughed as the nearly collapsed roar sounded in his ear.

Ding Xingwang and others rushed over, and flew back again in the next second, because the suzerain was now chased and killed by more than 50,000 warriors. If he rushed in, he would definitely not get out!

In front of an absolute number of people, even the Holy Powers can't carry it!


Jiang Xie said: "Fly to the east, there are fewer people in the east!"


Jun Chang smiled that Gu could not explore with spiritual thoughts, threw the white egg out, and then flew eastward toward the east until the latter returned to his hands and rushed out of the siege of tens of thousands of people.

Being able to run so fast is because of the armed wings, and because of being chased by so many powerful people, it can only force itself to stimulate the small universe.

Although people have come out, the crisis has not yet come into contact!

Tens of thousands of strong men have gone crazy for white eggs, so they are all suppressed now.

"Old guy, don't kill the eggs!"

Give it to your uncle, did you see me because you didn't see it!

Jun Chang laughed while roaring in his heart, while flying at high speed towards the endless sky.


At this moment, the space in front of them suddenly trembled, and the two strong ground characters appeared out of thin air, and their thin palms grasped directly at the white egg.

Seeing that the two did not come to himself, Jun Chang laughed and was relieved and thought secretly that it was good to be taken away by them, at least not to be targeted by so many strong people.

Come on, grab it!

I will cooperate with you very much!

"call out!"

White Egg seemed to foresee that he was going to break away from these hands, and when the two strong men caught them, they flew out very furiously.

From a professional point of view, this is definitely a god-level prediction and position!

However, the expression on Jun Chang's face collapsed again, because after the eggs flew away, both Wu Sheng's hands grabbed directly at himself.



Two bangs came, and I saw the armored Jun Chang laughingly flickering out of the low altitude, then unconsciously extended his hands, and took the white egg in his hands again.


Are you playing me on purpose?


"Woohoo ——————"

Various energies have been bombarded behind him. Obviously, tens of thousands of warriors are not allowed to take the eggs away!

At this time, what Jun Changxiao can do is how fast he can fly and how fast he can completely excite the limits.

"call out!"

"call out!"

In the sky, a streamer broke through the sky, and the speed was extremely fast. Behind him, the black soldiers chased wildly.

"Get up the first sentence every day, give yourself a break, every time you eat an extra grain of rice, you have to say sorry, magic mirror and mirror look at me, where is my collarbone ..." The inner ring starts with a sense of divine tune, Liu Wanshi and Yao Mengyao are teaching new students to dance.

"Burn my calories!"

"咻 ——————————" In the battlefield, Jun Chang laughed and spit out his tongue, holding the white egg to flee wildly, and the calories in his body burned madly.

"Master, hold on!"

Ding Xingwang, the Purple King Demon King and others chased after him, because the suzerain flew too fast and could not catch up at all, and could only be encouraged by voice transmission.

"Get me out!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Come, take a deep breath, and swim a few meters in the morning and night.

Flat, dumbbell, rowing machine, do not give up if it does not achieve the goal!

In the Zongmen, Liu Wanshi and Yao Mengying were completely unaware that the suzerain was burning calories at the moment, jumping with the door and the beat.

"You can't run!"

"If you want to take the eggs, you have to see that I disagree!"


"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom ——————"

Come on, turn back, sit up with hot yoga.

Dynamic, cycling, Pilates, wolfberry in a thermos cup!


After a little while, Liu Wanshi turned off the speaker, wiped off the sweat on her forehead, and smiled: "Teach it here today."

"Wh ... hh ..."

Jun Chang, who was on the battlefield, laughed. At this moment, he had stopped on a mountain peak, and bent down to breathe, surrounded by thousands of warriors around him, and other warriors were encircling one after another.

"Old Ding!"

Jiang Xie in the distance was extremely nervous: "What now?"

So many people surrounded the suzerain ~ ~ A few of them could not get in, which must be very troublesome.

Ding Xingwang's brows frowned, his eyes resolutely said: "It's really impossible, only the end of the fall will have to rush in!"

"No need to."

The Purple King Demon King took two steps forward and proudly said, "My King will fix them."

Ding Xingwang et al.

If there are only a few hundred people, they are convinced that the owner of the Purple Church can do it. Now the strong players in the field have been infinitely close to 10,000, including dozens of semi-sages. Can he handle it alone?

"Because the king has become a human being, he has not used the body even if it is sealed by five **** seals. Today, he can only do it for him ..." The purple demon king spread his fingers, and his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.


ps, third change, 4600+ words. Yesterday there was one less change, and it was added today.

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