The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 917: Difficult Blade, 2nd Form

Jun Changxiao may abandon his teammates, but he will never abandon his own people, so when he heard the second-level wanted order sounded by the sky, he returned without hesitation.

What about that white egg?

He has been placed in an incubator.

Not to mention, once a small sticky thing enters, it is immediately isolated, even if you want to fly out, you cannot break through the barriers.

"It's up to this block of garbage."

Armed Jun Chang smiled standing in front of the Purple Cang Daohua, and once again called out the hard-to-receive knife. While pinching his fingers between the scabbards, the soul shape in the ring also pinched the opening sign with his fingers.

Those who hurt my ancestors.

It is an unforgivable thing!

Therefore, he does not care about all the warriors on the battlefield!

that moment.

Standing in front of the Purple Cang Daohua, the heavily armed Jun Chang laughed like the God of War who fought for nine days and broke the eight wastelands, accompanied by a wild wave of bg.


"Who is this person?"

"The guy in a mask hiding his head!"

Dozens of strong characters with sneers flew in sneer, their eyes still focused on the purple Cangdao Huayu, and it has been determined that the beast was bruised by the big guy, and it was easy to win.

"Get away!"

"Woohoo ——————"

The top few strong characters who rushed to the front condensed again with advanced martial arts such as 'Dawan wide noodles', and the space collapsed directly under the disturbance of energy!

This power is very scary!

However, in the face of the energy of the huge waves, Jun Changxiao secretly prayed in his heart: "Old man, I and the owner of the Purple Church will give you the life, don't let me down!"

Don't look at this guy's performance in danger, but his heart is panicked. After all, the hard-to-find sword that has been transformed has never been used. How powerful it is!

Although there is no confidence, but when things have come to this stage, they can only pin their hopes on this magic weapon that is willing to be donated.


Jun Chang laughed and drew his hands suddenly. Under the black hair fluttering, he yelled, "Excuse me!"

"call out--------"

The sound of the knife coming out of the sheath was rippling in the sky, and the surrounding space instantly changed from gray to daylight. The strong thorns rushed to the parties, and it was difficult for the strong to open their eyes, and their hearts rose up in shock.

The luster quickly dissipated, and everyone's vision was restored, so he hurriedly looked over and his eyes widened.

The amount of various martial skills seemed to be controlled, and they could not move in the slightest.

The masked man was still standing in midair, but a huge sword with a length of five feet and a width of six inches appeared in his hands. The sword body extended from the area of ​​the hilt to the point of the sword, and wrote in order sky, earth, mine, wind, Water, fire, mountains, and ze zi.

"Is this ... the hard-to-find sword after the transformation!"

Jun Chang laughed and held it on the hilt of the sword, feeling the power that seemed to come from the ancient times, his eyes were incredible.

He thought that the magic weapon that he was willing to send might be an 80-meter sword after the upgrade. Now that he sees the full form, he knows he was wrong.


The breath of the ancients pervaded from the palm of your hand, covering your whole body instantly!

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Cool!"


One-handedly lifted a knife that seems as heavy as a pound!

The lens just gives the other side of the sword body, which is engraved with the characters Qian, Kun, Hu, Li, Zhen, Gen, Ji, and Dui.

I Ching Gossip.

This seemingly medieval-style epee has been blessed with mysterious power from the East!

"Fight! Fight!"

Jun Changxiao pours psionic energy into the sword body, only to see that the first font on both sides is drawn from the first stroke and gradually turns red, and then spreads to the font below, covering the Ze and the word, and the entire sword erupts instantly. It seems that it can shake the world and the atmosphere of space!

The strong men saw this, their eyes rose in shock.

At that moment, they could see that the space was suddenly twisted from the energy released by the sword body, and the amount of martial skills they had previously exerted gradually collapsed into nothingness under the restraint of some kind of power!

what is happening!


Just then, Jun Chang rushed over with a sword.


The breath that shook the space swept away, and instantly shrouded the first few strong characters in the ground.

This force is like the force of space. After harassing it, it gradually forms some kind of binding force, making it difficult for them to move.


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand suddenly, and the hard-to-reach knife tore the space, forming the unparalleled crimson swordsman, and then swept past the bound strong characters.



Human heads flew and blood splattered.

Zi Cang Dao Hua suddenly widened his eyes.

Instantly kill a few strong characters in the shot, is this guy offering such a powerful weapon?

and also!

They can obviously avoid it, why not stand still and let the sword pass across the neck relentlessly!

Zi Cang Daohua could not understand it, because he didn't realize the despair of being stared at by the uncomfortable knife, controlled by coercion and restraint, and waiting for death.



At this time, the followers of the plane had already rushed over, and when they saw that a few strong characters were killed, they were shocked.

"The beast is already injured. Kill this person and you can easily surrender!" Someone shouted.



"Woohoo ——————"

In an instant, tens of thousands of energies erupted from all around.

With so much energy to kill, even a strong Tianzi dare not compete with it.

However, under the blessing of the unreliable sword, Jun Changxiao has the determination to contend with the world!


The psionic energy poured into the sword body frantically, and the sixteen-character flickering red light became more and more intense. Then, a ripple visible to the naked eye was erupted, and he rushed away in all directions around him as the center.

"call out----"

Where the ripple energy passed, the energy from the bombardment was instantly fixed in place.

The purple Cangdao Road is really awesome at this moment!

The release of Jian Qi can lock tens of thousands of forces in space, which absolutely grasps the deep spatial mystery!

"His sword ..."

Zi Cang Dao Hua eyes locked on the hard-to-receive knife, and was shocked in his heart: "Is it ... an artifact ?!"

It wasn't just the energy that was imprisoned. There were also thousands of warriors around them. At this moment, they seemed to turn into life-like statues, completely immobile.

Thinking is still there.

Therefore, feeling a terror of coercion that harassed the whole body, making it difficult to act at all, and gradually gathered the fear of former actions in his eyes.

As for those who have not been affected, the warriors are pale, because they can clearly perceive that there is a surging force of undercurrents not far ahead of them, and a little bit of disturbance will make their actions slow.

Systemically said: "This is the absolute sword domain of the second form of the hard-to-receive sword. Once it is excited, anyone in the coverage area will be forced to suppress any energy."

Jun Chang smiled and exclaimed: "Now!"

Although the hard-to-find sword of the first form also has the ability to control others, the premise must be locked. After the second form is stimulated, it can freeze all the surrounding hundreds of feet, which is absolutely terrifying.

There are also a lot of strong ground characters in the absolute sword domain.

This means that after the upgrade of the hard-to-find sword is unsealed, the strong martial arts level can be rubbed on the ground and rubbed!

With such awesome hole cards, there is no problem going directly to Taixuan Shengzong!


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed and found it bad.

Under the absolute sword domain, although thousands of warriors are restrained, the psionic energy in their own spiritual core is continuously decreasing, and the speed is several times faster than the one that has been performing various martial arts!

The system said: "After the host unsealed the uncomfortable sword, this energy that can control other people's actions is transformed by Dan Tian Psionic Energy, so every minute is reduced."

"This is too fast!" Jun Chang laughed and collapsed.

At the speed of smart energy charges, it can only support for a few minutes at most!

"There is still the risk of being blocked for opening." The system said: "The host naturally needs to pay a price for the best."


Jun Chang smiled and raised his head, locked in the thousands of warriors controlled by the absolute sword domain, his eyes suddenly turned into a strong killing intention.

For thousands of miles chasing themselves for an egg, today, the hard-to-receive swords unravel the seals, making them as small as ants. Naturally, all of them must be killed to expand the niche.

If you are in the starry continent, Jun Changxiao may have some scruples, but since it is a battlefield of planes, since killing is the main thing, then you have nothing to fear!

"You all."

He held up his hard-to-reach knife, and murmured, "Go all the way!"




Jian Guang shuddered out instantly, permeating in the enclosed space, and those who were restrained could not move, nor could they speak, and only the fear and despair before death.


Starfall continent stronghold.

After finding that the area had not been enlarged for a while, Li Qingyang said: "The suzerain they should have stopped fighting."

"I don't know if the chance to unlock the seal will be obtained?" Xiao Guiji looked away.


Li Qingyang started distributing work for everyone.


However, before taking action, the base expanded again, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand ...


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were stunned.

Instantly expanded from the original offering to more than one thousand meters, which means that at least his own party killed more than two thousand warriors!

The expansion speed of the base is still increasing. In less than tens of seconds, it has extended from a thousand meters to a level of nearly three kilometers!

"The starburst continent warriors successively killed 4,682 yellow-character warriors, 329 strong-character warriors, and 16 strong-character warriors. They have entered the red-eye killing mode. Wanted, 20,000 merit reward! "

Thick voices rang out in the sky, and instantly spread across the battlefield of the plane. All the warriors at the three hundred plane bases could hear clearly, all of them stood in place one by one.

"Oh my God!"

"Killed so many people!"


"The starburst continent warriors successively killed 8,982 yellow-character warriors, 1,229 strong-character warriors, and 46 strong-character warriors. Super Want, 100000 rewards! "

When the martial artists were shocked, a thick and desolate voice came again.

For a time, the entire battlefield of the plane exploded!


Super Wanted Wanted!

This is definitely something that has never happened before!


In the hall of the Jiutian Continental Base, a strong man said incredibly: "The wanted order is not at the highest level, but there is super!"

Mo Shangsheng was shocked: "It is the first time that the owner of this city knows!"

"From the announcement given by the upper world, Starfall Continent has killed tens of thousands of powerful people in a short time, even the Tianzi strong ones cannot do it!" The mouth of the strong man twitched.

"The starburst continent warriors have successively killed 23,682 yellow-character warriors, 3,456 black-character strong warriors, and 62 strong-character strong warriors. They have entered the killing mode. , Start punishment for lightning! "

After hearing this voice, Mo Shangsheng almost fell down from his chair!

It has been a short time since the last announcement, and the wanted guys have killed more than 10,000. Did the dead warriors wash their necks and let him chop them casually?

And ... lightning punishment?


The elder standing outside the hall was terrified: "Come out and see!"

"Brush! Brush!"

Mo Shangsheng and more than a dozen elders came outside the hall, looking up at the direction of the previous opportunity, and saw that a cloud of mist spraying the Thunder Snake was rapidly converging, and the entire world turned from the original gloom to darkness instantly!

that moment.

The entire battlefield of the plane lost its color instantly and was shrouded in absolute darkness.

"Is this ..."

Mo Shangsheng said in horror: "Is it the punishment of thunder punishment ?!"


Starfall continent stronghold.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others have been as dead as chickens at this moment.

At the moment, the base has expanded to more than 10,000 square meters, and it has the full scale of a village.

of course.

The people were not shocked by the rapid expansion of the base, but by the fact that the owner of the Purple Church actually killed tens of thousands of face-to-face warriors in a short period of time, the wanted order was changed one after another, and the punishment for lightning punishment was started directly!

Lord Zitang: You may not believe it when you say it. It was not me who did it. It was the suzerain alone. I am also a little bit confused now, and a little at a loss.

"Lightning punishment?"

Jun Chang, who was supposed to continue harvesting nearby martial arts, raised his head with a smile, and looked at the thunderclouds gathering upwards, his frown suddenly.

The female system said: "Dear participant, because you have killed too many people in a short period of time and violated the limit of the upper bound rule, you lowered thunder to show punishment."

"Strong?" Jun Chang laughed.

The female system considered it a little and said, "Since the battlefield was opened, no one has been punished, so I don't know how powerful it is."


Jun Chang laughed and stood in place, holding the hard-to-receive knife, and proudly said, "Thunder punishment? Why fear it!"


At this moment, Zi Cang Dao Huan whispered: "The punishment for thunder and punishment comes from the upper world. The power is strong enough to disperse the soul of any target, so don't hurry and run!"

"Soul is flying?"

Jun Chang smiled a little panicked, and he looked back and found that the guy had run away without a trace, apparently worried that Lei Fei would be hurt if he went down!

Originally intended to compete with Leiyun over the sky, he immediately calmed down and quickly inspired the mechanical armed wings to escape at the fastest speed.

The Purple Cang Road has been running for dozens of miles.

Suddenly I noticed that the suzerain was chasing from behind, and the growled expression growled, "Don't follow me! Hurry! Hurry! Go somewhere else! Otherwise I will be dragged by you!"


Thunder Clouds quickly moved along with Jun Chang's fleeing, and enveloped him with the purple Cangdao.


Suddenly, a thunder and lightning that shook the entire battlefield of the plane splashed out from the clouds, and the original dark environment was rendered bright.

"not good!"

The fugitive Jun often laughed and felt the thunderous thunder that came down from high altitude, and a strong ominous ominous surged into my heart.


The purple Cangdao Road shouted loudly.

It could have escaped easily, but the guy had to flee in one direction with himself, and the result was covered by thunder!

"Boom ———————”

Thunder thunder from the upper world broke out, and then blasted down fiercely!

The power broke out suddenly, and all the warriors in the plane felt the sudden shaking of the earth, and their faces changed greatly.

Such a fierce bombardment, even if you change to the strong man of the word, there is no place to be buried!


Mo Shangsheng said: "The murderous starburst continent warrior can't escape the thunder and bombardment. At this moment it should be gone."

"Directly obliterated by rules, never before in ancient times."

"It is not difficult to see from this incident that although the upper world deliberately kills all planes, there are still restrictions." Mo Shangsheng said: "When the limit is exceeded, even if no one can do anything, he will use absolute power to obliterate. . "


Punishment area, cracked ground.

The grumpy lightning system attributes are wild and wanton, and the space shows a torn trail from top to bottom.

Obviously, this crack was left by the lightning spray just now.

Those ten or twenty thousand warriors who did not die under the sword of Jun Changxiao are now scared in the air, their legs and hands are jerking violently.



Many strong yellow characters fell to the ground and then collapsed.

The thunder penalty was the closest to them. Although it was not affected by the power, the terror power felt after the bombardment and bombardment seemed to turn from hell!

"Is this the power of the upper world!"

"too terrifying!"

"At that moment, I felt like ... no ... not even a gnat!"

"That wild animal and the masked guy should be dead!"

While many warriors were talking, they still had some fear.

Not only were they scared by the horrific killing that Jun Chang laughed just now, they were also scared by thunder and punishment. At this time, no one paid attention to the opportunity left by Guan Hairen!



Lightning attributes are still raging, but after gradually dissipating, the warrior who was spared from slaughter widened his eyes, because dozens of miles bombed by thunder robbed, a tall tower with a desolate atmosphere was standing out of thin air !!


"Ben ... Ben Wang is ... alive!"

In the nihilistic space, the Purple King Demon King said incredible.

When Lei Jie blasted down, he resumed humanoid form, because his huge body must be cool to withstand Lei Jie, if his body becomes smaller, there may be a hint of vitality.

However, let the Purple King Demon unexpectedly, the moment the thunder robbed, the lord waved his hands, his vision changed suddenly, and then he appeared in this void.


Jun Chang, who was sitting next to the pan, smiled and blew blood, and said pale: "This ... this thunderstorm is really terrible!"

When life and death were in danger, he sacrificed the Soul Tower of Tianyuan and inspired the defense form.

The power of thunder from the upper world is very strong. If this thing can resist, it can only bet.

Not disappointed!

The defensively inspired Tianyuan Soul Tower successfully resists the punishment of thunder punishment!


Suddenly, the violent thunder system attributes emerged, and soon, the whole space was flooded.

"this is……"

The Purple King Demon King was shocked: "The power of thunder and punishment just blasted down!"


Erya appeared in front of Jun Changxiao out of nowhere, and muttered, "The attacking force was very strong. I only took half of it, and the other half wasted."

Tianyuan Soul Tower has two defense systems, one is to capture energy into the interior, and the other is pure hard resistance.

The power of thunder and punishment is very explosive, and Erya can only devour half of her power at the moment it touches, and then go to the other half of the hard pit, otherwise Jun Changxiao would have been cold for a long time.

"It's fine if people are okay, and just fine if people are okay."

Jungou is content now, because nothing matters!

"the host."

Erya took out a small leather whip and said with a smile: "I will take good care of these ingested lightning properties!"

"Uh-huh." Jun Chang smiled.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Erya waved the **** little leather whip, and fought wildly in the space. The thunderbolt attribute was suddenly drawn into a personal form, and then shivered in the corner.

"This ..." The Purple King Demon stared.

Isn't the attribute energy invisible? ~ How can it be drawn by the whip, and how can it still make the sound of whipping!

"the host!"

Erya glanced at the Purple King Demon King in red underwear, and scorned: "Does this guy need training?"

"Little girl!"

The owner of Zitang chuckled coldly: "Speak for the king!"

"Hmm! Hmm!"

As soon as the words fell, a string of red ropes flew out of the void, instantly binding him with flowers, and then hanging in midair.


Erya came with a whip and said coldly, "My place, don't be arrogant."


ps, 5600+ word chapter, more tens of thousands of words, thanks to [Wang Weilun] [Xi Weixin now appears] reward. Recommended tickets and monthly tickets on Monday!

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