The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 924: New inmate

My name is Dai Lu, and I'm in the gate of Zongmen who has been hated from the beginning of my appearance. I'm still surrounded by a group of disciples as monkeys. Now I'm panicked. What can I do, wait online, I'm in a hurry!

Li Fei stepped on a happy football and laughed: "Sect master, is this a new teacher?"

Can be brought back by the suzerain personally, must have the true skill, must be resistant to kicking.

"A bit familiar."

"It seems to have been seen somewhere!"

"I feel it too!"

Long Ziyang and Yang Yuhua talked about it.

Although Dai Lu's injury was very serious, she still had thought and could hear everyone talking. She almost couldn't hold back a spurt of blood.

Anyway, I was also a disciple of the Holy Spring Sect, who had fought against the night stars in your gate. Isn't there such a sense of existence?

"Master, is he a Buddhist?" Liu Wanshi asked.

The little girl had this judgment, which originated from Dai Lu's prairie green hair was sucked away by the vacuum cleaner.

If a workman wants to be good, he must first sharpen his head.

Now the green turban brother has become a bald brother.

If I joined Wanguzong as a disciple and benefited from various martial arts facilities, I would really become bald and stronger.

Li Qingyang said: "Sovereign, he was very injured. Would you like to treat him first?"

"No need to."

Jun Chang smiled and thought for a while, and said, "Just put in jail first."

Although Dai Li was forcibly brought back, if it was not willing to join the Vanguard, he would certainly not be forced.

In some things, Jungou remains very principled and very particular.


"Crazy wolf is an attitude, mad wolf is not bound, mad wolf mad wolf ..." In the cell, Zhao Doudou hummed at leisure.

As the number one prisoner of eternal war against iron, although rarely went out, I can hear the dynamic rhythm from Yanwuchang every day, and I learned it over time.

After being held for so long, all that can be used to relieve boredom is singing.


Suddenly, the prison door opened.

Zhao Doudou hurriedly closed his mouth and narrowed himself in the corner.

Now it's not a meal. Since the door is opened, there is only one possibility ... a new prisoner is coming!

as expected!

Xiao Guiji grabbed Dai Lu and walked over, placed it on a board bed, and turned away.

Zhao Doudou didn't lean on the first time, but still narrowly guarded in the corner, secretly said: "Can be locked in the eternal ancestors, must be an incredible figure!"

Although this buddy is normal, the inmate is either the demon king or the half-sacred. The last time is the beautiful Jiudu Palace Lord.

After being released from prison, I can definitely blow up most of my life.

After a few minutes.

Zhao Doudou found that the guy was lying down all the time, and it seemed that the injury was not serious from the breathing frequency. So he leaned over and determined that he was really injured. He sat down and dared to sit on the plank bed and said, "Friend, how come in?"

"..." Dai Li said nothing.

He is now seriously injured and all his meridians are damaged.

This is not important. What's important is that no matter how you drive with your mind, you can't stimulate the power of devour, and the guy who claims to be a soul disappears.


All gone.

Dai Li's tears lying on the bed couldn't stop flowing.

Over the years, hatred has been the driving force behind him, and the force of devouring has been the foundation for him to become infinitely stronger. Now that he has lost it, he will not be beaten back to his original shape!


Dalu growled in his heart, "Why are you doing this to me!"

"Why are you crying?" Zhao Doudou shook his head and comforted: "Friends, it is normal for people to rise and fall in their entire lives. Since they have become prisoners, all they can do is treat them with their normal heart. Look at me, I was locked up for a few years , Not yet happy to live. "


"Sing to me, the wolf is an attitude, the wolf is ups and downs!"


Dayul secretly said, "Is this guy neurotic?"


The first prisoner, Zhao Doudou, finally welcomed a new inmate since the Lord of the Nine Poison Palace, but he can also see that the other party seems a bit pessimistic, so in order not to make him heartbroken, he arrogantly gave up and sat down next to the chicken soup. .

"I had the idea of ​​being dead when I was first brought in, but then I figured out that if a person dies, there is nothing left? So live, even without dignity!"

"How can a man become a real man without smooth sailing in his life and without experiencing strong winds and waves?"

"Withering a flower will not desolate the entire spring, nor will a setback desolate the entire life. When you fall to the bottom of the valley, don't despair, look up, you will see a brilliant starry sky!"


With the consolation of the soul chicken soup, Dai Li's injury is getting better every day. If there is a brick next to it, he will definitely pick it up and let him close his noisy mouth.


Inside the study.

Jun Changxiao blended into the Tianyuan Soul Tower.

"the host."

Erya, who was holding a small leather whip to thunder and thunder, stopped and smiled, "Why are you here?"

"I'll send you prisoners."

Jun Chang laughed and said, taking out the vacuum cleaner.


Erya's eyes lit up instantly.

"call out!"

The dust collector was turned on, and a group of green attributes was like a devil who had been sealed for a long time. He ran away madly, and as a result hit the space barrier and was bounced back.


Erya was quite surprised: "It's so irritable."

"Can it be purified?" Jun Chang laughed.


Erya drew her whip fiercely on the green attributes, making the other person instantly human-shaped, and she smiled grinningly, "As long as I am included in the Tianyuan Soul Tower, I ca n’t be purified by my Erya ...

"the host!"

She stared with big eyes and said, "This guy is not an energy attribute, but a thinking creature!"

"Good." Jun Chang laughed.


Erya was surprised: "It's the first time I've seen a living body with similar attributes!"

"But ... hate ..." The soul turned into a human form, covering his beaten arm, and said angrily, "Jun always laughs, you better hurry up and let your lord, otherwise ..."

"Hmm! Hmm!"

After finishing the words, a red rope suddenly came over, first from the ankle to the legs, until the body was restrained, and then hung in the shape of 'u'.

Erya came over and said, "My territory, don't be arrogant."

Having said that, the **** little leather whip is about to be madly beaten, but Jun Chang laughed and stopped first, saying, "If you answer some questions in cooperation, this seat can consider letting you go."


The soul smiled coldly: "My lord knows nothing!"

Want a cliché? does not exist!

"Enough guys."

Jun Chang smiled and gave Erya a wink and said, "Take care of yourself."

"Yes Master!"

Erya couldn't wait any longer, her face turned into a devil, and then she raised her leather whip and started to whipped wildly.

"Say it!"


"Say it!"


"Ahhhhhh ..."

Under the whiplash, the soul sent out a heartbreaking roar.

Hiding in the corner of the human form of thunder and punishment ~ ~ are all scared and trembling, they have a profound experience of this whipped taste.

The scourge of the soul contains the function of whipping the soul deep, so no matter whether it is a creature or an attribute, it cannot be carried at all.

"Not to say yet?"

Erya took out the lighted candle in her hand, and then walked directly.


"Ah ah ah ————————”

"Say it!"

"Ah ---"

"Say no ..."

The tortured soul finally couldn't hold it, and the stern look growled: "He didn't ask, what did I say !!!"


Erya took the candle back and said, "Master, you don't seem to have asked yet."

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