The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 932: It's him! It's him!

Chapter 933: It's Him! It's him!

The opportunity to seal the battlefield in the plane, belonging to the equipment and treasure category, will convey a memory that teaches the winner how to use it and what effect it has.

Jun Chang laughed and took control of the Tonggu warship. He also obtained the memory. It was learned that this thing was not used to cross the sea, but to fly.

It's not a spaceship, how can it fly!

"The Gao Wu world is full of wonders." The system said: "The host should treat it with ordinary heart."

"So too."

Jun Chang laughed a few more laps inside, and after confirming that there was no chance, he took away the stone platform that seemed to be stacked with a special mineral.

If it weren't for the eight big pillars, it would still need to be used for support. With this goose's character of plucking, it might be taken away.

The chance in the stone room was taken away, Jun Changxiao left without leaving, and the soul form played the small ancient warship in the space ring.

From the shape point of view, this object is similar to the ancient sailing ship, all composed of wooden structures, and has two masts, one main and one pair, with different sizes of canopy sails, and awnings for contraction.

As for the structure in the cab, there is a very inconspicuous matrix-like method.

Jun Chang smiled and wondered: "Must it be driven by the matrix method?"

In this case, it makes sense.

Without the blessing of the Gao Wu World Array, it is difficult to believe that a sailing boat similar to an ordinary plane can fly up and down in the sky.

For example, in the various guns brushed out from the mall, in a starburst continent where any warrior can grab bullets with his bare hands, if the magic is not changed, using crystal nuclei as bullets will hardly pose a threat.




Over the swamp, streamers exploded from a distance, about twenty in number, of which fifteen were strong and five were strong!

These people are from the Dhara mainland.

After learning that He Lao was killed, his chance might be robbed, and he hurried over.

As the second echelon plane, although the overall strength is not as good as the nine-day mainland, the battlefield on the plane is also stunned.

Not long after.

The crowd stopped in the area where the flames had just burned, and saw the old corpse lying on the swamp, their eyes suddenly became angry.

"If you kill my Dala mainland, even the King of Heaven, I must die today!" The old man said coldly.

"Old Cui."

A person beside him solemnly said, "People who dare to kill us on the battlefield of the plane, I am afraid that only the first echelon plane can do it."

Everyone's face changed slightly.

If it was really the first echelon to kill, it would be a little tricky.

Lao Cui, who had just put down his ruthless words, twitched his mouth slightly and said, "Even the first echelon, we must discuss it!"

Although the voice was as angry as ever, it was a little irritating to hear from words.

For the second echelon plane like Dhara mainland, bullying the third echelon plane or lower is definitely no problem. It will be incapable of facing the first echelon plane.


A middle-aged man sneered: "The first echelon is nothing great. For example, the nine-day continent was not planted in the hands of a newly promoted man."

"Elder Song is talking about the starfall continent?"


"The old man in this plane has also heard of it. Don't look at the low level, but there are many strong people. The compassion and anger of Jiutian continent and the Jiuxing old men have been captured.

"The stronghold of the esteemed continent is the ancestral ancestor named Wan Changxiao, who is only in his early twenties."

"It's strange to say, there is no time for the noodle to enter the field. How did this noodle come up, and I heard that there are not many people, about one or twenty."

"The Nine Heavens mainland is also the first echelon plane. It was so embarrassed by a newly promoted plane. From an old man's point of view, we can completely replace the Dhara mainland."

The chef who does not want to be a general is not a good tailor. As the second echelon plane, he naturally hopes to become the first echelon.

"Old Li."

Cui Laodao: "Have you ever been to a previous opportunity, and you can see the star warrior?"


Lao Dao, who was always silent, had a look of fear in his eyes.

Of the 20 people, only he has experienced the pictures of starburst continent warriors' brutal killings. Although many days have passed, they always shudder when they think of it.

Thanks to the bad situation at the time, I quit early, or I'm dead.

This kind of strong man placed on the starry continent is comparable to Wu Sheng, and was often scared by Jun Chang with a smile and a hard-to-find sword.

Cui Laodao: "In a short period of time, tens of thousands of people were killed, and they were punished by the upper bound with thunder punishment. This starburst continent is by no means easy. I don't take it lightly."

Elder Song, who was still a little bit nervous, closed his mouth.

Niubi can be blown casually, but the star-studded continent called Jun Changxiao, holding a big sword and madly killing, is absolutely capable and must be paid attention to.

"Fortunately, we did not provoke this plane."

"The nine-day continent has suffered a great loss, but has never acted. Maybe I also realize that this star-falling continent is not easy."

"I said, the first echelon couldn't be so persuaded. It turned out to be bad."

"call out!"

Just as everyone was talking, a streamer flew out very fast.


Jun Chang smiled and stopped in the air, and when he saw a group of people outside, he smiled and said, "Are you going to get revenge?"

Dhara mainland warriors also found him.

"Old Cui!"

Elder Song angered: "From the costume and age, this son must be the one who killed the old man!"

"Are you always talking about He?" Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the corpse below, and said, "If yes, that's right, this one killed."

As soon as this statement was made, the warriors of the Dhara mainland were furious.

This kind of killing, but also arrogantly admitted, did not put everyone in sight!

The strong man named Li Lao wrinkled his brows and secretly said, "The sound is a little familiar, could it be ..."

"This seat is in a hurry."

Jun Chang smiled, took out his mask, and chicly put it on his face, and said, "If you want to fight, then kill it quickly."

Last time, many people were killed for the chance, but it was nothing more than a hard knife.

Today, since there are so many strong men in Xuandi, naturally I also want to take a look at it. Can I compete with them with all kinds of equipment found from the battlefield?

"Yes ... it's him! It's him!"

Li, still thinking, saw the mask already imprinted on his heart, his expression changed suddenly, his whole body suddenly shook violently.

Cui Lao and others looked blank.


You say it!

Li Lao was so scared that he couldn't float in mid-air. The fear that appeared in his eyes was extremely strong, and he said intermittently: "The star ... the starfall continent ... Jun Chang laughs!"


The warriors of the Dhara mainland had their eyes widened.

The guy who was talking about just appeared in front of him, and ... was still the murderer who killed He Lao!


Jun Chang smiled and locked his eyes on Lao Li, and laughed: "Remember, you are the warrior who pulled out in the opposite direction when a group of people killed him."


Lee Laotun looked ugly.

At that time, he killed more than a dozen strong local characters, but smelled the danger in advance, so he hurriedly withdrew, so he was spared!

"I passed this place by accident, and the guy attacked first, and then countered it."

"It's reasonable for you and him ~ ~ to seek revenge." Jun Chang laughed and called out all his chance equipment, holding the black dragon kill gun, and said: "Then I will fight with you today One game. "


The strong men of Dhara mainland were dumbfounded.

At first glance, this guy's equipment is the level of the ground character!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Mr. Cui hurriedly arched, "We happened to be passing by too, and we didn't plan to fight, leave!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the twenty powerful men of the Dhara mainland who were on the verge of thunder swept away with lightning.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Are they so afraid of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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