The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 939: If I do n’t talk to you, how can I stand up to the heavens and the earth?

Chapter 940 If You Don't Hit You, How Can You Deal With The Heaven and Earth?

Yuan Gongzi, who suddenly appeared, always emphasized that he was a friend with Jun Changxiao, the purpose was to make him stand in opposition to Mingmen Zhengzheng.

Works well.

The gangsters have questioned.

Yuan Changzi's intentions can be seen naturally when he smiles, so he is very angry now.

I really do n’t want to participate in the affairs between Modimen and Mingmenzheng, but this act of forcing people into the water is really annoying!

Yuan Gongzi apparently did not realize that his careful thinking had offended Jun Chang and laughed: "The words that the monarch had said, Yuan always remembered in his heart."

"is it?"

Jun Chang smiled gloomily.

In Zizhulin that year, because there were hidden masters in the dark, he forced and did not shoot. Today, although there are four martial arts sacrifices, the idea of ​​trying to abuse the opponent is getting stronger!

Mainly that's too embarrassing.

"Yuan Gongzi."

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said: "This seat is only for soy sauce. You have to pull me into the water. Well, we are the enemy from now on."


Ao Huanyu and others sneered.

In their opinion, Jun Changxiao is likely to have been linked to Mo Emperor Sect, and every expression he says is now acting!

"Monarch Sovereign."

Yuan Gongzi said earnestly: "Since we cannot be friends, we cannot be enemies."

"Then you **** **** me dry hair!"


Suddenly, there was a sudden heavy trend in the sky, and the power of a dragon was gathered, and then it was pressed down sharply towards the father-in-law.

The dragon elephant-like princess spreads out, and dozens of dragon elephants can shine, which instantly makes the world lose color!

Everyone's face is all changed!

This kind of desolate momentum from the endless starry sky, they have never seen it!


A Wu Sheng standing in front of Yuan Gongzi waved coldly, and the mighty magical gas whistled out, and gathered in the sky to form a fist rising into the sky, and blasted towards the force of the downed dragon.


The strength of the martial arts level of the demon repairing the strong, ruthlessly tears the space, the maddening evil spirit is filled with madness, which makes all the martial arts horrified.

"Boom ——————"

At this moment, the sound of booming noises came from the ears, only to see the shot of the martial arts level magic repair, like a cannonball crashing down the mountain.

The whole process took place between the electric light and flint. The other three martial saints hadn't recovered yet. They only felt the pressure of the sky demon, forcing them to retreat subconsciously in different directions.

In this way, Yuan Gongzi lost his protection and could only watch the power of the dragon elephant down, and finally panicked: "No ..."


The force of terror pressed **** the top of Yinghui Mountain, the whole mountain was shaking violently, and it showed different degrees of rupture.

The martial arts soldiers in them gradually stabilized their bodies, the expression on their faces changed, and exclaimed in their hearts: "What martial art is this, the power is so terrible!"

Too late to consider, looked up one after another.

At a higher level, a purple-haired man proudly hovering, wearing only red underwear.

That's right.

It is the Purple King Demon King.

When Jun Chang laughed and shot, he had already arrived, and after getting the order, he quickly burst out of clothing and forced the four martial arts champions who were obstructing the power of the dragon elephant to retreat.

The big brothers in each case are collectively compared!

This purple-haired man's breath is even stranger than the four magical repairs just now, and when he appears, he will shock the other party. The strength is definitely extraordinary!

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The three Wu Sheng Mo Xiu held their bodies firmly, and there was also a deep dread in the eyes of the King of the Purple Hairpin Demon.

As for the Wu Sheng who wanted to crack the dragon-like palm of his hand and was shot down with one palm, his whole body was lying in a deep pit like a scatter.

The strong characters on the battlefield of the plane can not withstand the attack of the King of the Purple Witch, let alone him.

have to say.

The monarch is very prescient.

Seeing Yuan Gongzi appearing with four powerful thugs, he realized that there would be a change, so he contacted the Zongmen strong men in advance, otherwise this force could not be installed smoothly.


Going to the edge of the deep pit suppressed by the power of the dragon elephant, Jun Chang Xiao Ling can turn into a big hand and grab Yuan Gongzi lying in it, and then pull him in front of him.

"Vice host!"

The three martial saints are about to rush through.

The Purple King Demon King fell down, blocking their inevitable path, saying, "Whoever moves, who will die."

The simple five words will fully express the arrogance, arrogance, and domineering performance. It is indeed the Dao Huan from the upper world, and it is indeed the master of all ages!

Although the three martial saints wanted to rescue the deputy keeper, but felt the release of the qi demon king from his body and exhaled stronger qi than his own magic qi, he could only stand in a difficult place.


Jun Chang laughed and bound Yuan Gongzi with his psionic hands, and said with a cold voice: "In the purple bamboo forest, you challenged the bottom line of this seat. I read it when you first met, and did not share your general knowledge. I never wanted to see you now, but instead It ’s getting worse. Why can't I treat the heavens and the earth if I don't talk to you? "


Yuan Gongzi spit out blood, his face paled to the extreme.

In order to reach the peak of the Emperor Wuhuang, Xiu Solitaire like a palm like a palm, has long been bruised.

This is Jun Changxiao's mercy, otherwise, the power of the dragon elephant can be fully opened, ten Yuangongzi are not enough to die.

of course.

From the look of Yuan Gongzi's wolf howling now, he is indeed a male.

This is probably one of the reasons why Jun Chang laughed. After all, how could there be a handsomer person in this world than himself.

Seeing that Yuan Gongzi, the self-proclaimed deputy master of the Emperor's Gate, was severely injured by a move, the ancestors of the ancestors muttered in his heart. Isn't the ancestral suzerainty and him together? We misunderstood?

"That's all for this seat!"

At this moment, Jun Chang smiled and turned his head, looked at the martial arts soldiers present, and was so angry: "Things between you, I Wanzong have no interest in participating!"

This sentence contains the power of Kendo, Martial Art, and the Five Elements, which directly penetrates the hearts of everyone, making them shudder.

"The monarch is so terrible!" Looking at the back of Jun Chang smiling and angrily, Qi Jingxuan looked a little surprised in his eyes, but also secretly said: "But ... very powerful!"

In a word, it deterred everyone present, it was indeed very mighty!


Jun Chang laughed and dropped Yuan Gongzi on the ground, then sat on the boulder, and said lightly: "This seat is to see the lively, please continue."

The deputy master of the Demon Emperor's Gate, despite his gas, has more to say to the doormen, and he has nothing to do with him.

Now the state is also expressed.

Naturally, you can continue to be a melon-eating mass.

"Vice host!"

Three martial arts swiftly flew over, one of them held Yuan Gongzi up, then looked at each other, and flew towards the distance very tacitly.

They came softly and walked softly, only taking the wounded.

As for Wu Sheng who was blasted at the foot of the mountain, it has disappeared, leaving only a deep pit and a '卍' shape.

After the Devil's Gate strongman left, the magical energy gathered at the top of the mountain gradually dissipated.

The big brothers in each case were relieved.

According to the normal plot, Yuan Gongzi brought four Wu Sheng here to kill him, and he would definitely give classes to Mingmen.

As a result, Jun Chang, who was neutral, had to be laughed, not only beaten, but also lay lying on the ground and couldn't stand up, so the drama couldn't be performed, so he had to end it in a hurry.

A typical non-routine card.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

The kind-hearted old man arched his hand and said, "Thanks a lot!"

Many ancestors also saluted, grateful grateful.

Although some top masters also sent a lot of masters, but compared with the four martial arts saints are far worse, if the other party really started, the consequences will inevitably be unimaginable.

"Is this gone?"

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and said, "I thought he would teach this group of famous people who are honest and honest."


The gangsters of each door twitched.

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "We have seen the scenery, so let's go back first."


Xi Jingxuan nodded.

Jun Chang laughed and led the people of Miaohua Palace down Yinghui Mountain.

The purple prince demon king who always hovered in the air glanced coldly at the top of the mountain, and said coldly: "Trash."

He had resentment with these decent sects. After all, he was sealed by the top Zongmen Wusheng. If it were not for the suzerain, he would definitely not help him resolve the crisis.

"Monarch Sovereign."

After walking down the mountain, Qi Jingxuan puzzled: "Why don't you kill the deputy master of the Emperor's Gate and kill the continent?"

Just now, Yuan Gongzi was seriously injured, and even a warrior could easily wipe it out.

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile, and said, "He is targeting the renminbi decent, but not against my eternal religion. Naturally, there is no need to kill."

Xuan Jingxuan said, "Does the monarch want to see the Emperor Gate and the major gates fighting?"

"Good." Jun Chang smiled calmly.

The elder Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue who followed followed heard a frown, and frowned slightly.

Van Gogh was not involved, they understand.

But the magic gate endangered the mainland and endangered the soul, but it was a bit too much to watch the liveliness with the mentality of watching the fire from the other side.

The two of them have such an idea, which originated from the self-deserved denomination, with a sense of justice in their bones.

sense of justice.

Jun often laughs too.

However, I don't like both the Emperor's Gate and Mingmen's Decent, and naturally don't care.

Xi Jingxuan said: "Whether fighting between the two parties is good for the monarch?"


Jun Chang laughs just to see the excitement. As for sitting in the mountains and watching tigers, there is no benefit to sitting on the fishermen.

This is a qualified person who eats melon.

Xi Jingxuan said: "The monarch is different from others."

"You are not the same." Jungou laughed.

Qi Jingxuan looked stunned.

Jun Chang laughed and said: "The appearance of the Lord of the Palace is very weak, but he can become the master of the Palace of Miaohua and is also called a strange woman. It is certainly not a general generation.

"I just happened to take over a fourth-rate sect, which looks like a monarch, and has developed the Jiu Liu Tie Gu faction to the current fourth-class ancestor." Qi Jingxuan laughed.

The system couldn't help but uttered: "Commercial blows, is it interesting?"

"Master of the palace."

Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand and said, "Zongmen still has something to do, and Junmou will leave first."


As soon as Jun Jingxuan finished talking about the brush, Jun Chang laughed and flew away, leaving only the beauties looking rather disappointed.



In the dark and humid cave, the firewood rose, not only dissipating the cold air, but also gradually smelling the barbecue.

"Sister Xia."

Su Xiaomo passed the roasted pheasant ~ ~ and said: "If you eat a full stomach, the injury will be better and faster."

Xia Shuiyun, who was sitting in a pan, opened her eyes, took the roast chicken lightly, and turned around to eat.

"Sister Xia, you eat first."

Su Xiaomo stood up and said, "I'll get you some spring water."

"and many more."

Xia Shuiyun turned his back to him and said, "You are also hurt badly. Why don't you recuperate?"

"Everyone cares for the injury, who will protect Sister Xia." Su Xiaomo said with a smile, and then left the cave to look for water.


Xia Shuiyun fell into silence.

Thinking of a few days ago, the masked black man suddenly attacked. He blocked himself with a picture of his back, and the ice covering the heart was slowly melting.

(End of this chapter)

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