The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 948: Van Gogh VS Demon Gate

Outside the Emperor's door.

The field artillery was erected on a high point, and the muzzle of the muzzle filled.

The shells bombarded the area, and a streamlined streamer enchantment gradually emerged, representing the existence of a guardian formation in the Demon Gate.

This situation is very normal, who has no protection measures.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "One more shot."

I have been fighting with the Emperor's Gate many times, and they are still old friends. Since I came from a long distance today, I would definitely lose my way if I gave a copy of the ceremony.

"Uh ---"

The deafening noise came again!

Carrying powerful cannonballs, once again slammed heavily on the Huzong array, and immediately rolled up the overwhelming billowing smoke.


Suddenly, a cracking sound came out.

It seems that the ancient formations that have existed for a long time finally failed to survive the bombardment of the cannonball and completely collapsed, and then turned into a ray of sky and died with the wind.


Xiao Xie was shocked: "Using six-pointed star stone as a shell, the power is much stronger than the crystal core!"

No wonder the two artillery fired out and the power formed was more horrifying than the formation of the Chihai Continental Array. The original energy was gathered from the spirit stones of the nine-day continent!

In order to leave a good impression on the Demon Gate, Jungou left this visit also counted as blood.

"call out!"

"call out!"

After the formation was broken, dozens of streamers flew out of it, and then hung in front of the mountain gate, glaring at each other.

These were the elders who had previously spoken to the hall.


Jun Chang laughed: "There are still a lot of experts in Guizong. It seems that there have been thousands of years of seclusion in the dark, and there is no low-key development."

From the inside, there are as many as half a saint and there are at least eight martial arts saints. The top first-class sects on the starfall continent may not be able to come up with this lineup.

If placed on the battlefield of the plane, it will look very ordinary.

Because many advanced continents can be taken out, and even several sets can be taken out.

If you have n’t gone to the battlefield of the plane, and you have n’t experienced the savage killing, seeing so many holy and martial saints, Jun Chang laughs may be flustered, but now it is enough to talk and laugh.

Too little, too little.

More points can make me boil!



Hundreds of Modimen disciples have emerged!

Judging from their breath, the lowest is also the level of Wu Wang, and there are dozens of Wu Huang.

Li Qingyang and others still do not change their face.

They also experienced the fighting on the battlefield of the plane, and they would not have any wave at all for this small scene.

But one thing cannot be denied.

With so many top and backbone powers, the Demon Gate is really powerful!

No wonder dare to be decent with Mingmen.

At this moment, the picture presented is dozens of people from Wanguzong headed by Jun Changxiao. In the face of Modimen's high-level officials and disciples, there are nearly a hundred people.

The battle is imminent!

"Jun always laughs!"

Standing at the forefront is Elder Jiang Lingshen, the Emperor's Gate, Shen said, "How did you find this place!"

This is the most inexplicable thing for him and the high-level officials. After all, Zongmen is hiding in the depths of the faint mountain range, and there is a matrix method for non-fixed transfer at a fixed time. There is no special method.

"It doesn't matter how this seat was found."

Jun Chang smiled and held his hand and said, "The important thing is that this visit to this door has only one purpose, that is ..." He paused and looked sternly: "Account!"



As soon as the voice fell, the space suddenly wavered!

The two elders of the Emperor's Gate at the level of Wusheng appeared out of thin air.

They are not decent, and there will be a lot of attention before the fight. They can solve the goal as soon as possible, and they will definitely shoot without hesitation!



Two explosions came, and the space was shaken!

Two suddenly attacked Wu Sheng blasted out, then hovered at the gate of the mountain rather embarrassedly, his eyes flickered.

Jun Chang laughed still standing chicly.

The Purple Demon King and the King Baiqiu standing beside them retracted their fists, and the whole body was filled with demon anger, which made the area not only ridiculous but also scary.


Jun Chang laughed, "It's another account."

Jiang Lingshen whispered: "Many people have killed me in the Emperor's Gate these years. The old man hasn't come to you to settle accounts forever."

Not bad.

They used to be against the ancient ancestors, but wasn't that stealing chickens and not losing rice?

For accounting purposes, the Emperor Gate can also list a bunch.



More and more disciples of the Emperor Gate emerged from the inner and outer courtyards, and the number gradually increased to one thousand or two thousand ...

Jun Changxiao didn't expect that there would be so many disciples in an organization that has been living in the dark for many years, and judging from their breath, not only are all the magic repairs, but also the lowest in terms of cultivation.


Jiang Lingshen looked coldly.

The people of Wan Guzong suddenly killed them and broke up the Hu Zong array, but anyone with a temper could not bear it.


It's required!



Suddenly, the top of the Emperor's Gate and his disciples rushed out, and the magic of the sky erupted, causing the space to start to violently distort.



As they acted, Lu Yan, Li Qingyang and others sacrificed weapons, their eyes flashed with intense warfare.

Although the battlefield on the plane is very enjoyable, after all, it is outside, and I dare not go too far. Now in my own home, there is no need to take care of it!

"嘭 ——————"

At this moment, the purple prince demon burst his clothes and pants, and Lulu rushed first, gathering purple energy between the big hands, and directly holding the five martial arts flying!

Take one enemy and five!

Definitely the daily operation of the owner of Zitang!

Although the strength of King Baiqiu is not as good as that of Ziyu Demon King ~ ~, he also dragged a martial saint, and the two sides fought fiercely in mid-air.



In a short period of time, the two sides fought dozens of moves, the energy was frantic, and the space collapsed on a large scale.

The Emperor's Gate feared that the fight would spread to the Zongmen, and the King of the Purple Falcon and Baiqiu feared that they would spread to Li Qingyang and others, so the two sides were tacit and farther apart.


At this moment, another martial arts stepped out of the void, and Chaojun often laughed and rushed over, apparently to have a thief to capture the king first.


Suddenly, there was a strange laugh behind him!

Ding Xingwang walked behind his back, and the five must-print palms started crazy!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The demon martial art sacred wolf turned around, and although he resolved the moves one by one, he was immediately entangled.

Eight Emperors of the Emperor's Gate were martial arts, seven were locked by the elders of Wanguzong, leaving only Jiang Lingshen.

"old man."

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, sacrificed Yulong and asked Tian Jian, "Let's fight."


Speeding through the air.

Jiang Lingshen sneered, catching up with magic.

However, a message was also transmitted to the disciples of Modimen, and all the disciples of Wanzong who existed outside Shanmen were resolved.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "These miscellaneous fishes are left to you."


Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others sacrificed various equipment, and then put on various postures of confrontation.

The camera is pulled far away, their bodies seem to be quickly blackened, their eyes gradually turn red, like the devil who unlocked the seal from hell!

Upon receiving the elder's order, the disciples of the Emperor's Gate were about to kill them out of anger, and saw the stunned eyes of the disciples of Wan Guzong, and they struck a spirit involuntarily.

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