The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 973: Welcome to the Battlefield of Planes

The door to the battlefield slowly opened.

The warriors of the entire starfall continent have witnessed it.

This day still comes.

The high priest outside the altar was pained.

The battlefield opened, on the behalf of the mainland, to send 2,000 strong men to enter. Although its name is to compete with other planes, it is ... to die.

Yuan Gongzi, who was in a forbidden area, was covering his face with a strange smile.

He has been waiting for this day, waiting for all the elite goalkeepers to be dispatched, and then start a good fight!



Streams of light flew from top to bottom and stopped in front of the newly opened bronze gate.

These dozens of people are getting old, and Shengwei broke out all over the body. Obviously, the realm is either half-sacred or martial arts!

Hancheng is here.

Mu Changhong is here.

Situ Haoyun was also there.



Nearly 2,000 imperial-level strong men from the south, the north and the north also flew up and hung under the holy-level strong.

The first entrants to the battlefield.

Six martial arts saints, fourteen and a half martial arts saints, and the rest are at the imperial rank.

Some come from the Da Zong Men, some come from the big family, and there are undisturbed retreats.

They gathered in front of the bronze gate, and although they did not deliberately release their breath, they also exuded a daunting momentum.


Li Qingyang stood in front of the hall, and looked up, "We have a lot of strong stars on the continent."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head with a smile: "At best, it is the ninth echelon, let alone face the Chihai continent. Even if you face the eighth echelon, you will be abused by others.


"My God, so many strong!"

"Flying in the sky must be all Emperor Wu!"

All the warriors in the star-studded continent are watching the mid-air, and they all pay homage to it.

Regarding the battlefield of the plane, after the announcement of Jun Changxiao, they have understood that these people are fighting for the mainland and deserve the supreme respect!


In a certain family, the young man who has just taken over the family looks at the sky and clenches his fists tightly, saying: "My son will definitely rejuvenate the Qin family, and you will not be disappointed!"


On the mountain peak, the man with the sword swears: "The disciples will certainly carry forward the ultimate swordsmanship!"

Such a similar situation is being staged in the whole continent. The younger generations who have been arranged by the older generations turn grief and indignation into strength, and swear that Guangzong Yaozu will continue to glory!

Inside the Miaohua Palace.

Qi Jingxuan entrusted her with retro glasses and prayed, "The elder should be in the first place, and I hope she can return safely."

A bitter smile appeared on the faces of Chang Sun Fanghua and Leng Xingyue.

Judging from the door of the transcendent majesty alone, the battlefield on the plane must be terrifying. The elders would go in and be able to come back alive ... only good wishes.


Under the bronze gate.

The nearest old man from Fengxiandao, said calmly: "This time entering the battlefield of the plane, no matter how dangerous, I must wait and do my best!"

The strong men from all walks took their eyes seriously.

During this time, they have been mentally prepared to enter the battlefield and expand their territory, even if the battle is dead!

The wind is cold and the water is cold, and the strong men will never return it!

"You all!"

Fengxian Tao bone old man waved his sleeves and said, "Go in!"


Just then, a voice came from behind him.

The powerhouses who were preparing to act turned around and looked.

Jun Chang smiled and hung in the distance, holding a loudspeaker loudly in his hand and said: "If you give money now, you only need 10,000 natural spirit stones. If you go in and give them, you will have 100,000 natural spirit stones. Don't come again! "

Han Chengzhu: "..."

Mu Changhong and Situ Haoyun twitched.

My monarch and lord, the big guy is preparing to give up his life. You don't encourage it, and dare to cheat money with impunity. Is this what people do?


A grumpy strongman angered, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"


The strong next to him whispered coldly: "If I didn't delay the time to enter the battlefield of the plane, the old man now wants to go to Guizong as a guest."

"The elder suzerain is too jerk!"

"Really treat a group of strong men as fools? They will give him ten thousand natural spirit stones for no reason!"

"Fuck! If I were better than him, I would definitely beat him hard!"

Warriors screamed from the cities.


Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand and said, "Here I sincerely wish you all the strong men to enter the battlefield to raise the star of our continent!"

If you don't talk about money first, this sentence will definitely win the favor of various powerful people, but now you feel that you are deliberately ridiculing yourself!

"Monarch Sovereign."

An elder of Haoguang Shengzong said coldly: "We are the first batch of entrants, and you are the second batch. I hope that no excuses will be made at that time, and no fear of death will come."

Jun Chang laughed: "The world rises and falls, the husband is responsible. If you can use Junmou, you must go to the sword and the sea of ​​fire, and never die!"


He paused and said, "There is no need to enter."

Everyone must not understand the last sentence, and the old man named Fengxiandao bone said: "Dear everyone, don't delay, go in."

After all, go to the bronze gate first, and then disappear into the whirlpool.

The strong ones did not hesitate to enter in order.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

When it was Mu Changhong's turn, he stopped in front of the gate and said sadly: "Honglian will take care of you!"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Mu City Lord, treasure!"


Entering the battlefield of the plane, there is no fart, you have to pretend to be a parting of life and death. This is too cheap, and I do n’t know if Mu Cheng will go to death after he enters to get the truth.



The mainland powerhouses have entered the gates of the battlefield one after another, and the younger generations can no longer restrain the emotions and kneel on the ground, roaring at the sky, and tears have covered their cheeks.

this day.

For the two thousand strong men above the imperial level, in order to survive in the world, they entered the battlefield of the plane, moved everyone, and were destined to be permanently recorded in history!

"Two thousand people ~ ~ One hundred thousand, two thousand times one hundred thousand equals ..." Jun Chang smiled back to Zongmen, stood in front of the battlefield portal, breathing slightly quickly: "I am this Gotta post! "


Star meteor continent stronghold, empty space below the mountain, the space suddenly twisted, and then gradually gathered into a vortex.


Slightly, an old man with Fengxiandao bone came out of it.

He stepped on the bluestone slab, and after getting used to everything, his fingers trembled violently: "Here is the war on the plane ..."

The sound came to a halt.

Because he saw the broad road, the buildings, and the neatly arranged disciples in front of him! !! !!

"Welcome, welcome! A warm welcome!" Li Qingyang and others shouted with their hands on their backs.

Although the Fengxiandao bone old man has reached the level of Wu Sheng, at this moment he almost squatted on the ground, thinking with his mind that he was not the first to come in? How did the disciples of Wanguzong enter the battlefield of the plane first?



More warriors came in from the gate of the battlefield!

Before they could feel the killing spirit of the battlefield on the plane, they heard the welcome, without exception, on the spot.

The most wonderful expressions on his face are Mu Changhong and Situ Haoyun. After all, they know very much about Wan Gu Zong, and at first glance they recognized that they were all core disciples!

And Holling.

And Chu Xiunan!

and many more!

Mu Changhong suddenly saw Mu Honglian in the crowd, and then rubbed her eyes subconsciously, making it difficult for her to say: "Don't ... dream?"


At this moment, Xiao Sin took a step forward and arranged the chair. Jun Chang laughed and sat down, raised Erlang's legs, and rested his hands on it. When I go to the stronghold of the starfall continent, I am the first ruler of the stronghold who always laughs. "

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